PlayStation 5 Pro: Coming November 2024, $700/€800

  • Thread starter Jtheripper
8k is a marketing joke as neither will any game on console run with this resolution nor will any customer see any difference between 4k and 8k in home tv setups.
8K is more of a technical exercise than a mode Sony expects many to use. If PD can deliver 8K/60 there’s the potential to downsample to 4K for pristine image quality. Regardless, if PD can use PSSR for super high resolutions on a console that only has a modest GPU boost. It means they can focus on other areas to improve visuals.

I’m sure we’ll also see GT7 demos to market Sony TV’s.
I also missed the info about the upgrade on PSVR2. I am not aware of the upgrades for this at all.
PSSR can be used on older titles without needing to update the SDK. This wouldn’t be an issue for GT7 as they’ll update the title. But for smaller PSVR2 devs it means they can get the advantages of PSSR with a simple patch.
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It'll definitely sell out. There is most certainly an audience for this stuff and the price isn't insane when compared to various other hobbies etc. I feel like people have weirdly strong reactions whenever a piece of game hardware comes out that is more than, lets say, $400. Whether that's a console, a VR headset, a graphics card, a steering wheel or joystick etc. At some point, mainstream just decided there was a hard line around $400 🤷‍♂️ Even though price point for everything on the planet has ballooned to ridiculousness.. somehow this hardware is supposed to be precluded from that. My N64 box has a $129.99 sticker on it. So you can almost bet we'll be paying $1000 for a console at some point.

$2000 for a video card is what is actually insane. And I've spent close to that much on one. I still want a 4090 but couldn't bite the bullet; sounds like 50XX series cards are not to far off so I might as well just wait.

Also, people should've learned by now that you can't judge visuals based on Youtube videos or internet streams. The resolution often isn't there and the bit rate is definitely never there. We're at a level of fidelity now where you need to see this stuff in person to see the differences. I'm sure it'll look great and almost certainly a lot better than a $700 PC or even something twice that much.

I just started Space Marine 2 yesterday and had to choose between Fidelity or Performance. One looks amazing and runs at 30, the other doesn't look nearly as good and runs at 60. I usually go with Performance but in this case, because it does look noticeably worse, I went with Fidelity. A Pro will give the best of both worlds. Pretty straightforward. Just like with the PS4 Pro, the PS5 Pro will become the design benchmark for games.. GTA6 will obviously run and look the best on the Pro.

If you don't want to buy it, that's okay. They probably didn't expect you to buy it. They expect the early adopters to. The people who buy 4090s, $1500 wheel/pedal setups, $1000+ VR headsets, or $700 image scalers. The people who subscribe to Digital Foundry. And there are a lot more of those people than you think.
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HDMI 2.1 (there is currently no newer hdmi standard) can't do 8k60hz without dsc (compression, optional feature that a ton of current tvs don't implement) or chroma subsampling ("less" quality) ._.
I wear 1.5x readers and sit arm length away from a 24” Asus game monitor thing. It cannot get any better from what I can see. More power to you if you see a difference 👍
Never played FF7R myself but apparently image quality was awful.

Really want to see some GT7 shots from the different modes.

Rich from DF says the GPU (Power & feature set) is nearest to a 4070.

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1080p isn't 2k.
I was quoting @Famine, sorry, replying to …
I have no idea what it is, or care

Wikipedia says

2K resolution is a generic term for display devices or content having a horizontal resolution of approximately 2,000 pixels.[1] In the movie projection industry, Digital Cinema Initiatives is the dominant standard for 2K output and defines a 2K format with a resolution of 2048 × 1080.[2][3]For television and consumer media, the dominant resolution in the same class is 1920 × 1080, but in the cinema industry this is generally referred to as "HD" and distinguished from the various 2K cinema formats.
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There is most certainly an audience for this stuff and the price isn't insane when compared to various other hobbies etc.
Not to mention that A LOT of people spend $1k+ every year on the latest and greatest iPhone (or equivalent) and are perfectly fine doing that...
Wikipedia says

2K resolution is a generic term for display devices or content having a horizontal resolution of approximately 2,000 pixels.[1] In the movie projection industry, Digital Cinema Initiatives is the dominant standard for 2K output and defines a 2K format with a resolution of 2048 × 1080.[2][3]For television and consumer media, the dominant resolution in the same class is 1920 × 1080, but in the cinema industry this is generally referred to as "HD" and distinguished from the various 2K cinema formats.
The last sentence states it clearly that the industry standard considers 1080p as HD not 2k.
Never played FF7R myself but apparently image quality was awful.

Really want to see some GT7 shots from the different modes.

Rich from DF says the GPU (Power & feature set) is nearest to a 4070.

I watched the Digital Foundry review before I played the game and thought oh no it's going to look awful, it looked great bar a very few locations here and there which looks just okay.

Then again I can barely tell the difference between 1080p and 2K, but 30 and 60 fps sticks out to me straight away making 30 fps near unplayable, to some people it's the opposite.

Image quality can be as subjective as audio quality to people.
A PC with a graphics card worth the price of the PS5Pro will be mostly very good.
A PC of the price of the PS5Pro will not remotly deliver the same performance of a regular PS5, propably not even PS4Pro, just for 1080p resolutions and quality settings of the same level - and that is still without the input devices that are included to a console.
that is not true. for ~800€ you can easily build a pc that is as fast as a PS5pro or even faster. And this are consumer prices, sony for sure is not paying this high prices. And for the talk about the ps5 and ps4 pro this thing destroys them. ;)

PS5 slim is 550 Euros. Cheapest PS5 is 450 Euro digital edition.
From Sony Direct.
Why would you compare a diskless ps5pro with the slim with diskdrive? Of course you compare the diskless ps5pro with the slim digital.

And for me it was PS5 pro 800€ (and well I doubt the price will drop in the near future)
Or PS5 slim for 369€ and as you can see I chose the slim. :)

that is not true. for ~800€ you can easily build a pc that is as fast as a PS5pro or even faster. And this are consumer prices, sony for sure is not paying this high prices. And for the talk about the ps5 and ps4 pro this thing destroys them. ;)

View attachment 1388892
Let's just say you already have a TV/monitor. You just forgot the case, PSU, controller and keyboard/mouse... That's at least 200 euros more.
Not to mention that A LOT of people spend $1k+ every year on the latest and greatest iPhone (or equivalent) and are perfectly fine doing that...
Because a cell phone is a much more universal tool in society & a borderline necessity for many unlike a console. Also, every major phone carrier offers payment plans in addition to the cell plan & will offer incentives to trade in every year.

This isn't a very good comparison.
Let's just say you already have a TV/monitor. You just forgot the case, PSU, controller and keyboard/mouse... That's at least 200 euros more.
i really did forget the psu but the psu is ~35€ the case ~25€ and well gamepad ~40€ = 100€ and if you chose to play with mouse and keyboard with 8€ you are good to go and don´t need to spend 40€ on gamepad..

but that was not my point, he said for 800€ you can´t build a pc that is as fast as a regular ps5 maybe not even a ps4 pro and well that ist just not true. 800€ is really a lot and even now that the ps5pro is not even out yet you can buy for that money a pc that can beat the ps5pro easily..

I think it is really a mistake to sell it for 800€ in €urope. Drop the price of the PS5 slim and sell the ps5pro for ~550€. That thing would sell like cake.
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PS5 Pro Performance Without PSSR

According to the footage, this game uses a 1080p-1600p dynamic resolution range with a mix of medium and high settings and runs between 45 and 60 FPS on the base model. The same game, on PlayStation 5 Pro, uses a higher dynamic resolution range, 1600p-2160p, with no PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution, maximum settings, and runs at locked 60 frames per second without any drop. The developer is looking into trying 4K resolution and 120 Hz modes in the future.

Things seem to be looking up for the PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution upscaler as well. The PlayStation 5 Pro AI-driven upscaler was recently updated to version 9.4, which improves the image quality over version 9.0 and uses only 250MB of RAM. The available memory doesn't seem to be an issue for the system as well, as Sony added just enough usable RAM, according to this developer.
At least where i live you cant build a pc below €1000 that would be as good as ps5 pro more like €1300 or more. You cant really beat value for money that consoles offers,

And even if you buy simular hardware the pc will require more to run in general
And many times the games is much worse optimized on pc so thst will be a huge factor as well.
I agree that generally consoles offer better value than equivalent gaming PCs but personally I think where these mid-life upgraded consoles lack value is that they don't really do a whole lot more than the base versions unless you have all the other kit to make use of the stuff they offer. In my dusty spare room, with a perfectly serviceable but low end 4k TV sat on a desk, what real life improvement is a PS5 Pro going to offer- that's what I've always wanted to know.

I only ever 'upgraded' once - Xbox One to Xbox One X. And that was because my wife knocked my XB1 off the table when cleaning/faffing around and I took advantage of her guilt to upgrade it. I thought that was a genuine real world upgrade, the XB1 was a bit puny compared to the PS4 and the 1X reversed that in part because it was much more of an upgrade over the base console than PS4 Pro was over PS4. With this, my limited knowledge of specs and features, this looks like a much more subtle real-world upgrade and nothing is making me think this is going to make much of a difference in my modest setup. Partly too, I'm loathe to spend £700 on another consoles when as soon as the novelty factor wears off the Pro, everybody will start to speculate on the PS6! The fact Microsoft aren't doing a mid-life upgrade on the Series makes me wonder if they might be trying to steal a march on the actual next gen.
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Alan Wake 2 at sub 1600x900 doesn't sound very 4070 to me at all. It in fact sounds very 3070 to me, especially when I've not heard anything about any PSSR equivalent to DLSS3's full feature set (so even the otherwise waste of sand 4060Ti isn't a comparison).
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With some public response to the price. Sony should take swift action to make a change. They need to show they are confident, they need to make the Pro shiny black, double down with features and include a mini disc player and a rubber shoulder mount so we can use it as a hi-8 video camera with the built in Carl Zeis lens and tape recorder.
Pro Retro?
It's a higher tier PS5 with the PS5 still selling near it's launch price, so essentially we just got a pricey exclusive PS5 for those that wants to spend the money. And i am slightly surprised that people are in "shock" over the price, the PS5 hasn't dropped in price and inflation is crazy, especially in the world of computer chips. Why should Sony take a "loss" over healthy profits on the Pro when it has zero competition limited supplies and most likely will sell PS5 Pros just fine anyway...?

The real test comes with/if a new XBOX Series XX and the launch of GTA6, that game will move consoles and if Sony doesn't have competition when it releases the best console to buy for that game will be the Pro..

I am selling my PS5 before it drops to much in price so that the Pro isn't that expensive..