Pills are more dangerous than guns? Removed article from Forbes

  • Thread starter Drevenger
Heres an article that was remove from Forbes that might shed light on recent case of violence.

Original (removed) link. http://www.forbes.com/sites/lawrenc...the-common-denominator-in-murderous-violence/

Here is a cache version still working
"There is a large body of scientific research establishing a connection between violence and suicide and the use of psychotropic drugs in some cases. This research, which has been published in peer reviewed publications such as the American Journal of Psychiatry, The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and The Journal of Forensic Science, has shown, among other things, that: certain drugs can induce mania (a psychosis which can produce bizarre, grandiose and highly elaborated destructive plans, including mass murder);. . .and certain drugs can produce an acute psychotic reaction in an individual not previously psychotic.

As psychiatrist Peter Breggin observes in the video:

“One of the things in the past that we’ve known about depression is that it very, very rarely leads to violence. It’s only been since the advent of these new SSRI drugs that we’ve had murderers even mass murders taking these antidepressant drugs.”

Here is a link to 4800 cases

Here, in case the the cache version is shut down, you'll see it did exist.

2010 study confirm. Prescription Drugs Associated with Reports of Violence Towards Others.

Medical use of SSRI drugs.
From Wiki.
"The main indication for SSRIs is clinical depression. SSRIs are frequently prescribed for anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety, panic disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, chronic pain and occasionally, for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They are also frequently used to treat depersonalization disorder, although generally with poor results."

I'm aware many folks are on these drugs and works properly. The thing you need to consider in this case is even if the violent behavior side effect is only 0.01%, based on all prescriptions , its a huge numbers of potential violent behaviors we got here. Even if the side effect is documented...

But quiet, big pharma are on a mother lode.
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I still don't agree with the idea of "IT COULD HAPPEN" though. We shouldn't punish people until they break the law. If a gun dealer doesn't want to sell to people who are on these, that's their right as a business owner. But the law shouldn't remove those peoples' rights.
^Remove people ?
Its not the people fault, beside thinking a pill could save you from anything, its the big pharma and doctors fault for putting their head into the sand over this important issue.

If you think surgeons or doctors choose there profession to save lives :lol: :lol:
There is just a handful of Jack Sheppard out there.
If you think surgeons or doctors choose there profession to save lives :lol: :lol:

Last time I heard, being a surgeon or a doctor is an incredibly tough and stressful job, let alone the years of training required (a quick shows me 12 years), so other than an interest in doctoring, there isn't much to go for.
Last time I heard, being a surgeon or a doctor is an incredibly tough and stressful job, let alone the years of training required (a quick shows me 12 years), so other than an interest in doctoring, there isn't much to go for.

Well, surgeon was maybe a bad example but doctors and psychologists, in general, too often choose the easy way out giving prescriptions with litle to no regards on possible side effects.

There is one thing that rule the world, one thing only. C.R.E.A.M. Cash Rule Everything Around Me. dollard dollard bill y'all :lol:
$$$'$$$. > interest in doctoring

And like I said, i'm not putting everyone in the same boat. I know theres still a "few good men" out there.