Pit as a minigame?

  • Thread starter Peter

Pits as minigame in GT5?

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I am not quite sure as to why the 28 people so far want a pit mini game, but you are entitled to your own opinion. I don't want any sort of mini games in GT5 whatsoever. DustDriver makes a good point though about wanting to drive in the pits yourself and about not then having time to chose options. I think I have a solution though, a simple press of a button that works as a speed limiter and also passes control to the A.I at the same time, therefore you could drive in the pits yourself or let the A.I do it, or even a bit of both.
But they never show you the rear tyres being changed.
Actually, they had an overhead shot showing all for tyres being changed, but I think the animation depended upon which lap you were pitting on. On most circuits, the replays were on a three-lap loop; the sequence of shots would be different on each lap for three laps when it would revert to the first sequence as you started every fourth lap. But it was a different story at Le Mans at the Nurburgring: the sequence was only good for two laps before ebgining again because the circutis are so long. I think you'll find the overhead shot of the pit crew only comes into rotation on the third lap of the three-lap sequence, so it is never shown at Le Mans.
The example shown is a lousy pitstop at 16.5 seconds. Most of my friends and myself have it down to 7.0 to 7.2 seconds :)

It's not so much a "mini-game" as much as an integral part of the race itself.
It was part of the GT Academy so it would make sense. However, I don't see it happening. Yamuchi is a big fan of custom tuner cars yet a great implementation of car tuning/customizing hasn't been found in any GT game.
Would you like to have mini game in pit stop? If you play F1 championship edition you know what I thinking... In that situation pit stop time will depend on how fast you pres button's on your controller!!!
Watch video to see what I think

I just recently got myself a wheel, tried out a race in F1CE with it for the first time today and it wasn't until I was making my way into the pits that I realised what was about to happen!
would be a fun feature and usefull as well to see who gets the fastest tire change ,etc...... but ain't gonna happen
This could be a disadvantage to wheel users as they often have poor controls. I can't see it happening because of this.
I don't know...I'm personally kind of a fan of taking a slight 15 second break when I get to the pits...just to keep my sanity in a tight race. I wouldn't mind driving myself down and out of pit lane instead of the automated driving we've had in previous GT's, but sometimes you need that time just to gather your thoughts, decide on pit strategy...if you can choose different tire types mid-race or not, etc.

...it is kind of a cool idea though.
I would like a limiter and have to have the car at the limit before crossing the line into the pits or get a penalty.

Maybe have to hit the gas as quickly as possible when the lolly pop is raised, hit the gas too early and pitstop takes longer but personally nothing more than that.

EDIT: I would prefer to be driving in the pitlane but I can understand why that's not done.
no don't want it, I'm the driver not the pit crew.


And to add to that, a minigame is terrible for something like GT, IMO. If we were going to have interactive pitting, it should at least be realistic.
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I knew this thread was familiar, lol.

To stay on topic, I don't want a mini game. I want to be able to control the car in and out of the pit, and that's it. Playing mini games with your pit crew is just plain stupid and should only be used in arcade games, IMO (I was sad that it was in F1:CE, I loved that game until I lost it :()

Off topic but just thought of a game that could make use of the motion controller:


Marshall Hero.

Wow dude that is totally off-topic...
I knew this thread was familiar, lol.

To stay on topic, I don't want a mini game. I want to be able to control the car in and out of the pit, and that's it. Playing mini games with your pit crew is just plain stupid and should only be used in arcade games, IMO (I was sad that it was in F1:CE, I loved that game until I lost it :()

Wow dude that is totally off-topic...

Well, I was just trying to imagine how hardvibes was thinking the motion controller could be used in pitstops.
This is a stupid idea and doesn't need it's own thread, sorry to be so blunt.

GT5...The Real Driving Simulator
To all of you saying "No, this is a stupid idea." you do realize GT4 already has such a feature, right? Granted you're not instructing the pit crew in the same way F1:CE has you doing (which I fail to see how getting more involved is stupid...it's a game) but you do have the option to switch to and from A/B-Spec modes. You do have the option to change your tires, and finally, you do have the option to refuel. All of which requires pressing a button.

Oh, and again....It's. A. Game.
You do have the option to change your tires, and finally, you do have the option to refuel. All of which requires pressing a button.

Which is completely fine and encouraged. You can change tire compound and fuel load in real life.

Having the driver press random buttons in real life does not make him pit faster. There are no similarities between GT4's pit system and F1CE's.

Oh, and again....It's. A. Game.
What does that have to do with anything? At all.
No do not want something like this. For one thing most likely GT5 will not have a Race Career mode. Now if GT5 did have a full race career mode hiring people for you race team etc. would be the way to go. Meaning besides cost of the car and parts you have overall race team expenses. But in general this will not fit well with the GT series.
hell no!! I think that would be so many things to deal ... you could ruin your progress in the race if you press the wrong buttons , thats not cool. I dont see the driver getting out the car and helping the crew to change tires and re-fuel... so i dont see the point in this "mini-game thing".

But i do think in some "Pit Crew" ... XP or something,based in your overall progress and experience... that could make your pits a little bit more faster...depending on your XP ( A-Spec / B-Spec )
It would be good if you got a quicker pitstop for being as close to the pit lane speed limit as you can and hitting your marks accurately.
And don't drive off too early either...
It would be good if you got a quicker pitstop for being as close to the pit lane speed limit as you can and hitting your marks accurately.
And don't drive off too early either...

But isn't that another arbitrary unrealistic thing? If you realize that and still want it fine, but it seems odd for a simulator.
Whats unrealstic about pitlane speed limits or overshooting your pit box? As a driver there's nothing else you can do to help your pit crew.