Play GT5 at PlayStation BETA in Birmingham (UK) on 31st July & 1st August

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I've experienced exactly the same glitch whilst playing FM2/3 but even more extreme. A couple of things have caused this problem with the first time being a faulty disc and also signs that my 360 was dying. Once the entire track used to disappear and then my 360 packed in 3 days later but this time the game was running from my HDD.

Im sure PD will fix this because I imagine the last few months of developing consists of testing and fixing bugs.

It could also of been those fat ps3's dying in the heat, it was extremely hot in there on sunday, i had wierd things happen like that just before my original 60Gb died
It's a game and until we get to a point where computer animation can replicate that of human, you have to learn to accept that or else forget playing most of the games out there. But as I said, if you have the flexibility to move your seating position in relation to the screen, you can move the screen hands and wheel to the outside of your center view and even to the edge of your peripheral vision. That's how I setup my G25 sitting on a desk by having quite close to my 32" screen and I hardly notice the screen hands and wheel.

No, you are incorrect, sir. We can always ask for game improvements.

Again, the FOV of the game does not correspond to the FOV of a real human.

please have good weekend!
I've never seen a game that has the same FOV as a human.
Probably due to the fact a tv is a rectangle.
I would go myself, but that would mean going to Birmingham...

And last time I went to Birmingham I got murdered twelve times.

Go on, I'll fall for it.
What happened?
Here is a good helmet cam, Henning Solberg in his rally car, this is pretty much what a human perspective would look like.
I've never seen a game that has the same FOV as a human.
Probably due to the fact a tv is a rectangle.

good point! Also, the FOV is a human is binocular and very small...sumfink like only 20-30degrees? What works best imho for racing sims is the smaller field of views with my TrackIR5.
iirc, to be more precise I should be speaking about Visual Field and not FOV. I need to look that up. is all good! GT5 will be played regardless!
Go on, I'll fall for it.
What happened?

OK, so stictly speaking only eight of them were murders... but we'll get to that later.

So I was taking my llama for it's weekly walk, and I thought I should take him to somewhere smoggy and 'orrible. Y'know for a change...

Well, we were walking along minding our own business when a Toyota came at me... it must of been going 100+ miles-per-hour!... anyway, long story short, I died. Women drivers, eh...?

ANYWAY, I got up, looked around and noticed a sign above a hospital... it read 'a place where dreams become real'. 'Wow', I told myself. 'That's where I ought to be'. I walked steadily towards it... then suddenly... bang!

My llama exploded. I knew I shouldn't have given him all those bananas... I knew about the potassium content... I KNEW about the effects of potassium... oh, I was sad...

That was until I finally walked through the doors (automatic, by the way) and saw the sterile white walls of the hospital. A cleaner (who was cleaning) looked at me a smiled showing her well-cleaned teeth. They sparkled. Anyway, she asked me 'would you like a room?' 'Yes, YES, I would like a room.'

So I got a room. That was where I was euthanized. 'I'm not ill!' I pleaded. Again, they euthanized me. And again. And again. I ran out of the hospital before they could do it a forth time. I ran down the stairs into the main entrance and out through the (automatic) doors.

I ran through the courtyard and bang! A Toyota struck me. Thankfully, he was found guilty in court. (Although for some reason, they've let him out recently. I'll be cautious next time a see a goofy-toothed Asian man driving a Toyota... although that's quite hard to avoid around my neighbourhood. :crazy: )

I ran further. I looked behind me, and saw two ****** chasing me with knives. I screamed, but it was no use. Their metallic weapons sunk into my skin like scissors through sponge. I love cutting up sponge with scissors.

They saw the cops coming, and yelled '****, *****. Dats da po po!'

I hadn't got a good look at the policeman yet... that was until he turned to face me. His wrinkled face looked like a melted wellington boot. His facial features were all in the wrong places. He looked as if he'd had a partial face transplant with a pug - only a pug that had had its face cut to pieces and stuck together with pritt-stick... then stood on six (not five) times.

Yes... it was truly terrifying. :scared: I looked at his name tag - it read 'Adrian Chiles'.

He reached into his pocket... and pulled out a hammer. A big one. He whacked my head and in one fell swoop, I was dead on the floor.

I got up (by this time he'd left, thank God) and imagined his face. For this reason, I killed myself four times.
Toscana with Pro Physics - noticed spectators on this track, which I didn't before
I absolutely love the fact that racing in the dark means the surrounding area is nigh-on pitch black...only the headlight lighting up signs and such. This video looks crisp as well.

GT5, like this, is a graphical tour de force.
Is it just me or when he spun out at the start of that video there was no invisable wall, as we have seen in previous vids from the same track... Looks like they moved the walls back further from the road for this beta.
they put the invisible walls far away from the track. Good sign. Now its time see Weather and Dynamic Weather
Toscana with Pro Physics - noticed spectators on this track, which I didn't before

very cool! thanks for sharing.

henceforth all players will use term 'man-gears' for manual transmission(?)!
We need a new name for the automatic transmission (wimp-gears? easy-gears? baby-gears? ideas?)
very cool! thanks for sharing.

henceforth all players will use term 'man-gears' for manual transmission(?)!
We need a new name for the automatic transmission (wimp-gears? easy-gears? baby-gears? ideas?)

How about girl-gears.

On anouther note Im not sexist:)
Mr Latte
Madmurdock, excellent written report just wanted to say like others have thanks for going to all the bother and its appreciated.

You're welcome mate. I wrote it like I would have liked, if I was the one reading it and eager for some GT5 info.
Captain Roh
I'll +1 to that 👍

It makes a change to read about the actual experience.!

Couldn't see the point in testing the damage limits as it was very obviously not a full damage build. Was more interested in just driving and seeing how good the physics are.
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Mr Latte
Funny how nobody from E3 picked up about the 3D versions feeling like 30fps, err like SRT with their extensive experience.
I hope this all gets clarified soon at GDC or TGS

Not sure how it was missed before, as it was obvious to me as soon as I tried it.

First thank for the post.
I wonder if you dont have complains at all with physics, in this beta stage, what we must espect in the final version? (based in your experience)

Firstly you're welcome. I hope the physics stay the same, and I imagine they're finished.
At the beta, as I mentioned, the physics were sublime. Couldn't find a fault with them.

Quick questions after going through the thread. Is
the bonnet/hood view replay only? Is it more like a roof cam than hood cam?

No. Bonnet view is in game too. You can see the front of the bonnet when using that view.