Yeah but we also had the Air Asia one, the Trans Asia (Taiwan) one, then all the others which crash landed or overshot at airports recently.
It's still a lower-than-average number as I recall. I never ever use trains, that's where the danger is (in comparison).
the police helicopter crashed into houses a few years back by me apparently the owner left the landing light on.
But these big airliners crashing is something i haven't seen at this rate my whole life.
This is a small airliner... and if you haven't seen higher rates of incident than you simply haven't been looking.
I wonder if auto pilot was on at the time of this crash
It wouldn't have been on at the time of impact unless for some reason the aircraft
and pilots were unaware of the aircraft's position and attitude. Normally they would have either manually disengaged VNAV or the aircraft would have passed out of Autopilot automatically.
seem's very low even at 10k over the alps due to their mad local weather systems in them areas i would assume they fly much higher.
Not normally, 30,000 feet (10km) is more than adequate. I'm not aware that there was any wider weather system that might have caused problems although, as you say, there
can be some strange local stuff.
What's puzzling is the crew reported 'Emergency Emergency' rather than the standard Mayday call.
is strange. Have we heard the call or is that from a French news source? Sometimes in cases like this French reporters are unaware that "M'aidez!" is actually used by us too (Mayday).
EDIT: Just reading on live updates that a mountain guide heard the plane pass over low. No comment about the engines so it's a reasonable presumption that they were running.
Apparently the descent from C.30,000 to 6,000 (where ATC lost contact as the plane crashed) took 8 minutes. That's a descent of 3,000 feet-per-minute which is pretty steep, presuming it was consistent.
It's possible that there was a depressurisation (
@Dennisch points out that this is one of the oldest Airbuses in use) and a "zoom dive" into pressurable air first then a slower descent to control/land, not a consistent 3000fpm dive.
8 minutes is a long time, I'm sure that one of the pilots or crew would have been able to contact ATC on one of the multifarious radio systems. I shouldn't be surprised if we soon hear that passengers made calls on their mobile phones.
EDIT EDIT: This from the French Civil Aviation Authority;
Press Release
The crew did not send a Mayday. It was air traffic control that decided to declare the plane was in distress because there was no contact with the crew of the plane.
That's very very unusual.