Play GT5 at PlayStation BETA in Birmingham (UK) on 31st July & 1st August

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does the driving feels more like the GT5P version or the GTAcademy build?

il like realistic driving but in GTA was a bit overwhelming for me. I was driving on ice?

How close to reality are the standard phsychics. is there a realisctic over/understeer.
for example, a real life TVR's are difficult drive in corners. but in GT5P they are very easy to drive on standard. there was no over/understeer at all.

Well standard physics are good, and an improvement over GT5P, but in Pro it's much more realistic. It's hard to say which version it's close to as it's different to both. But it's just plain great. Handling really has been nailed.
Don't forget the Gallardo isn't a 50-50 split AWD car, more 20-80, so power oversteer can be had, and it won't power understeer as such. Plus it's mid engined so will want to flip around on braking and on throttle off engine braking situations

The fact it is tail happy makes sense. If the old Rufs make it in, watch out :)

Yeah the Gallardo was tail happy, but only when pushed, or when lift off over-steer was required. Either way it felt great and a lot of fun.

Have to say thanks for such a detailed description of the physics engine. I do have a question though.

I have a brand new G25 in the box ready for GT5. Now I bought this because it became apparent to me very quickly that on professional setting you simply needed to use a wheel. Now is this still the case for GT5 because I have some friends who will continue to use the controller who would prefer to play on professional.

You can play GT5 quite competitively on a pad on professional, but for ultimate car control I use a wheel. It's more to do with the feedback a wheel gives you, letting you know exactly what your car is doing, and also allowing you more accuracy and control on turn in, enabling you to hit the apex better as well. Just after using a wheel, a pad doesn't compare, but if people only use a wheel then it'll be fine, although I've read that Kaz concentrated a lot on the wheel inputs.

Well you sir get a thumbs up for your detailed preview. Thanks for taking the time to do write up.. 👍

Indeed. Roll on November.

You're welcome. Thought I'd write what I myself would want to know and read.

Yes I realise this but I want to know what is the difference between GT5P and the latest build of GT5 using the pad on professional.

Hard to say the difference, but it's better, but not easier. Pro on GT5P was good with a pad and needed gentle throttle control. GT5 is the same but the cars seemed to respond quicker to the pad inputs on GT5 than in GT5P.
Problem was though that the pad versions at the Beta Room were all 3D 30fps versions, whereas the 2D wheel versions ran at 60 fps. So I didn't get to try 2D with a pad.

Fantastic impressions Mr. Madness! Sounds like the package is coming along well and there's less to be concerned about going forward.

I too will be playing with a pad...I actually don't like my steering I guess that for Pro physics I'll be at a disadvantage from the off.

HOWEVER, with patience and time do you think it's possible to be reasonably competitive using a pad? I know the Nissan TT was pretty tough with a pad.

Yes, if you use a pad then you can be competitive, although using a pad at the Beta Room seemed a disadvantage to the wheel, but like I said earlier, the pad was 3D 30 fps and the wheel was 2D 60 fps and you could notice the difference.

this comment makes me feel in paradise!👍

Me too.

Thanks for all your feedback guys, especially happy to read your description of the handling murdock.

Thanks. Yeah the handling was just sublime.

Thx for all the feedback and I hope you guys don't mind, but I posted your impressions over on the forums at Forzacentral.

Can't wait for November!

Thanks and I don't mind at all. Flattered actually.
@Madmurdock- Did you get to drive the NASCAR car? If so, what was it like handling wise?

Yeah. It handled good, but tbh didn't suit any of the tracks, and had a terrible lock-to-lock. Very quick. Looked good. Under-steered on turn. Good fun but no real tracks at the Beta Room to open it up.
The guy with the 1:42.7 time on apocalypse was there till the end, with me and Venari.
He held his time until a guy sitting on the other TV, who was the penultimate player of the entire event, did a 1:40.
To say he was sickened doesn't really do it justice.
No £3K telly for you, Josh.

That should answer your question, Raceworx.
Nice almera, btw.


HA man i would have been tearing the place up!! gutted.. when did you see my almera?? 👍
Just wondering, that a few of the beta visitors were very excited about the NASCAR damage, but there´s still noe pic or vid from it.
Can we expect to see one? Would be nice.
i didnt see anyone damage the nascar if im honest.. i saw someone using the skyline on the rally track though rather than the WRC car which i thought was fun to see :D
I couldn't get any footage of the nascar as it was at the very end of the show and my battery ran out but I can tell you that as I hit the rear bumper on the wall the car didn't just have a dangling rear bumper but the back actually deformed like in the GT5 damage trailer. The side of the car also deformed. For some reason I never realised to try damaging the nascar car or even trying it. Hopefully someone else tried to damage the nascar as well.

Only thought about some nascar vids/ pics, cause of this quote.
Looks like is a perfect game to be in a beta stage, if now have 10 points handling the final game must be 10x10 so 100 points!! :drool:
I can't believe no one recorded or even tried to damage the nascar car. I completely forgot until the end as well, but the damage seemed much more advanced than the other cars. It only took one small hit on the wall for the rear to get damaged, it didn't take having to hit the wall at 150mph. Anyway Gamescon is only a few weeks away, we'll see what PD have in store for us there.
I don't like what I saw of the damage in the recent videos, for any simulator to show damage that only deforms the front bumper at 150mph is very risky, it could open the game to all manner of ridicule. I hope you can turn the damage off, even in GT Mode because I would only want to race with a damage engine that meant: one mistake and your race is done.


1) The most common mistake for a racing sim for roll-overs comes when the car summersaults in the air, 99% of racing sims seem to have the car pivot around the top of the roof and appear to not have a realistic sense of gravity when airborne.

2) When cars are rolling make sure they aren't floating above the actual track surface and don't appear to dig through the surface < we see this mistake alot in PC sims and Forza's idea of a roll-over is just a joke.

3) Accurately simulate the friction between the car's body panels and different ground surfaces, alot of games have the car roll on asphalt as if it was dirt, we know from watching motorsport that this is not the case, the cars tend to skid across this surface and roll at a far less rapid rate.

4) Replicate what the aerodynamic influence would be on such incidents, we know that F1 cars would flip upwards as a result of wheel to wheel contact at high speed and that LMP and NASCAR cars tend to have 'blow overs' when sliding sideways at speed.

Just a few things I thought I'd point out on the subject of damage/crashes.
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I was about a 1 second slower on average with a pad, but it was hard to keep from breaking traction coming out of turns, and the more laps you do, the harder it is to maintain a good average time for all laps. For enduros, forget it! was maintaining speed and direction through a corner that caused the most issues using a pad...something that didn't cause anywhere near as many problems in GT5P. That's progress.

I do wish PD used the dpad/face button sensitivities better though. It's practically perfect in Ferrari Challenge and Supercar Challenge.
So I went to see this baby to the WRC event at Jyväskylä last weekend.

1. Graphics = 9 - 1:1 steering animation and it would be 10

2. Handling / Physics = 9,5 - Can't give more as the old playseat was giving me hard time. Wobbly as ever. :yuck:

But after the 458 on N1's at Nurb, I was blown away. There is so much more detail in the steering wheel and the grip levels feel much more realistic, imo (vs. gt5p). Especially the very limit of grip feels miles ahead of gt5p. Imo even little better than TT demo (which no doubt was affected by the adjusted temperature of +8C) Didn't actually drive after that much more as the Playseat was ruining the fun for me. Anyway even with a brief try I got what I wanted and can't wait for the release day now. Then I can truly enjoy the luuvly physics.

3. FFB = 9,1 - Playseat ruined this a little for me, but the impression I got was very good.

5. Sense of Speed = 10 - Realistic & immersive. Can't wait for the triple screen setup!!!

6. Sounds = 8,5 - Little hard to judge because of the backround noise, but one time we turned the vol quite up and the SLS sounded really throaty even with the lousy speakers from the TV. I know I was pleased with the sounds in TT demo and don't believe we're going downhill from there. 👍

7. Loved this baby sooo much!


@Timppack> Did you try a WRC car on Tuscana and if so, how was it?
I did, and I'd say it has gone a long way from GT3 & 4 times but only had one go as that was less important for me atm. But it was actually really hard! :D Maybe little due to the Playseat wobbling so much and the few beers. But give me 3h in my own rig and I bet the difficulties I encountered would turn into the same detaileness that I saw now with the tarmac stuff. It was just too little time and hard to hear sounds etc to get full grip from it.

The snap back thing I saw there felt really prominent but after watching a lot of incar footage this weekend and seeing how incredebly fast these cars switch direction it actually just made sense. I just was doing too much and too big corrections. These cars are meant to be driven as little sideways as possible and I was doing just the opposite. :)

Even if I can't guarantee that you'll be blown away with it, all the signs were pointing in the right direction and that's the main thing, imo. Just little more time with the WRC, litlle less beer, and little better circumstances would have made a big difference.

But one thing I can tell you even after all the above. I liked it WAY better that I ever liked rally in GT4. 👍

edit, the gravel seems a lot more like gravel now than ice 👍
I did, and I'd say it has gone a long way from GT3 & 4 times but only had one go as that was less important for me atm. But it was actually really hard! :D Maybe little due to the Playseat wobbling so much and the few beers. But give me 3h in my own rig and I bet the difficulties I encountered would turn into the same detaileness that I saw now with the tarmac stuff. It was just too little time and hard to hear sounds etc to get full grip from it.

The snap back thing I saw there felt really prominent but after watching a lot of incar footage this weekend and seeing how incredebly fast these cars switch direction it actually just made sense. I just was doing too much and too big corrections. These cars are meant to be driven as little sideways as possible and I was doing just the opposite. :)

Even if I can't guarantee that you'll be blown away with it, all the signs were pointing in the right direction and that's the main thing, imo. Just little more time with the WRC, litlle less beer, and little better circumstances would have made a big difference.

But one thing I can tell you even after all the above. I liked it WAY better that I ever liked rally in GT4. 👍

edit, the gravel seems a lot more like gravel now than ice 👍
That is great to hear, thanks! :cheers:
But one thing I can tell you even after all the above. I liked it WAY better that I ever liked rally in GT4. 👍
That's good to hear! :) To me the rally portion has always felt a little tacked on in the previous games, so any improvement is a good thing! 👍
Clean lap around Rome - funky looking roof cam


don't like the roof-cames, prefer a hoodcam. But this is a nice lap. good video!

also i did't like the new layout for the rome track at first, but i changed my mind. there are some nice corners. its unique on its own, the circuit is very fast too, for a street-circuit.
Raceworx, I saw you pull up.
Well, I heard you pull up first.
I was hovering around outside waiting for Venari to turn up so we could go get some funky wristbands.

The Physics:
Standard physics were good and felt similar to GT5P but with much more feedback and a definite improvement. What I noticed was that you could push the car harder and even on standard there was some good moments of oversteer or understeer that needed a quick reaction to catch.
Pro physics were amazing period.
The handling on pro setting was sublime and far exceeded GT5P in feedback and control. The amount of small inputs that you could apply was immense, with you able to correct small slides with a quick correction but at the same time knowing that if you tried a little harder you'd be off. It was easier to know and feel the limits of the cars than in GT5P but at the same time more precision was needed to drive well. You immediately could feel the improvements in all areas with the cars bouncing over bumps realistically, and sliding and moving about more so than in GT5P, but all the time giving you more feedback, therefore letting you know what the car was doing all the time.
You had so much more input when braking and it felt great for it. The cars dipped and slid and the feeling was immense.
The in-car view looked great with a slight shake giving you more of a sense of immersion.
The feeling of speed was also improved from GT5P, but not too much to be silly and unrealistic.
The thing that stuck in my mind was how much more you could push the cars than you could in GT5P. In GT5P it felt like you couldn't really rag the cars as they had a slight feeling of being on skates.
But this isn't evident at all in GT5. Even on pro you can really give the cars some stick, with a great sense of how ragged you're being. but this didn't take away the difficulty or make it easier at all. It felt better for it and more like how cars really handle than in GT5P.
Overall impression of the handling was WOW with no complaints at all.

Awesome report, by a guy who speaks the same language as us GTPers. 👍

Having decent feedback was one of my most wanted improvements, I'm glad it finally came to GT, November 2, the D-Day. :D
Raceworx, I saw you pull up.
Well, I heard you pull up first.
I was hovering around outside waiting for Venari to turn up so we could go get some funky wristbands.


i didnt see anyone :( i saw a guy with a camera doing some filming and that was it.. should have said hello..

also i dont know why people think my cars loud this is the quietist one i have owned :scared:
Don't feel like reading the thread in its entirety:

did anyone try to smash their car 90 degrees into a wall and see what was up with the chassis deformation?

All I see on the frontpage are bumpers slightly off their place as per usual.


car hits wooden fences -> sparks
invisible walls
invisible walls being hit -> sparks
those doors...
WRC Rally car drifting away at 35 Km/h on simil-concrete like it was on ice

this stuff is embarrassing and painful to watch

...and lol @ the butthurt fanboy removing every single YT comment.
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the damage was really dialled back i rammed a lambo full pelt into a wall and didnt really see much apart from sparks and it span.. people are putting way way to much on these demo's the fact that you could go on the ring and the track not even load shows how early a build it was! if not then there is going to be plenty of dissapointed people..
Madmurdock, excellent written report just wanted to say like others have thanks for going to all the bother and its appreciated.
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