Playstation Home Thread

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Repy to Thread #801.
Thanks very much GT4genius. Completely understand what's happening now. Waking up to hear that Home Beta is arriving, then have everyone saying it out, then it's not, then other sources saying you'll need to update again, is all to much to process at 9am. Thankyou for clearing that up.
**Edit 4:25pm**
Testing complete and a couple of technical problems have been found. We need to iron these issues out first and I'm waiting to hear how long that might take (I'm not qualified to even guess, its very technical). Apologies, I know you all want to get in but we must get these things right. And please remember, this is a beta and today is our first step into the Open Beta environment and what we're doing today is part of the beta process itself.

another update on progress off eu forums
another update on progress off eu forums

That sounds ominous! I dont mind too much having to wait an extra day or so, as the announcement was unexpected, although I fear if it isnt released today it'll be a huge embarrassment to Sony.

@Krymzen18: No problem at all, hopefully it helped a few others too. 👍
i can't sign in at the moment i'm getting error 80710B23 if that means anything to anyone

EDIT: and now 80710092 as well

i think its going to be a long evening
I thought i'd have a few races whilst I'm waiting for HOME, but i cannot connect to server with GT5P either.

Just me or everyone?:nervous:
Did you guys try rebooting your systems?

They may be resetting/updating the servers and sometimes these connection errors are only resolved by a reboot.

Or they could have the whole PSN down while they do their final testing.
Does it mean anything if I can't sign in and there is no apparant link to the download for PS3 Home?
Does it mean anything if I can't sign in and there is no apparant link to the download for PS3 Home?
It means PSN is down. That probably means they're doing the update right now and when it comes back up we'll all have access to to Home.

Well, in theory we'll all have access to Home. What will actually happen is that the servers will be overloaded by 17 octillion people trying to get it all at once and the whole thing will crash, plumes of smoke will be seen rising from Sony's data centres around the globe, the press will tear Sony to shreds and Xbox fanboys will have a field day.
It means PSN is down. That probably means they're doing the update right now and when it comes back up we'll all have access to to Home.

Well, in theory we'll all have access to Home. What will actually happen is that the servers will be overloaded by 17 octillion people trying to get it all at once and the whole thing will crash, plumes of smoke will be seen rising from Sony's data centres around the globe, the press will tear Sony to shreds and Xbox fanboys will have a field day.

so the servers are gona get so hot thats there gona start melting into the building like thermite and slowly burn a hole too the center of earth?
Well, in theory we'll all have access to Home. What will actually happen is that the servers will be overloaded by 17 octillion people trying to get it all at once and the whole thing will crash, plumes of smoke will be seen rising from Sony's data centres around the globe, the press will tear Sony to shreds and Xbox fanboys will have a field day.

so the servers are gona get so hot thats there gona start melting into the building like thermite and slowly burn a hole too the center of earth?

I've been signed in playing Rainbow 6 2 for the past few hours, so PSN is fine for most people.
~~~~~~~~~~~~BREAKING NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~

The Playstation store is now down.

Does this mean something is imminent?

Fingers Crossed

~~~~~~~Further News~~~~~~~~~~~

Now can't even sign into PSN network.
i've managed to sign in but when i clicked on account management its frozen :banghead::banghead::banghead:

and still no home symbol
so the servers are gona get so hot thats there gona start melting into the building like thermite and slowly burn a hole too the center of earth?
Yep, ever heard of the China Syndrome? Just hope you don't live on the other side of the world to a Sony data centre! We're all gonna die !!!!!!111111onehundredandeleven1! :lol:

I've been signed in playing Rainbow 6 2 for the past few hours, so PSN is fine for most people.
I was happily playing GT5p online then it booted me off half an hour ago and I can't get back on.

I should really do the WRS or play something else, but I can't help but keep rebooting and trying to sign in. Me want new shiny toy!
Good lord people. I want to check out Home too, but jeez. Give them time to get it up before you start slamming their servers. :rolleyes:
Quote from Official Playstation forum:

**Edit 4:25pm**
Testing complete and a couple of technical problems have been found. We need to iron these issues out first and I'm waiting to hear how long that might take (I'm not qualified to even guess, its very technical). Apologies, I know you all want to get in but we must get these things right. And please remember, this is a beta and today is our first step into the Open Beta environment and what we're doing today is part of the beta process itself.

**Edit 5:55**
Apologies for the delay in an update, you may have noticed a PSN outage in the last hour. Things seem back on track now although the outage delayed us a little we are moving again. Hope to have another update soon.
Message Edited by TedTheDog on 11-12-2008 05:54 PM
You guys are going to be extremely disappointed. You realize that Home is still Beta and devoid of much of its planned content, right? That why it's a beta.

I had a chance to visit the Japanese Home last night. There was another American hassling people on his mic. :rolleyes:

Anyone know if there are other versions of Home for other regions? Hong Kong, Europe?
I am in the Playstation Store.

Taking ages to load.

Does not look like Home is here yet.

Tried to get in the "We Recommend" section and it told it it is under maintenance.

Can't be long now.

Can't beleive how much of a frenzy this is causing.
The Offical (Euro) Playstation Forums are getting hammered. Approx 6,000 people on the boards and it's either not working or very slow.