Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
I played Galaga and won the arcade game for my living space. I can put as many as I want in there. I currently only have two, but haven't seen how many I can place in there. That means I can play the game anytime I want.
Now I have two things of interest. I don't have the links but I have been reading a dozen different forums.

1. Australians might have it at 8pmish which is 2 hours from now.
2. Australians will have to wait untill tomorrow at 3-5am which I read is when the PS Store updates. So in any case the next 12hours is our hot spot.
I played Galaga and won the arcade game for my living space. I can put as many as I want in there. I currently only have two, but haven't seen how many I can place in there. That means I can play the game anytime I want.

You can win all four Namco arcade systems and place them in your personal spaces and clubhouses. There is supposedly even a table top version that alows you to play all four, but I have not seen that one yet.

BTW: I started a new thread dedicated to the PlayStation Home Rewards system, and listed all the items I currently know about that can be won in Home:

PlayStation Home Rewards
Now I have two things of interest. I don't have the links but I have been reading a dozen different forums.

1. Australians might have it at 8pmish which is 2 hours from now.
2. Australians will have to wait untill tomorrow at 3-5am which I read is when the PS Store updates. So in any case the next 12hours is our hot spot.

Cool, can't wait for Playstation Home. I hope I can get it at 8pmish tonight. To tell you the truth it's come earlier than what I thought it would:)
Yes the date the 17th or 18th was floating around for a bit but then Sony announced this...quite a shock actually.

Also, don't get your hopes up for tonight at 8pm...that was the least probable of my ideas...It would be much easier for them to update with the store but still...

I was thinking that they should have let us have it on OUR 11th so that we are over and done with...Australians don't take much server usage so if we had ours done today they could focus on keeping the servers running for the UK/American release.

Oh well, just grab an early nights sleep and there will be a home to wake up to in the morning.
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Yes the date the 17th or 18th was floating around for a bit but then Sony announced this...quite a shock actually.

Also, don't get your hopes up for tonight at 8pm...that was the least probable of my ideas...It would be much easier for them to update with the store but still...

I was thinking that they should have let us have it on OUR 11th so that we are over and done with...Australians don't take much server usage so if we had ours done today they could focus on keeping the servers running for the UK/American release.

Oh well, just grab an early nights sleep and there will be a home to wake up to in the morning.

Yeah, I don't think it'll come out tonight in the next couple of hours. But I wish it would.
There is a V01.03.0 13MB update available for closed Beta. Download without a glitch but unable to connect at this time. Getting D5027 server errors.:nervous:

Edit: Thanks, I'll try again later. Wonder what will be the traffic load tonight?
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The people in that thread get the error because the servers are down. It has nothing to do with you. Closed beta is finished, that is just to help you from being glitched when open beta comes out. As far as i'm aware closed is finished anyway.
Yeah the open beta version 1.03 is now up and available for the guys in the closed beta to download, unfortunatly the servers are soo as there up one of 2 things could happen, 1 the update for none closed betas will be available and away we go, or we'll have to wait for the store updaye to get the damn thing. It could in all reason be available to us in the next hour!
I think I agree, it should be up in the next hour but I can't download it till tomorrow. I've used all my download so I'm at agonizing speed. In any case I will wake up in 11 hours from now and if they open the beta in the nxt two hours it would have recovered from the server load and I should get in all fine:) Well thats the plan anyway, knowing Sony it probably won't work that way.

adood: That is an update for the closed beta, it isnt the open beta.

Righto: Seeya guys, Ill be on in about 11 hours or 10, dunno. In any case feel free to add me and I will meet you on HOME tomorrow or later for most of you. Have fun, hopefully I bypass the server load.
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aaargh. I've downloaded the update for the closed beta, but cant log in to home itself. :(
it automatically askes you to download the update before logining into the home server, once downloaded however it gives of an error (DS0527 or something similiar).
aaargh. I've downloaded the update for the closed beta, but cant log in to home itself. :(
it automatically askes you to download the update before logining into the home server, once downloaded however it gives of an error (DS0527 or something similiar).

This was clearly explained just a few posts ago.

The update for the closed beta users is out, but the Home servers have not yet been put back on-line (they are two different things), so you have the 'right' software on your PS3 but the server you need to access is not yet up and running.

That's not likely to happen until the open beta is released, give it time, it will be up later on.


Well didnt I just make myself look like an idiot, I read the first posts on this page and the last ones but skipped the middle were that info was posted....
LOL no problem, If you trot over to the official home forum you'll see actual peoples heads explodeing! I'd say every 15 seconds a post goes up.....I have 1.03 but the servers are down! followed by detailed transcripts from conversations with Sonys help desk, oh yeah then there heads explode LOL
New info....

  • Technical updates are progressing and as you have probably seen the 1.03 patch is available for existing users already but the service remains unavailable whilst work is carried out
  • Service should be back up everywhere early PM UK time although theres no specific time as theres a long list of actions being worked through in Europe, America, Asia and Japan
  • New comers to the service will find the Home icon on their XMB once we activate it. You wont have to look for it, it will be easy to spot and will appear under PlayStation®Network. However, if you are online on your PS3 when we activate it you will need to restart your PS3 for it to appear. Watch these forums for news on when that is. It will work like Folding@Home in that the icon will be there and you'll download the service when you first select it.
Source -


Closed Beta? Open Beta? Time of software updates? I'm just confused now.:confused:
All I understand is that Sony have said that on the 11th (today) there is an open beta to download, as long as you have the new software update. At the moment, here in the UK, we have no new software update, and nothing on the PS Store. Can someone clear up for me exactly what's happening with software updates and PlayStation Home today?
I understand that this has probably been talked about already, I just can't put the pieces together this morning. :dunce:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Right I'll try an explain everything as I understand it:

1)A while ago an update 1.0.3 was available for the closed beta users. They downloaded it but still cant access it due to the fact work is still being carried out on the server.

2) PS3 owners with no Home will be able to download it when the server for Home is switched on, I dont think the PS Store will be involved at all. At the time the server is switched on the icon will appear in the network area of the XMB when you click on it the first area of Home will download then as you walk around Home more areas will download as you walk into them.

When all this will be complete is unknown exactly, just sometime today, today being before the most westerly country on the globe reaches the 12th of December.

Is that well enough explained and visible?

Edit: If you here of reports of others seeing the new Home symbol in the XMB and your wondering were yours is then switch off and on your PS3 and it should be there, provided you are on system software 2.53 for the entire system and you are connected to the PSN.

None of this is official, but this is just all the things that the officials on the PS forums and other press releases have said, these arent rumors nor are the garrunteed truth, but I'm 99% sure this is how its going to work.

Edit 2: Sonys 'beta' has made it to the front page of BBC's technology news:
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I guess there are a few of us F5'ing the official Home forums? I'm sure those guys will be first to relay the info. I'm certainly not restarting my PS3 over and over to check!
So I guess it'll be out in an hour or two. Guess I'll play some Rainbow 6 2 in the time being...