Play GT5 at PlayStation BETA in Birmingham (UK) on 31st July & 1st August

  • Thread starter Neal

-Do AWD cars oversteer?
-Is the AI brain dead or better?
-Any roll overs?
-Catching air at the Ring. How much if any?
-Frame rate stability?
-Force feedback realism/strength?
-Thing (GT5) you hated most.
-Thing you enjoyed the most.
So no headtracking and I notice that the Nurburgring track was the old version with new effects.

If you want to guys how about using the below to allow people here to get an idea on your own thoughts and impressions.

Anyone want to give their scores/answers on the 1-8 below?
Give your scores in 1-10 and YES/NO were applicable. As audio was aparently hard to hear maybe best to leave it out.

1. Graphics
2. Handling
3. FFB
4. Day to night cycle
5. Sense of Speed
6. How good was the 3DTV version
7. Did graphics in 3DTV mode appear more jaggied YES/NO
8. Noticable framerate difference between 3D/2D version YES/NO

1. = 10
2. = 9
3. = N/A (played on wheel but gave up - first time)
4. = 8
5. = 7/8
6. = 6
7. = NO
8. = YES

Done :)
So no headtracking and I notice that the Nurburgring track was the old version with new effects.

If you want to guys how about using the below to allow people here to get an idea on your own thoughts and impressions.

Anyone want to give their scores/answers on the 1-8 below?
Give your scores in 1-10 and YES/NO were applicable. As audio was aparently hard to hear maybe best to leave it out.

1. Graphics
2. Handling
3. FFB
4. Day to night cycle
5. Sense of Speed
6. How good was the 3DTV version
7. Did graphics in 3DTV mode appear more jaggied YES/NO
8. Noticable framerate difference between 3D/2D version YES/NO

1. =
2. =
3. =
4. =
5. =
6. =
7. =
8. =

1. Graphics = Noticable differences between stages. Some very detailed and others were still Beta-eque. Toscana was really nice. I didn't see crowd reactions in Rome and the landmarks were so-so.

2. Handling = Same ol'.

3. FFB = Same ol'. Was fun watching noobs play on it and give up <30 seconds. I had my own moments on the 'Ring though.

4. Day to night cycle = Very quick as in the demo video's we've seen. So from complete daylight to night in under 2 minutes. The Stars were very noticeable, I wanted to see if I could pick up constillations after that fact (probably so if I had to guess). The driving line makes it significantly easier to drive when it's total darkness.

5. Sense of Speed = Same ol' to me (wasn't looking for this).

6. How good was the 3DTV version = M'eh. A couple prototype rendering issues on both 2D and 3D, especially for the 'Ring. The interior cockpit was cool. On the Italia, the speedo stood out more. I wasn't blown away.

7. Did graphics in 3DTV mode appear more jaggied YES/NO Jagged? No.

8. Noticable framerate difference between 3D/2D version YES/NO No. Both had lag points.

Overall, the night/rally stage was the coolest. Good dirt simulation and night effects. I'm sure the Game is at a much further stage than these levels would indicate.

It's a shame, as I discussed with a few of the guys today, all this event has done, for me, is made the wait, very very hard. Knowing I cant play this until November now and must go back to GT4 or prologue, its gonna be hard knowin how far GT5 has advanced. :(

-Do AWD cars oversteer?
-Is the AI brain dead or better?
-Any roll overs?
-Catching air at the Ring. How much if any?
-Frame rate stability?
-Force feedback realism/strength?
-Thing (GT5) you hated most.
-Thing you enjoyed the most.

Yes they oversteer, but in the demo we played, it's only when you brake with some lock on, then mash the throttle, as the handbrake wasn't configured.

AI is what it's always been, well for me anyway.

No roll overs in sight, people only got 1:50 secs to play, they were interested in driving.... funny really...

I hit Flugplatz at top speed in the Autech Motul Z a couple of times at over 160MPH... no air for me, but I do have superior car control...:sly:

Frame rate was stable, but the game crashed a few times, which pointed out the obvious: These are DEMO codes of the game, and are therefore inferior in many ways, including graphical appearance for vehicles, scenery, lengthy loading times and poor rendering on certain circuits.

The wheels were set to slippery, so very little FFB to deal with. The DFGT is a step up from the DFP though, but I always look down at the pedal box, and sigh...:grumpy:

The thing I hated most? It was a playstation event, what's to hate? If I had to express disappointment about anything, it would be 3D. I honestly cannot see what all the fuss is about. Fairy nuff, If I'd won one of the 5 3DTV's on offer, I'd probably play the game in that format, but I will not be handing over cash and putting on my clark-kents, just to see what I deem to be very little difference between that medium and good old HD.
If you're playing GT5P on an HDTV right now, you can be sure that you are not missing out on very much at all. IMO.

The thing I enjoyed the most was being in a room full of like-minded people, who represent such a variance in lifestyles, fashions and backgrounds, but who were all in that room to pick up a pad and shoot some helghans, or a MOVE controller and punch some thugs, or grab a wheel and do some laps.

I didn't see Little Big Planet, so I couldn't possibly comment.

Can anyone comment on the status of the shadows? Especially the shadowing on the cars, they were extremely low res until recently. I would hate to see that kind of broken shadows in the final release.
Anyway it looks like there are 3 driving physics models now

begineer - like GT5 Prologue standard, tons of grip, and no oversteer in powerful cars. Kinda like GT4, but a little easier
Standard - a bit more oversteer etc for the controller pad users
Pro - more hardcore, need steering wheel

Loxstokk 's impressions

I&#8217;ve just got back from the beta rooms event in Birmingham. Played gt5 in 3D. The 3G effect was very subtle on the example I saw. The physics were excellent. There was beginner, intermediate and pro. Pro seemed v similar to gt academy demo. Extremely difficult on the narrow roads of the nurburgring. Intermidate was a great compromise of difficulty and feel. Beginner was similar to prologue standard. Graphics were excellent but we already know this. Toscana was beautiful, especially to day to night transitions and the way the headlights pick up different sign posts etc. Handling was slippy as you&#8217;d expect, nothing unusual for a rally racing game. There were however variations in the road surface, going from sand up gravel to some harder stuff ( not quite Tarmac). Damage was a lot more dramatic than I&#8217;ve seen on previous videos circling the web. Saw some people mash their cars up pretty good. Polyphony can now say they have the best damage physics on a console driving sim. Didn&#8217;t notice anydamage affecting the car handling. Thing that most impressed me? Probably the feel given by the new physics. Probably the best I&#8217;ve experienced from a driving game. Pretty close to real driving, and that is a massive complement. Spoke to a Sony guy about a uk release date, he said the &#8220;20th of November or around there&#8221;. Sorry if my writing is poor, I&#8217;m typing this on my phone.
The thing I hated most? It was a playstation event, what's to hate? If I had to express disappointment about anything, it would be 3D. I honestly cannot see what all the fuss is about.
If you're playing GT5P on an HDTV right now, you can be sure that you are not missing out on very much at all. IMO.

My sentiments, exactly.
In fact, I think my eyes would give up the fight after 10 minutes of driving in 3d. :grumpy:

Back to HD:
On a positive note - elevation changes were much more noticeable for me, on all the tracks.
The loud music at the venue, as Maff said, was a pain. Impossible to comment on the in-game sounds because of that.
Physics felt the same as the Academy TT.
Rome and Madrid looked glorious. 👍
I tried switching views on the Nurb, and managed to crash the graphics. :crazy:

Overall I'm looking forward to the full package in November 👍

Thank you, SCEE, for the opportunity to try this taster :)
WEll i was there in my raceworx shirt no one said hi but i didnt spend to long there stayed till 7..

i was the first person to get on one of the two pods.. the one with the broken seat!! being 6"4 trying to get an impression with your knees up round your ears was poo.. and im gona be blunt here i was underwhelmed...

the demo that was there was very glitchy.. first time on the ring.. it loaded without having a track! also saw it happen to afew people. saw one car driving around with huge black piece stuck out of the tailgate!

i went in the lambo wanted to here the sound couldnt here it.. graphicly it was great but you couldnt here the sound the damage was only slight and had no impact on driving characteristics that i could tell..

screeching noise is much improved and sparks were pritty cool..

i dont think anyone missed anything buy not going to this event it wasnt as if there was anything on show you carnt already see.. and with a time limit of 1:30 it was not exactly enough time to get in and really get to grips with the physics.

3D on all games was just meh.. if you tilt your head as said previously then it goes blurry and to say your supposed to be shocked and want to move then it kind of removes the point..

move was great my GF really liked it. Killzone again was killzone played in 3d and 2d prefferd 2d, 3d made it look horrible and killzone is such a busy game if you tilted your head it was just a mess on the screen!

also the event staff were just randoms so they couldnt answer any questions about interior views or what cars were in the game ect.

i may sound negative but i really did enjoy it but in my eyes i really hope that the GT5 demo is a really old build with damaged severly limited on it and effects removed.

ill get a video of me up inabit i only got one when i get there there didnt seem much point taking anymore how many videos of the tokyo rout do we need?
Different levels of dust coming off the rally cars in this vid. Indicating different surface types

Really appreciate everyones contribution on this thread. A shame I couldn't attend the event.

What impresses me the most is considering the videos have been recorded via a camera pointing at a TV, the details of tracks such as Rome are stunning. I can't even begin to imagine what this track will look like on my Sony Bravia.

Interesting to know their are now 3 difficulty settings. A wise move by PD in my opinion.
Firstly, i've just got to say Rome is the dullest GT5 circuit so far, but Madrid is great. You can probably see from all the videos that the trees are still horrible and really detract from the realism of the graphics, but i suppose you can't ask for everything. As most people have said, the 3D was underwhelming, though i can't put my finger on why (as Motorstorm in 3D was actually quite good - though in 3D, GT5's framerate holds steady whereas Motorstorms can dip quite low). Maybe it's mainly because it was a more subtle effect, but unlike the previous press impressions that have said the 3D in GT5 is "popup" in style, i can safely say they're completely wrong - it really does look like "real" depth. At one point i was watching someone else play and i don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me or not, but he nudged a barrier at one point and i'm pretty sure it buckled a little.

Using Youtube tags.

See the last 10/11 characters (everything after ?v=)? That's the video identifier. Copy that. Put a [youtube] tag, then the identifier, then a [/youtube] tag.

So your last one would look like this:


With this result:

dide anyone see what the winning time for the tv was? i saw a guy do a 1:41.7 then the guy infront of me did a 1:41.9 he was gutted! seriously gutted...

Is the corvette in your video a standard car? The cockpit looks really bland.
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I created the video and was pretty sure that the corvette is premium model. The steering wheel and gauges etc were all modeled greatly, although there isn't much detail on this particular cars cockpit.