Thank you.Daz645: So far it is available on the Toscana rally track and on the Nurburgring
So far it [day and night cycle] is available on the Toscana rally track and on the Nurburgring
Kaz confirmed there will be a 24h race at least on the 24h configuration of the Nürburgring, yet I never saw it with the lighting cycle.
I expect it to be with day and night transition as well, yet I haven't seen it.
Are there pictures or a vid that show it?
I have a feeling it changes the AI performance, and gives you preset driving options. So beginner will have standard physics TC, ABS, Steering assist, medium will have Pro physics with TC(5), ABS, No steering assist. And Pro will have no aids except maybe ABS 1.Quick question for those who went to the Beta event; we've seen there's 3 modes you can choose from in arcade mode (beginner, intermediate and advanced), but on some vids I've seen you can also choose handling (std/pro) in the pop up menu (same as gt5p) - was the pro/std handling option available in alll 3 modes? trying to get an idea of how it's worked out, from what I can gather the 3 initial modes affect handling and race difficulty, and then in advanced mode you can also choose between pro/std handling...
I have a feeling it changes the AI performance, and gives you preset driving options. So beginner will have standard physics TC, ABS, Steering assist, medium will have Pro physics with TC(5), ABS, No steering assist. And Pro will have no aids except maybe ABS 1.
But I don't know.
beginer intermediate and pro was just for the AI driver settings but all other things were changeable once you were into the menues themselves and didnt change IRC regardless of the level you chose..
The music in the venue was so loud you couldn't hear the sound on any of the games!👎
Come on, they are paid to say that!Interesting reading the comments about 3D considering the OPM said "When you play GT5 in 3D you will never want to play in 2D ever again".
You would assume their opinion is biased. However they did comment how disappointing the head tracking was.Come on, they are paid to say that!![]()
1. Graphics - Good but glitchy, some Jaggies still evident. Sparks somewhat overdone (ie you shouldnt get sparks coming from body panels that are made of carbon) Shadows were a bit off in places,
2. Handling - Very good, felt better than Academy to me
3. FFB - hard to say as it was a DFGT and I've only used G25 for years now
4. Day to night cycle - EXTREMELY rapid, will be interesting to see how it works on the 24h endurance races.
5. Sense of Speed - great, what more can i tell you
6. How good was the 3DTV version - Pooh tbh, couldnt wear those glasses for more than 2 minutes.
7. Did graphics in 3DTV mode appear more jaggied YES/NO - No
8. Noticable framerate difference between 3D/2D version YES/NO - Yes noticeably more jerky
37 secs in GT5 starts (not my vid)
720p as well
TWas also nice to bump in to a few other fellow GTP'ers, recognisable by GTP stickers on the sleeves of which I became a proud owner of![]()
Roll on November.
Ahh, excellent thanks 👍 looks like they've done away with the gt5p AI setting of a slider between 0-100, good news.
So no headtracking and I notice that the Nurburgring track was the old version with new effects.
If you want to guys how about using the below to allow people here to get an idea on your own thoughts and impressions.
Anyone want to give their scores/answers on the 1-8 below?
Give your scores in 1-10 and YES/NO were applicable. As audio was aparently hard to hear maybe best to leave it out.
When losing grip on the front end did the steering go light in your grip.
I really like how some other games portray this.
You can get to feel the edge of grip, before the tyre squeel. If you know what I mean.
Cheers mate.
When losing grip on the front end did the steering go light in your grip.
I really like how some other games portray this.
You can get to feel the edge of grip, before the tyre squeal. If you know what I mean.
Cheers mate.
Anyone get a feel for how much the handling was affected by damage?
Sounds great!The Physics:
Standard physics were good and felt similar to GT5P but with much more feedback and a definite improvement. What I noticed was that you could push the car harder and even on standard there was some good moments of oversteer or understeer that needed a quick reaction to catch.
Pro physics were amazing period.
The handling on pro setting was sublime and far exceeded GT5P in feedback and control. The amount of small inputs that you could apply was immense, with you able to correct small slides with a quick correction but at the same time knowing that if you tried a little harder you'd be off. It was easier to know and feel the limits of the cars than in GT5P but at the same time more precision was needed to drive well. You immediately could feel the improvements in all areas with the cars bouncing over bumps realistically, and sliding and moving about more so than in GT5P, but all the time giving you more feedback, therefore letting you know what the car was doing all the time.
You had so much more input when braking and it felt great for it. The cars dipped and slid and the feeling was immense.
The in-car view looked great with a slight shake giving you more of a sense of immersion.
The feeling of speed was also improved from GT5P, but not too much to be silly and unrealistic.
The thing that stuck in my mind was how much more you could push the cars than you could in GT5P. In GT5P it felt like you couldn't really rag the cars as they had a slight feeling of being on skates.
But this isn't evident at all in GT5. Even on pro you can really give the cars some stick, with a great sense of how ragged you're being. but this didn't take away the difficulty or make it easier at all. It felt better for it and more like how cars really handle than in GT5P.
Overall impression of the handling was WOW with no complaints at all.