Pismronounced Car Names

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Maybe so, but you get funny looks if you say it like that. I think the "e" on the end is what confuses people. So many English words have a silent e, so putting that in there at the end makes you look kinda funny, let alone not even the correct sound for the letter.

I'll keep pronouncing it as "Por-sh". That seems correct to me.


That's not really even correct though, but it's more to do with the difficulty of the French 'R' for non french speakers. Listen here to Francois Delecour:

Go to around 9:55 but he says it very quickly:

Pretty much every French word is butchered by those who cannot speak French. I should know, my name is French...

Edit: This one is much more clear, go to around 20 seconds in this clip:

Guttural "Rhe" (like grgrhe), and "noh" (like neugh).
@Eunos_Cosmo Thats what I meant.


As HSV said though, it's not like the English R so spelling it phonetically like that isn't really correct.

I've always had trouble trying to establish how to pronounce the names of Lamborghinis. They are Spanish words, but they come from an Italian car maker. For instance, Gallardo in Spanish is 'Guy-yardo' but in Italian the same word would be pronounced Guh-Lardo' and I've heard Italians pronounce it as such. Murcielago is probably the trickiest. It's a very drawn out and rather beautiful word.

'Mur-thee-al-ago' Of course, that middle c would be pronounced quite differently in Mexican Spanish (more like the English C, resulting in Mur-cee-al-ago) than in Spanish Spanish.
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It sounds better without the 'uh' part though.

Yeah, next time somebody tells me that I'm pronouncing their name wrong I'll just reply with..

"I'll keep pronouncing it my way. It seems correct to me."

And they'll wonder if dumb or just purposely being a douche, and which one is worse.
Toyota Camry: 'KAHM-rüh' (as in the French 'rue', because the letter Y is pronounced as the German ü here) even though the Germans pronounce it 'KAHM-ri'.

Acura: 'a-KOOH-rah'. It's close to how it is pronounced in Hong Kong English TV ads, but far from the American pronunciation, which is arguably the correct one.
I used to think Mugen was pronounced "Mudge-en" back in the GT2 days. Didn't hear anyone say it aloud until one of the Fifth Gear presenters uttered it during a segment years later. Nowadays I find myself switching between "Myu-gen" (incorrect) or "Moo-ghen" (correct, AFAIK).

And since @Mark II Blit's avatar reminded me, Stagea is another name I got completely wrong in my youth. I always went with "Stay-ghia" or "Stah-ghia", when in fact it's "Stay-gee-ah".
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Most people over here, at least people I know, pronounce 'Subaru' as "soo-bar-ru", but on Top Gear they say "soo-ber-ru"

I always said 'Camaro' as 'ka-ma-ro', I have never heard anyone say "ka-me-ro"

I used to say 'Renault' as 'ren-alt' but when I found out in this thread that it was wrong I started saying it as 'ren-o'

I've always said 'por-sch', I do know it's wrong, it just sounds really weird, and when connecting it to the car it makes it sound quite feminine. I even know a girl with the same name...

Stagea is another I used to get completely wrong. I aways said "Stay-ghia" or "Stah-ghia", when it's actually "Stay-gee-ah".

The way I remember how to say that is just saying stage and putting an a on the end.
And since @Mark II Blit's avatar reminded me, Stagea is another name I got completely wrong in my youth. I always went with "Stay-ghia" or "Stah-ghia", when in fact it's "Stay-gee-ah".

Thought it was actually "Stah-gee-ah". Regardless, years ago I used to say "Stega" like saying SEGA. :P
The only one I've noticed I say differently it Camaro. I pronounce it like 'cam-are-o', whereas a majority of people say "cam-air-o'.
I think "cam-air-oh" is an American thing. The word "camaro" is the French word for "friend, pal, or comrade".
The only one I've noticed I say differently it Camaro. I pronounce it like 'cam-are-o', whereas a majority of people say "cam-air-o'.
I think accent can play a role.
Peugeot is unpronouncable in English because there's no sound similar to how you pronounce "eu" in French.

Closest way would be "pah-joe" but even then it's still a way off.
How I say stuff-

Pew-joe (I thought it was poe-got until last year :lol: )
Coon-tache (like mustache without the mus)