Pit as a minigame?

  • Thread starter Peter

Pits as minigame in GT5?

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What does that have to do with anything? At all.

Maybe you're missing my point; it has nothing to do with real life...you're not racing in real life. You're playing a simulated racing game...in real life. Adding a mini-game to what's already a game isn't going to change, add, nor will it take away from the fact that it's still a game.
Maybe you're missing my point; it has nothing to do with real life...you're not racing in real life. You're playing a simulated racing game...in real life. Adding a mini-game to what's already a game isn't going to change, add, nor will it take away from the fact that it's still a game.

And none of that justifies adding unrealistic things at all. Being a game makes GT5 no less of a simulator.
Maybe you're missing my point; it has nothing to do with real life...you're not racing in real life. You're playing a simulated racing game...in real life. Adding a mini-game to what's already a game isn't going to change, add, nor will it take away from the fact that it's still a game.

With your logic, it's OK to have to have unrealistic physics, or car specs in GT, because it's just a game. It's OK that you can bounce off the walls in a city course and still win, because it's a game. The whole point of a game is to play the way you like and have fun right?

I do see your point. GT is a game. But the reason most people like GT is to get away of all the typical 'games' like Burnout, Need for Speed, and others. We like to ''think'' we're not playing a game. To be honest going into the pit after doing 20 laps in an intense race and seeing a ''mini game'' pop up in front of your face would be a very...stupid reminder that your playing just a ''game'''.
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No, after I select what I want them to do it's nice to have a few seconds for a breather without pressing pause.
I agree. If I cared about pitstops I would buy Pitstop Champions 2k10....

....and there's a reason that that particular game doesn't exist.

Ah, now the wheelmen could each use a motion controller for the guns but I'm a bit stuck on how to do the jackmen.
Whats unrealstic about pitlane speed limits or overshooting your pit box? As a driver there's nothing else you can do to help your pit crew.

I missed this post before.

Overshooting the box is fine, but getting a quicker stop by being as close to 50 mph, or whatever, as you can be doesn't make sense, unless you just mean you'll get out of pit lane faster and not get a penalty. From your post, it seemed that you wanted your pit crew to suddenly work faster if you drove down pitlane at 49.9 mph as opposed to 47.2.
I don't think people want their ultimate success or failure to depend upon how quickly tey can press a series of buttons.
I don't need to get out of my car and tell the crew to stop standing there in real life.
So how would it make sense anywhere else?
I think pit-stops should be more realistic, but I don't think making a test out of it is the way to go.

Pitlane speed limit should not be automatic, you should have to slow-down and engage it manually, but it wouldn't be fair on DS3 controller users to make you have to control your speed yourself --- maybe in the pits the handbrake button works as speed limiter... so you have to drag your speed down before the line, then hit O to maintain it.

I think it would also be fair to have to make it into your own pit box and stop in the right place... although maybe there should be an option to have all of this done automatically for ease though.

Also, adjustments to track bar, wedge and pressures are a must for NASCAR.. wing adjustments for F1 too.
Replicating pitstops can be an element of immersion certainly. I know that one of my favorite things about GTR & GTR2 was that you had (by selecting the Option) to signal your pit before entering, you had to hit your "speed limiter" switch and be at or below the speed limit before you crosssed the pit entry line, and you could drive to your pit. Then you had the option of taking on a variety of fuel loads and choosing tire types (Dry, Inters, and Wets). You had to shut off ignition before refuleing as per the FIA rules and then refire the engine when refueling was finished. Sometimes the engine did not fire off immediately or the engine would stall. In any case, you could make up time in the pits by not refueling and not having to stop and start the engine. When you win a 2 hour race by seconds and you know you won it through pit strategy, it gives you a whole new sense of satisfaction
I'd rather drive this piece of crap than take part in a pit stop mini-game.
I think pit-stops should be more realistic, but I don't think making a test out of it is the way to go.

Pitlane speed limit should not be automatic, you should have to slow-down and engage it manually, but it wouldn't be fair on DS3 controller users to make you have to control your speed yourself --- maybe in the pits the handbrake button works as speed limiter... so you have to drag your speed down before the line, then hit O to maintain it.

I think it would also be fair to have to make it into your own pit box and stop in the right place... although maybe there should be an option to have all of this done automatically for ease though.

Also, adjustments to track bar, wedge and pressures are a must for NASCAR.. wing adjustments for F1 too.

+1 same thing here.
People complain about the damage model not being very realistic,
People complain about why PD wont give us dynamic weather or day/night races,
All in the name of realism, and i understand that.

But now people just want to push a number of buttons for their pit stop?
Realistic? No.

This is what i want:

Before race: Choose how many pitstops i´m gonna, how much fuel i want on my pitstops and what tyres to put on the car.

During race: Choose tyres, if i want to fix the damage, and fuel (incase something happens and i need a lighter car or heavier car for a longer stint.)

Now obviously this is only for racecars.

btw, i know the damage model will be realistic and that day/night weather is confirmed. Was just making a point.
Mini-game isn't the way i'd put it, although some interactivity in the pits would be good.

As I see it we should have to drive the car into our box manually, hold brake, select neutral, then maybe have tire/fuel options as crew come out of garage, keep eyes on mirrors for change completion, check for traffic then safely navigate back onto track.

If a mini-game isnt realistic, neither is having the computer do it all.
I voted "Hell no". I have F1 CE. It said interactive pitstops on the case... I bought it thinking that I'd get to do the driving in the pits. It also said safety cars on the case. Was very disappointed when I found out that there were no safety cars in the game. And the parade laps suck as you have very little control. Like the game though.

Here's an idea. The option to have control of the car in the pits. They could fine tune it so there's the potential to complete the stop and get through the pitlane approx 1 second faster than the auto pit, but there is the potential to lose a lot of time.

I would love this to be incorporated, but I know it won't.

As I see it we should have to drive the car into our box manually, hold brake, select neutral, then maybe have tire/fuel options as crew come out of garage, keep eyes on mirrors for change completion, check for traffic then safely navigate back onto track.

Well I'd like an interactive pit crew with the "lollipop man" signalling us to leave the box, but what you said is pretty spot on. The pit stop options could default. I.E same tyres as current, take on fuel etc. Maybe we could change this in the real time adjustments menu, so for example, there's one lap to your stop, and you're driving down the straight, but want a different compound of tyre. Make the adjustments in the menu and your crew will get ready for you. If you want the default pit, then just come in.

It's probably the best we can do without a team radio.
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I voted no - tried it in F1ce and it just annoyed me. Didn't add anything to the game IMO

Because you were poor at it? It adds a hell of a lot to the game. Make a good stop and you gain a second or so on the computer, make a bad stop and you can lose time and or track position.

I'm all for it. Adds another dimension to the game. Those complaining about being the King of Suzuka but coming second because of dodgy pit strategies should watch real racing a hell of a lot more then they do. It's part and parcel with reality and as the "real" driving simulator, it should be incorporated in to the game itself.
Because you were poor at it? It adds a hell of a lot to the game. Make a good stop and you gain a second or so on the computer, make a bad stop and you can lose time and or track position.

I'm all for it. Adds another dimension to the game. Those complaining about being the King of Suzuka but coming second because of dodgy pit strategies should watch real racing a hell of a lot more then they do. It's part and parcel with reality and as the "real" driving simulator, it should be incorporated in to the game itself.

Like i said, rather than some daft button pressing mini game where the buttons only change depending on whether the track is clockwise or counter clockwise they should just give us control of the car in the pits. Surely that would be more befitting of the REAL driving simulator?
Because you were poor at it? It adds a hell of a lot to the game. Make a good stop and you gain a second or so on the computer, make a bad stop and you can lose time and or track position.

I'm all for it. Adds another dimension to the game. Those complaining about being the King of Suzuka but coming second because of dodgy pit strategies should watch real racing a hell of a lot more then they do. It's part and parcel with reality and as the "real" driving simulator, it should be incorporated in to the game itself.

Nice assumption you got yourself there. I actually totally pwned at it. Pressing buttons as they pop up on screen is easy. Used to play BopIt as a kid. Grew out of it shortly after. Put it this way - if I want a game of guitar hero using a G25 as the controller I don't need GT5 to do so.
Anything that takes away from being behind the wheel and driving is a bit of a waste of time to be honest. If I must be forced to pit, I want it to limit my speed automatically, pull in automatically, and do whatever needs doing, automatically. Now, if it were optional that you could manually intervene, that's fine.
I think having to go down to pit speed limit would be a great introduction ,but you'd need the limiter to hold speed limit, have you tried holding 60kph/37mph. Possible but probably not for the length of pit lane.
As for F1CE style, like said before, drivers don't change tyres,so, that's a no from me, but possibilities to change compound on each corner(e.g.ovals) and fuel volume is a must.

I agree, getting down to pit road speed would be a cool challenge. Like a Nascar race at Daytona, you have to drop speed from 195M/H down to 55M/H by the yellow commitment line/cone at the end of pit road. Sounds easy, but you don't want to slow too soon, or too late to maximize your speed running up to and then make the best of the speed you have while on pit road.

Also, if we get a mile and a half track for Nascar, like Atlanta or Lowe's, you will be dropping off the banking of turn four, and slowing from 175-180M/H down to again 55, but the car will get loose while doing that if your braking too hard, it's just challenging. Cool though none the less.

Not to mention the pit exit at Daytona is down right scary on the road course, not much room for error. Just as bad on many tracks for F1 on pit entry, though they can use a limiter on pit road, getting down the twisty pit entrance without it, while going fast as possible will be tricky to say the least.

As for button mashing, I'm not sure, I'd like to hurry them up if I could, so it may be nice. I do hope we can do things like change our wing angle for cars that have them, adjust wedge or tire pressures for Nascar, or spring rubbers if PD is that gracious with the detail in Nascar. Pressing a sequence to spin the wedge wrench in the back window of the Nascar's would be cool, or move the analoge stick back and forth to press down some grille tape on the front of the car, or even a windsheild tear off for any car. Or if you don't do it right, the tape can fly off, or the tear off wont come off all the way and flap all over the windsheild until it rips off. There is lot's of stuff that it could be used for to make it pretty cool, I guess I'm undecided until I try a racing game with it. But I did like the adjustment setup for Nascar 2003 season :D.