Pininfarina Teases Fittipaldi EF7 Vision GT Before Geneva Motor Show


The front gives off Zenvo ST1 vibe, the side has a bit of Noble M600 and the whole thing feels like a Koenigsegg. Me likey.

BTW, holy cow, been gone for a few hours and this thread has gone through some pretty fantastic verbal fisticuffs, eh?

Dang it. I missed it all. Curse you, different time zones!!!!
Awww now it looks like a generic hypercar profile. Still waiting to see the whole thing though.
Another issue I have with the Chaparral is how it looks like the only way a driver could fit is is you chopped their legs off.

Good thing they don't simulate wrecks and safety extraction from said wreck...:nervous::scared:

When I want to use the Chaparral I position myself that way in front of the TV by laying on a pillow across my Ikea Lack coffee table, purely for the sim value. 💡 :lol:

I'm not kidding either. :dopey:
If you have something to say on a matter, say it.

So, I should probably say what I want to say, then. I don't usually 'argue' with people due to being unintelligent me being pretty bad at it, but here you go.

Personally, I don't mind the VGT's. Some of the cars do look relatively tame (i.e. Lexus LF-LC), whereas on the complete flipside, you have stuff like the Chaparral and the Tomahawk X. Looking at those, I totally get that people would be annoyed that these incredibly unrealistic cars (the Tomahawk X in particular) are a part of a racing simulator.

What I don't get, is that there are other games out there that do not use real cars in some aspects, yet no one bats an eyelid; but whenever GT announce a new VGT, for lack of a better analogy, salt is everywhere.

Take Forza 6, for instance. Last year, it included the Chryslus Rocket, which is from Fallout; so, obviously, not real. It's also powered by nuclear energy. Incredibly unrealistic to produce in this day and age. And yet, when it was announced, there was a pretty large amount of people that either praised the car, or thought it was cool to bring in a car from a different franchise.

The original Project Cars did this to an extent, with cars like the LMP1's not having a real counterpart. Yet, that'll get a free pass due to the cars being realistic, of course, when you compare their LMPs to some of the more ridiculous VGTs that have been created, it looks like a little bit of a joke, but when you compare them to some of the more realistic VGTs, like, I don't know, the LM55, the only thing that the PC LMPs have over it is that it adheres to regulations. Considering a model of the LM55 exists, you could even argue that it's "more real" then the LMPs in Project Cars.

On the flip side, let's go to whenever a new VGT is announced for Gran Turismo. Masses of people are annoyed at the fact that "PD are wasting time modelling fake cars and not including real ones"; the E30 M3 and the Mark IV Supra tend to come up a lot. I'm not sure if I'm talking rubbish here, but I'm pretty sure that PD are only responsible for adding the car and its specs into the game, meaning it really wouldn't take that long at all to add a VGT compared to an actual car, where you would have to scan the car, record the sounds, add it to the game engine, add the specs, and make sure that it drives somewhat like the real thing.

Arguing against some people that are vehemently against VGTs is hard, like I said earlier. I mean, you could have one guy say that the car isn't that bad, but on the other hand, you have someone saying that it isn't (insert name of car not in GT series), making the car a waste of time and resources. There are people that think it's dumb that people could like them...yet don't even associate themselves with the series anymore. I'm not saying that people aren't entitled to an opinion, but...don't drive them? If the sheer existence of the car is enough for you to come back to the forum and complain, then I don't know.

The only thing that I'd say is that I'm worried about is that the VGTs will take up a large amount of the car list (like...20% now?), but who's to say that the game won't get any kind of DLC in the future? Despite Kaz being pretty unreliable, he did say that he'd get over 400 cars into GT Sport. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to add another 100 VGTs into the game.

Anyway...that's all I have to say, I guess.

Yeah...I guess I'm ready to be roasted for all of this.
What I don't get, is that there are other games out there that do not use real cars in some aspects, yet no one bats an eyelid; but whenever GT announce a new VGT, for lack of a better analogy, salt is everywhere.

Take Forza 6, for instance. Last year, it included the Chryslus Rocket, which is from Fallout; so, obviously, not real. It's also powered by nuclear energy. Incredibly unrealistic to produce in this day and age. And yet, when it was announced, there was a pretty large amount of people that either praised the car, or thought it was cool to bring in a car from a different franchise.
I don't really remember that being the case. Over here the backlash was a lot calmer, but on the official forums, it was a mess. There where people complaining exactly the same way, that they should have spent time on something better, and real.

The original Project Cars did this to an extent, with cars like the LMP1's not having a real counterpart. Yet, that'll get a free pass due to the cars being realistic, of course, when you compare their LMPs to some of the more ridiculous VGTs that have been created, it looks like a little bit of a joke, but when you compare them to some of the more realistic VGTs, like, I don't know, the LM55, the only thing that the PC LMPs have over it is that it adheres to regulations. Considering a model of the LM55 exists, you could even argue that it's "more real" then the LMPs in Project Cars.
Yeah, but from what I gather, most of the complaints are about those that are literally impossible in the real world, not the ones grounded in reality. Pcars making up their own race cars is no where near the same issue here. Either way, GTS is already doing that with cars like the Alfa, and the Corvette, aren't they?

On the flip side, let's go to whenever a new VGT is announced for Gran Turismo. Masses of people are annoyed at the fact that "PD are wasting time modelling fake cars and not including real ones"; the E30 M3 and the Mark IV Supra tend to come up a lot. I'm not sure if I'm talking rubbish here, but I'm pretty sure that PD are only responsible for adding the car and its specs into the game, meaning it really wouldn't take that long at all to add a VGT compared to an actual car, where you would have to scan the car, record the sounds, add it to the game engine, add the specs, and make sure that it drives somewhat like the real thing.
And at the same time, masses of people are pleased too. There seems to be more people here defending the VGT's than not. Adding the car and the specs means what? What they're doing is modeling the whole car from the ground up, just like they'd do for every single other car.

The only thing that I'd say is that I'm worried about is that the VGTs will take up a large amount of the car list (like...20% now?), but who's to say that the game won't get any kind of DLC in the future? Despite Kaz being pretty unreliable, he did say that he'd get over 400 cars into GT Sport. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to add another 100 VGTs into the game.
With how "fast" they where with post-support in the past, I wouldn't hold my breath just yet. 100 cars is a lot to add in for post-support, and with their current track record, it doesn't seem very likely. Although that's something I'll just have to wait and see.
I think a lot of the backlash for them spending their time on fantasy cars comes from priority - remember this is the developer who completely ignored Aston Martin who made the interior for them. It's a waste of time spending it on fantasy cars in a lot of peoples' view because they have a lot more where they should be focusing, such as updated car lists. Forza can get away with it far more because it's not like it's a Fallout car in every other pack, nor does nearly a quarter of the car list contain a fictional nod to other series.
To me, if I squint a bit at the side profile, the cockpit looks a bit LMP.

Promising and a bit weird, and vaguely real-world. As a good VGT should be!
What I don't get, is that there are other games out there that do not use real cars in some aspects, yet no one bats an eyelid; but whenever GT announce a new VGT, for lack of a better analogy, salt is everywhere.

False dilemma.

You're constructing a narrative to legitimize your complaint. People can (and do) complain about fake cars in other games. Perhaps it's not to a level you deem satisfactory, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Know where you'll find the people most critical of any game? Places where fans gather to discuss the title. It happens here with GT. It happens to a lesser extent over in the GTP Forza forums, mostly because the number of regular users is much smaller. Over at the official forums? Yep, lots of complaining. It's a running joke that there will be complaints about the latest hypercar du jour not being included each time a DLC pack appears.

Take Forza 6, for instance. Last year, it included the Chryslus Rocket, which is from Fallout; so, obviously, not real. It's also powered by nuclear energy. Incredibly unrealistic to produce in this day and age. And yet, when it was announced, there was a pretty large amount of people that either praised the car, or thought it was cool to bring in a car from a different franchise.

When a VGT is announced, there is a pretty large amount of people that either praise the car, or just think it's cool. ;)

Again, people were critical of the Rocket. I know I was; I've taken it out on the track precisely two times. If I had to guess though, people may have been more accepting of it because it is, just like the Vision GT project, a marketing exercise. It's also one car (like the Warthog in FH3), not a few dozen that make up a large percentage of the car list.

I don't remember many people tripping over themselves to justify its existence (as people tend to do with the 2X), but I'm sure there was somebody out there that believed it was a realistic car. :lol:

The original Project Cars did this to an extent, with cars like the LMP1's not having a real counterpart. Yet, that'll get a free pass due to the cars being realistic, of course, when you compare their LMPs to some of the more ridiculous VGTs that have been created, it looks like a little bit of a joke, but when you compare them to some of the more realistic VGTs, like, I don't know, the LM55, the only thing that the PC LMPs have over it is that it adheres to regulations. Considering a model of the LM55 exists, you could even argue that it's "more real" then the LMPs in Project Cars.

I dunno, I know I wasn't a big fan of the fake cars in PCARS either. I saw the reasoning, though: less of a publicity stunt, more a way to flesh out grids. Ideal? Nope. I'm curious if they'll return for round two, considering the extra licenses SMS has grabbed since.

On the flip side, let's go to whenever a new VGT is announced for Gran Turismo. Masses of people are annoyed at the fact that "PD are wasting time modelling fake cars and not including real ones"; the E30 M3 and the Mark IV Supra tend to come up a lot. I'm not sure if I'm talking rubbish here, but I'm pretty sure that PD are only responsible for adding the car and its specs into the game, meaning it really wouldn't take that long at all to add a VGT compared to an actual car, where you would have to scan the car, record the sounds, add it to the game engine, add the specs, and make sure that it drives somewhat like the real thing.

PD still needs to model the car. There are still sounds that need to be dealt with. Personally, I think the last bit is detrimental to the whole simulator approach: if there's no way of comparison between the real world and VGT, how do we even know the game is accurate? Considering how many VGT's launched sans interiors, I'm also not sure they're any faster to build. Obviously, we don't know for sure.

I think part of the reason VGT's get such flak is because of when they arrived. Had Polyphony unveiled the project alongside GT Sport, maybe they would have been received differently. Launching it with GT6, where hundreds of cars were still outdated PS2 models, probably contributed to the "why can't they model X instead" attitudes. It's not like the mkIV Supra license wasn't already taken care of with that game, nor did it not fit the scope of the game in the way it may with GT Sport.

The only thing that I'd say is that I'm worried about is that the VGTs will take up a large amount of the car list (like...20% now?), but who's to say that the game won't get any kind of DLC in the future? Despite Kaz being pretty unreliable, he did say that he'd get over 400 cars into GT Sport. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to add another 100 VGTs into the game.

Yeah, it's a little alarming right? It's why I believe this was all part of the plan: Polyphony must recognize it simply can't keep up with the competition in terms of content production, so isn't even attempting the car encyclopedia approach anymore.

I remain highly skeptical of the "500 cars" comment. Remember all the DLC promises for GT6?

Anyway...that's all I have to say, I guess.

Hey, now that's how to have a discussion. 👍
I personally like the Vision GTs.

I wonder if it's gonna release on GT6 or on GT Sport given the ambiguity of "Going to be in the Gran Turismo Series".
Chances are, not on GT6.

If the Hyundai VGT and Bugatti VGT didn't show up in GT6, chances are this isn't going to show up there.
I personally like the Vision GTs.

I wonder if it's gonna release on GT6 or on GT Sport given the ambiguity of "Going to be in the Gran Turismo Series".

Kaz already confirmed no more content updates will be made to GT6, specifically about the VGT project.
I could care less.

I'm tired of this VGT project, plus those cars look silly shuffled with real race cars.
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I only came in here to defend my comment. I was poking fun at Dan's grammatical structure, which very strongly resembles the Polandball memes.

Other than that, carry on with the back and forth.
I can take or leave the VGT cars. They don't bother me one way or another. We all know by now they are long term project for PD. People shouldn't be acting surprised at this point. Or the limited (in GT terms) and more concentrated car list. If some of them showcase near future technology or styling cues towards future production cars, then so be it. On the flip side: VGT's from Dodge and Chevrolet do push the realms of what GT's car list has been about previously, and I can understand some people's bemusement at their inclusion. But look at it this way: I am sure there plenty of GT fans that hate or don't try certain types production or race cars in previous installments. Whether it be pickups, Nascar stock cars, or kei cars as examples. A new VGT doesn't mean it stopped PD from aquiring a stock Toyota Supra RZ MK IV, a BMW E30 M3 Sport Evolution, a 1992 Nissan N14 Pulsar GTI-RA (as much as I would love to upgrade and tune one), or a super rare Koenigsegg One:1 for inclusuon in GT sport. The VGT project isn't without merit, whether you do or don't like the cars it brings into fruition. It can only help to solidify relations between PD and the participating car manufacturers. For PD this could hopefully lead to quicker access to future production and race cars and securing other licenses or give them more clout to otherwise uninterested manfacturers. The manufacturers get more exposure. And the players get more content. The Pininfarina still means added content added to the game. The more the merrier.
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PD already has that relationship. They had the real new car dealership demos from PS2.
No matter how soon a marque wants to
put their car in the game, we'll all(including the marque) have to wait for PD.

Other than using up resources for the VGT. The main culprit was the lack of interior views. YES, concept cars rarely have an interior. However, this was a design exercise to do ANYthing they wanted. So, model the gol'dang interior!

PD could have told some of the designers they are working qithkng a small window. Thing's could have changed once PD knew they were working in GT_(S/7). Maybe they told some designers to skip the interior and save it for PS4. Just a guess. That was the main failure of the VGTs. The same daggone Premium Standards many players sis not want. Not to mention the many most requested "Suggestions"(I'll stop it right there).
PD already has that relationship. They had the real new car dealership demos from PS2.
No matter how soon a marque wants to
put their car in the game, we'll all(including the marque) have to wait for PD.

Yes PD has a good relationship with these manufacturers, but participating in the VGT and getting more people interested can only strengthen the bond.
Of course modelling the cars take time - especially when it comes to PD's levels of modelling. But getting the required information sooner rather than later means we the public get the cars sooner.

We also get Venerable style houses like Pininfarina, Zagato, Italdesign and Bertone (before their demise), participate in a GT game for the first time with their own projects, rather then their designs commissioned by car manufacturers. This can only be of benefit in the future.

Other than using up resources for the VGT. The main culprit was the lack of interior views. YES, concept cars rarely have an interior. However, this was a design exercise to do ANYthing they wanted. So, model the gol'dang interior!

I think you answered your own question: This was an exercise to do anything they wanted. So they didn't need to model the interior. Besides, even a made up interior would take time to model. And what if the manufacturer decides to add a real interior, fully seated, actually driving, concept, at a later date? Would make PD's time spent on a made up interiors redundant.
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Yes PD has a good relationship with these manufacturers, but participating in the VGT and getting more people interested can only strengthen the bond.
Of course modelling the cars take time - especially when it comes to PD's levels of modelling. But getting the required information sooner rather than later means we the public get the cars sooner.

We also get Venerable style houses like Pininfarina, Zagato, Italdesign and Bertone (before their demise), participate in a GT game for the first time with their own projects, rather then their designs commissioned by car manufacturers. This can only be of benefit in the future.

I think you answered your own question: This was an exercise to do anything they wanted. So they didn't need to model the interior. Besides, even a made up interior would take time to model. And what if the manufacturer decides to add a real interior, fully seated, actually driving, concept, at a later date? Would make PD's time spent on a made up interiors redundant.
Hence, the ithecpart of me answering myself. GT_ for PS4. PD/Kaz thought of doing GT6 for PS4. He even thought of porting cars straight from PS3 to the easier to build on PS4. Didn't happen. Possibly for the reason I gave.

I don't know what's holding back the reveals of the VGT we didn't get in GT6. I don't know if VR, PS4 Pro itself, HDR development, the basic nature of (GT) Sport, change of designs by the marque or PD are factors of no VGT updates.
PD did have three years to implement interiors for those VGTs. All the cars could be completed, for all we know.
Hence, the ithecpart of me answering myself. GT_ for PS4. PD/Kaz thought of doing GT6 for PS4. He even thought of porting cars straight from PS3 to the easier to build on PS4. Didn't happen. Possibly for the reason I gave.

I don't know what's holding back the reveals of the VGT we didn't get in GT6. I don't know if VR, PS4 Pro itself, HDR development, the basic nature of (GT) Sport, change of designs by the marque or PD are factors of no VGT updates.
PD did have three years to implement interiors for those VGTs. All the cars could be completed, for all we know.

The implementation of the VGT's by PD in game is first down to an official reveal by the car manufacturers. I think it is not a well thought out project by PD and they thought the manufacturers would reveal the VGT cars during the first year or two of GT6's release. Think that was the idea initially. At the end of the day the manufacturers hold the cards and I doubt PD have the power to demand the manufacturers hurry up. As far as any more VGT's appearing in GT6? I thought PD have made it clear that GT6 will not be receiving any more updates. Just another broken promise I am afraid.
Maybe PD are not allowed to create an interior of the own choosing for existing VGT cars in GT6? Think that would go against manufacturer licensing. As far as everything else: the whole game has become a bit of an enigma of sorts. Vague details, same limited number of tracks and no clear release date are a just a few of the things that are seeing. PD just being PD. Never the most forthcoming of developers.
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Yes PD has a good relationship with these manufacturers, but participating in the VGT and getting more people interested can only strengthen the bond.
Of course modelling the cars take time - especially when it comes to PD's levels of modelling.
I see this "good relationship with manufacturers" line in relation to PD quite often in the forums as if it's some unique attribute of the GT series. Does anyone think that other game devs don't have good relationships with manufacturers? Other than the VGT program which has received very mixed reviews from fans of the game, how have us sim racers benefitted from this relationship in the last 2 versions of the game in terms of currently available cars, which presumably would come from a good relationship? The premium car list in GT6 was already outdated at launch with very little updating since.

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