Play GT5 at PlayStation BETA in Birmingham (UK) on 31st July & 1st August

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Madmurdock, excellent written report just wanted to say like others have thanks for going to all the bother and its appreciated.

I'll +1 to that đź‘Ť

It makes a change to read about the actual experience of driving rather than:

did anyone try to smash their car 90 degrees into a wall and see what was up with the chassis deformation?


I swear the demographic for GT has changed so much for the fifth iteration. PD must of had such a hard time making everyone happy. I dont envy Kaz one bit.

Actually, driving the 24hr would be awesomesauce!
^ +1 đź‘Ť :D

Thanks to all the members who went and have posted your comments here, it is greatly appreciated. Also a big thanks to everyone who took photos and videos as I know it's quite time consuming sorting everything out to get them online :cheers: đź‘Ť
Funny how nobody from E3 picked up about the 3D versions feeling like 30fps, err like SRT with their extensive access.

This recent article thats been released in the past week from one games reporter regarding the 30fps issue and a few indeed have said it also feels like what hes saying is true from the Betarooms event.

It seems comments on graphics are not much reduced in quality if any different to the 2D in aparent resolution or additional jaggies for 3D mode. That seems odd as I always expected the 3D mode to be sub 720p res but having a sneeky upscaling to 720p. What Im wondering is if the finished game will be running in full 720p res for 3D with 30 fps or having a less than 720p res upscaled to 720p and at 60 fps?. To do the 3D at dual 720p/60 would require more resources than the current 1280x1080 mode Prologue has used.

Something fishy is going on here, as in general terms Im assuming if you are running at 720p 60x times per second compared to running dual 720p only 30x times a second then its a very simple way for a beta demo to enable testing the 3D effect. These equal the same demands dont they? So I guess this may be the case and not the proper representation of what the finished game will have for the 3D mode.

The question is will the finished product do this when all along framerate to GT franchise has always been the glorious 60fps. How would online work properly on consoles with 3D gamers @ 30fps and 2D @ 60fps. It doesnt add up to having split framerates on a supposed closed console platform.

Also the importance of 60fps was illustrated even to the point they reduced car numbers down on the PSP version to achieve it?
So I ask why didnt the PSP version have 8 cars and 30fps, you get were Im going?

I hope this all gets clarified soon at GDC or TGS
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Funny how nobody from E3 picked up about the 3D versions feeling like 30fps, err like SRT with their extensive access.
Yes, it's strange that reports about the 3D version feeling like 30fps are only coming up now. 30fps should immediately be recognizad by every serious GT player. :indiff:

The question is will the finished product do this when all along framerate to GT franchise has always been the glorious 60fps.
GT does 60fps since GT3. It wasn't possible on the original Playstation without sacrificing to much. GT1 had an unlockable bonus mode running with 60fps (1 car, night stage, reduced detail).
The Physics:
Standard physics were good and felt similar to GT5P but with much more feedback and a definite improvement. What I noticed was that you could push the car harder and even on standard there was some good moments of oversteer or understeer that needed a quick reaction to catch.
Pro physics were amazing period.
The handling on pro setting was sublime and far exceeded GT5P in feedback and control. The amount of small inputs that you could apply was immense, with you able to correct small slides with a quick correction but at the same time knowing that if you tried a little harder you'd be off. It was easier to know and feel the limits of the cars than in GT5P but at the same time more precision was needed to drive well. You immediately could feel the improvements in all areas with the cars bouncing over bumps realistically, and sliding and moving about more so than in GT5P, but all the time giving you more feedback, therefore letting you know what the car was doing all the time.
You had so much more input when braking and it felt great for it. The cars dipped and slid and the feeling was immense.
The in-car view looked great with a slight shake giving you more of a sense of immersion.
The feeling of speed was also improved from GT5P, but not too much to be silly and unrealistic.
The thing that stuck in my mind was how much more you could push the cars than you could in GT5P. In GT5P it felt like you couldn't really rag the cars as they had a slight feeling of being on skates.
But this isn't evident at all in GT5. Even on pro you can really give the cars some stick, with a great sense of how ragged you're being. but this didn't take away the difficulty or make it easier at all. It felt better for it and more like how cars really handle than in GT5P.
Overall impression of the handling was WOW with no complaints at all.

First thank for the post.

I wonder if you dont have complains at all with physics, in this beta stage, what we must espect in the final version? (based in your experience)
Quick questions after going through the thread. Is the bonnet/hood view replay only? Is it more like a roof cam than hood cam?
Its definately more roof cam than bonnet cam, just depends on the car as to how much of the roof you actually see, just like GT4. Its not replay only and is my preferred view of choice aqnd the view I used 99% of the time I was on GT5.
It's my preferred view aswell. Let's hope they have a decent hood view for the final release. I think it's more realistic with a hood view, so the TV becomes your windscreen.
It's my preferred view aswell. Let's hope they have a decent hood view for the final release. I think it's more realistic with a hood view, so the TV becomes your windscreen.


I would like this option, too!
Or something like a "dashboard" view where I can remove the wheels and arms/hands from the graphics! I have a wheel and my own arms - I don't want to play GT5 like some kind of krishna with 2 wheels and four arms in my view!

I would like this option, too!
Or something like a "dashboard" view where I can remove the wheels and arms/hands from the graphics! I have a wheel and my own arms - I don't want to play GT5 like some kind of krishna with 2 wheels and four arms in my view!

The problem with dash/hood view is that unless the POV is moved slightly to one side to replicate RH or LH drive, every cars would feel like the McLaren F1 where you sit in the centre of the car.

With GT or any driving games where you get hand animation, if the inherent FOV in the cockpit is spot on, the steering wheel on the screen (and of course the screen hands) should be in your peripheral view if you're sitting in the right spot. Then you can make the choice of either ignoring it or let it become an issue.

If it's in your centre view, it usually means that you're sitting too far from the screen. It could also mean that in relation to where you're sitting, your screen is either too big or too small. Of course some people don't have the luxury of moving their screen or their sitting position around. Or buy a new one :) One thing I learn is that unless the screen cover most of your FOV, it's probably best to stick with anything but the cockpit view.
I'm happy with how the roof cam was on the demo. But the above idea is good, could be a bit like Richard Burns Rally:

Sort of, in the middle, no wheel or arms in view but still gives a good in car perspective. Was a great view to use.
If I remeber correctly the WRC 4 game for the PS2 had a very good incar view. You just could see the edges of the roof and insides of the car. Just enough to give you the impression of sitting in the car. Like in Forza 3 I prefer use the hood view and usually sit a little to the left of the screen. I think most cockpit views put's you to far back in the car and to low. The hands and the wheels take up to much of what you see, so to get it correct you really need to sit at the correct height, but then you don't see the hands anyways and just used up to much space on your TV.

Not sure if this made any sense? :)
i had that happen to me whilst i was there, PD should have it all sorted by November
I've experienced exactly the same glitch whilst playing FM2/3 but even more extreme. A couple of things have caused this problem with the first time being a faulty disc and also signs that my 360 was dying. Once the entire track used to disappear and then my 360 packed in 3 days later but this time the game was running from my HDD.

Im sure PD will fix this because I imagine the last few months of developing consists of testing and fixing bugs.
The problem with dash/hood view is that unless the POV is moved slightly to one side to replicate RH or LH drive, every cars would feel like the McLaren F1 where you sit in the centre of the car.

With GT or any driving games where you get hand animation, if the inherent FOV in the cockpit is spot on, the steering wheel on the screen (and of course the screen hands) should be in your peripheral view if you're sitting in the right spot. Then you can make the choice of either ignoring it or let it become an issue.

If it's in your centre view, it usually means that you're sitting too far from the screen. It could also mean that in relation to where you're sitting, your screen is either too big or too small. Of course some people don't have the luxury of moving their screen or their sitting position around. Or buy a new one :) One thing I learn is that unless the screen cover most of your FOV, it's probably best to stick with anything but the cockpit view.

center view is not a problem for me. Though it would be nice if they moved the view to the appropriate side.

The hand animation is completely unnecessary and distracting because it is non-corporeal motion. Another reason is that the FOV of the game does not equate to human FOV and peripheral vision.
center view is not a problem for me. Though it would be nice if they moved the view to the appropriate side.

The hand animation is completely unnecessary and distracting because it is non-corporeal motion. Another reason is that the FOV of the game does not equate to human FOV and peripheral vision.

It's a game and until we get to a point where computer animation can replicate that of human, you have to learn to accept that or else forget playing most of the games out there. But as I said, if you have the flexibility to move your seating position in relation to the screen, you can move the screen hands and wheel to the outside of your center view and even to the edge of your peripheral vision. That's how I setup my G25 sitting on a desk by having quite close to my 32" screen and I hardly notice the screen hands and wheel.