Pit as a minigame?

  • Thread starter Peter

Pits as minigame in GT5?

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If I have to press buttons when pitting when do i get to have a swig of pop or shuffle my nads? Keep pit games out! I honestly enjoy the break and stretching my fingers out after having a death grip on the wheel for the last half hour
TBH I don't want to have to mash a load of buttons everytime I pit. I'm not sure if we should even have to drive into the pits and the pit box manually. I'm sure you entered the pits in GT4 and the game took over, giving you time to select tyres and fuel and then relax for a minute.

As always I think PD need to give us options. Options to change and tweak things to suit us. One solution does not suit all :)

Unlimited fuel: Square,Square,Square Circle, R2+L2

Nitro: R2+L2, R1+L1

Monster truck tires: Triangle, left, right, left, Square

Al gore as Lolipop man: down, down, triangle, R1+R2, down

... lets not do the minigame.
boy I sure do hope GT fixes it so there's a hundred layers of bull standing between gamers and simulated driving. Then to win just one race, players will have to master all these stupid little 'gotcha's. The only people who'd play GT5 then would be the ones looking for more ways to overcomplicate things and shrink its market.

Maybe we should have driver urination in the game, or a minigame where we construct a house and family for our driver/crew to make them happier and perform better. Just about anything to keep the game from being simple, fun and appealing. Hell, let's just make owning the game into more work than race car drivers have to put up with by having to control the pit crew too. why not?
how bout keep the pit time standard, so everyone has enough time to modify their setup if need be?

this allows for on-the-fly tuning, but everyone is in the pits for the same amount of time.
how bout keep the pit time standard, so everyone has enough time to modify their setup if need be?

this allows for on-the-fly tuning, but everyone is in the pits for the same amount of time.


The simple solution often makes the most sense.
a mini game would take out part of what makes GT5 a sim racer...it's easier to just let us the players drive into pit road and have our acuracy to enter the pit box @ the very center decide our pit time...
Hard choice, I voted "no" because apart from pulling into the right spot and then out at the right time, the driver (us) has nothing to do with the pit stop!

But some of the F1CE remarks reminded me how fun that could be...

Maybe a friend could use a controller to do your stop!

Or upgradable pit crews available for purchase (actually I don't really like that idea!)
I would be equally happy either way, as long as GT5 release soon :scared:

The ones saying - "real driving sim - keep it out", well it can always be optional. And vice versa.

I would most likely switch it on/off from time to time if i had the option.

PS: About pit-speedlimit. Someone says "its easy to maintain 60 with a wheel" maybe, but the vast majority of GT5 users will use a pad.. by far... If you want the realdriving sim, there is autolimit in quite a few racing cars ;)
If this was to happen, how long would the AI take to pit? Would it give them an unfair advantage? Or would it just add extra time to your lead?

Also, since it's a real driving simulator, when do you ever seen a race-car driver, getting out of his car, during a race to fill up his F1/car with petrol, and change his own tiers?

I voted no. Too unrealistic.
If this was to happen, how long would the AI take to pit? Would it give them an unfair advantage? Or would it just add extra time to your lead?

By the same token I would hope that the AI pitting is not predictable or systematic as it has been in previous GT's. Both the drivers and the pit crew should make mistakes and take different amounts of time to pit. Games have had random part failures / driver errors for quite a while now and it would be good to see some of this implemented in GT.

Im on the fence about the pit mini game idea, it would love to see some use of the Sixaxis or upcoming motion controller put to use, like locating the fuel hose or tyre gun. But as was already stated a real racing driver doesnt get out and act as the pit crew so in a way its not realistic.

I always imagined how amazing it would be to have a realistic team setup for an online racing session where there are multiple players needed to 'bring 1 car home'. So one player could be the pit radio (watching a B spec style window etc), one or two could be in charge of performing the pit stop minigames and one would drive. You would all share the prize money and could take turns in a series of races to perform the different tasks. It would be a great realistic setup.

I always imagined how amazing it would be to have a realistic team setup for an online racing session where there are multiple players needed to 'bring 1 car home'. So one player could be the pit radio (watching a B spec style window etc), one or two could be in charge of performing the pit stop minigames and one would drive. You would all share the prize money and could take turns in a series of races to perform the different tasks. It would be a great realistic setup.


Especially if you could do that in a endurance race, switch between drivers/pit crew/teamboss(Pitradio)
I always imagined how amazing it would be to have a realistic team setup for an online racing session where there are multiple players needed to 'bring 1 car home'. So one player could be the pit radio (watching a B spec style window etc), one or two could be in charge of performing the pit stop minigames and one would drive. You would all share the prize money and could take turns in a series of races to perform the different tasks. It would be a great realistic setup.


Want.. to... buy... that.... paying 1000$

Been my dream in 2 decades now.
I voted no, regarding pits I'm just hoping that we control the cars coming into the pit lane, keeping speed, pulling into the box, and pulling back out.

I think this would be great to have as an option, so those who want the A.I to control the car can do so, yet those who want a bit more of the full sim experience can take control ourselves.
oooh! oooh! even better, how about this: we can play 'bedazzle' while waiting for pit changes, and even during boring stretches in endurance races!

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