pivot animations. MOST EM' HERE!!

  • Thread starter Camaro SS
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Camaro SS


i know, really ******' bad animation...
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What's the point of this? If I'd animated that, I'd certainly not admit to it.
You're not missing much. I could only see it because I used my mod privileges to get the link out of the OP.
Ah, I quoted him and got the link. You were right about not missing much. What exactly is the point of the animation, or even this thread?
I don't really mind the animation. Its quite 'armless really.

So, most 'em if you got 'em.
I don't really mind the animation. Its quite 'armless really.

So, most 'em if you got 'em.

Good call Daan :lol:

Aaarrrr... Mosly Armless the Pirates be.. (In the Spirit of the 19th - Lame attempt though...)
this is to everybody, the reason WHY i made this thread is so people can post their anmiations and say that mine are crap.

soon i'll have another avatar that will be crap. am i going to get blammed?


if anyone sees a red x then please send me something with a computer virus in it

if anyone sees a red x then please send me something with a computer virus in it


Why would we want to send you a virus?

In addition why are you getting upset about negative comments on an animation that by your own admission you say is 'crap'.

Can I also ask that you do not double (or in this case triple) post, you clearly know how to use the edit button, can you do so in future if you wish to add more info and no one else has posted, rather than filling the thread with posts a few minutes apart.


if anyone has any animations please post them because i have been really bored lately... BTW i saw a 360 modena figure on the 'net. i've also made a gorgon figure who, in all his animations, always gets his ass kicked by a midget(the midget, cardorks, is NOT the daihatsu kind).

sorry, no new posts today. or animations. or anything. or viruses:guilty:
I made these back when Pivot was first released.

dude, the message is what gets me... DONT F WITH DONKEYS.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thats friggin hilarious dude! also that elephant thing is funny too. not as afunny as the donkey one

by the way, now that the gt5 thread is closed, i just want to say that a car they should ad is my custom made Chevrolet XF1 SLV '06. the thing thats cool about it is that its a street-legal F1 (slv means^street legal version) that has the secret engine from the Camaro Concept '06.(small blocks pwn)

oh crap, my cat's takin' a piss on my XF1 right now... gotta go boot him away. if anyone wants a picture, just ask and i'll post it. gotta wait a couple of months though, cause it's being painted(actually my cat scratches too much and i woke up to see my XF1 really scratched up with almost no paint on it.).
dude, the message is what gets me... DONT F WITH DONKEYS.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thats friggin hilarious dude! also that elephant thing is funny too. not as afunny as the donkey one

by the way, now that the gt5 thread is closed, i just want to say that a car they should ad is my custom made Chevrolet XF1 SLV '06. the thing thats cool about it is that its a street-legal F1 (slv means^street legal version) that has the secret engine from the Camaro Concept '06.(small blocks pwn)

oh crap, my cat's takin' a piss on my XF1 right now... gotta go boot him away. if anyone wants a picture, just ask and i'll post it. gotta wait a couple of months though, cause it's being painted(actually my cat scratches too much and i woke up to see my XF1 really scratched up with almost no paint on it.).

This is obviously BS, but if you do decide to post pictures, they better have a hand written sign that says, "Camaro SS from GTPlanet.net"
Cool, I'm also the resident Ferrari driver. I have an F40, F50, and F60 concept, not to mention I have 2 Enzos, completely custom.

Also, XF1 Camaro in Google turns this up.

So unless you're actually talking about your Geo Metro XF1, you're the worst liar we've seen yet at GTP.

you can't beat me with a ... F1?! screw you! i only have a friggin modified Camaro SS that's a load of crap!!!!

Says your profile. You must have upgraded from an SS to the top secret "XF1". Not to mention your old SS could easily smoke a Formula 1 car :rolleyes:.

i only have a friggin modified Camaro SS that's a load of crap!!!![

You got one part right.
I did a few fight scenes with stick animation but they're on another computer. Might transfer them sometime and post them up.
by the way, now that the gt5 thread is closed, i just want to say that a car they should ad is my custom made Chevrolet XF1 SLV '06. the thing thats cool about it is that its a street-legal F1 (slv means^street legal version) that has the secret engine from the Camaro Concept '06.(small blocks pwn)

oh crap, my cat's takin' a piss on my XF1 right now... gotta go boot him away. if anyone wants a picture, just ask and i'll post it. gotta wait a couple of months though, cause it's being painted(actually my cat scratches too much and i woke up to see my XF1 really scratched up with almost no paint on it.).

*dies laughing*
*resuscitates skip0110 so he can die of laughter again*

Really, this guy must think these are the IGN.com boards or something.
You guys are insane. I saw him driving it the other day, man.

He had Akaya Komatsu in the passenger seat and ****.

And with this random thread.

I'm gonna old yella' this thread.


[walks behind barn with thread on a leash.]

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