Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Just tried - I can log into the playstation store (After about 3 attemts) but the Home icon does not appear even when I do a reboot and try again.

This is the DELAYSTATION after all so expect it not to be ready until at least 2010 or somthing if its anything like Gran Tursimo - god don't get me started on that one!!


Its going to be delayed due to you and a million others trying to download it so why don't just sit back stick the TV on grab a beer and chill for a few hours or even come back tomorrow.

Think positive. Tonight let's all play offline those games where we have things to unlock that are still locked because we're all addicted online players :D
If your really bored go watch the the sony home forum, it's got it all, murder, canabilisim, spontanious combustion and random cranial explosions LOL

Ted the dog has got his head down in the Sony bunker but is managing to get regular updates on progress out through the throng of tourch and pitchfork wavers plus the splatering of 360 fanboys LOL Heres the info you need if your of a nervous disposition and can't handle the forum LOL

Technical updates are progressing and as you have probably seen the 1.03 patch is available for existing users already but the service remains unavailable whilst work is carried out
Service should be back up everywhere early PM UK time although theres no specific time as theres a long list of actions being worked through in Europe, America, Asia and Japan
New comers to the service will find the Home icon on their XMB once we activate it. You wont have to look for it, it will be easy to spot and will appear under PlayStation®Network. However, if you are online on your PS3 when we activate it you will need to restart your PS3 for it to appear. Watch these forums for news on when that is. It will work like Folding@Home in that the icon will be there and you'll download the service when you first select it.

**Edit 3pm**

Still progressing nicely, now on the testing stage. No eta still as I wouldnt want to guess how long it will take for each region to verify its elements are working but we're getting there.

**Edit 3:15pm**

Not there yet, the testing is still going on, but I wanted to mention a couple of other things that need clarification.
The Far Cry2 and Uncharted spaces will not be available in our region today as the localisation and testing phase is not yet complete. They will follow on later.
Additonally the Diesel and Ligne Roset content will be added next week at the same time as the Red Bull Air Race.
**Edit 4:25pm**
Testing complete and a couple of technical problems have been found. We need to iron these issues out first and I'm waiting to hear how long that might take (I'm not qualified to even guess, its very technical). Apologies, I know you all want to get in but we must get these things right. And please remember, this is a beta and today is our first step into the Open Beta environment and what we're doing today is part of the beta process itself.
**Edit 5:55**
Apologies for the delay in an update, you may have noticed a PSN outage in the last hour. Things seem back on track now although the outage delayed us a little we are moving again. Hope to have another update soon.
Message Edited by TedTheDog on 11-12-2008
So when they said the 11th they actually meant the 12th! :dunce:

Really? Is it already midnight in the UK? ;)

Seems the UK PSN update came several hours before midnight as well, and around the same time it always get's updated each week, so I'm not seeing where the issue is?


1.- For the guys that already have Home, an update to the 1.03 version will pop up around 7am eastern time, right when the servers come back up.

2.- For the people that don't have it, it will be available for download from the ps store which updates around 5pm to 7pm eastern time...this is just to avoid any issues with the app.

The US Home beta update came a couple hours earlier than expected, and we are still four to six hours away from the typical time the PSN store is updated. Again, I'm not understanding what all the fuss is about? :indiff:

Is it really such a big deal to have to wait until *gasp* tomorrow?

Good lord people. I want to check out Home too, but jeez. Give them time to get it up before you start slamming their servers. :rolleyes:

Thankfully a sound of reason among the crowd... unfortunately I suspect these words of wisdom have been muffled by the roar of the anxious mob.




A couple of beers

Some time in the next half an hour will be fine thanks.

I'm just chilling out, playing some games, having some light drinks and listening to some music. I'll be excited about Home when it comes out, until then I'm going about my normal business.
I'm going to wait till late tonight or the early hours now. There will be no point in trying to load it up as soon as it's available. It will all be overloaded with the amount of people logging on.
Thankfully a sound of reason among the crowd... unfortunately I suspect these words of wisdom have been muffled by the roar of the anxious mob.
I do what I can, D-N. Sadly, I fear you're right about the muffler, though.
I'm in the closed beta. I just logged on at 2:51 pm EST. Got right in and it's currently downloading a 26 mb upgrade. Get back when it's done.
edit: 2:55 pm EST 26 mb down and installed now working on a 13 mb download,
edit: 2:57 pm EST 13 mb down and installed, restarted, now trying to initialize, "Error, connection lost"
edit: 3:02 pm EST tried several times to log in but it's keeps getting the network error, The connection to the server was lost D5027. Guess I'll try later.
Last edited:
Anyone know if there are other versions of Home for other regions? Hong Kong, Europe?

Yes, it has been discussed in great detail already in this thread:

OK, so I assumed that each regions Home would look identical, and have the same spaces, and games... and I could not have been more wrong.

The Japanese Home looks totally different from the NA Home with the exception of the Personal Studio and the Mall. Everything else looks completely different and it even has some additional spaces including what appears to be a Developer's Space, because inside it has offices that you can roam around in that look like you might see in the office spaces of a game developer, with multiple desks and computers with posters and drawing boards of various game designs.

It also has a TGS 2008 space, where you can play games like GT5P, watch videos, and get direct links to the browser pages for those games.... the space itself also looks really nice.

In addition, the Central Plaza and Bowling alley look different, and in the Bowling Alley they also have a nice game of darts available and besides the regular PSN arcade room, they also have a classic arcade room where you can play games like PAC-MAN, Dig-Dug, Xevious, and Galaga. 👍

The Home Theater in Japan also features two screens instead of one.

So this got me thinking, maybe there are different looking Homes for other regions as well, and with different games and content.

So I signed onto the PSN with my Spanish account and went to Home and while not as differnet as the Japanese Home, it does have a different Plaza, however the Bowling Alley and Poll Hall/Arcade Rooms are the same as the NA Home.

Normally, when playing games with servers that are in different regions, even when you use a PSN account in a region other than the one you are actually on it won't connect to that region's servers, because it goes by your actual IP address. This appears not to be the case with Home as I am able to visit every different regional Home. 👍

Now I am guessing they do this so that at least we have an option of visiting Home spaces outside our regions, so that we can meet up with friends in Home that are from different regions.

Any way, for those with access to the bets I definitely recommend you log-in using other regional PSN accounts and visit those versions of Home as they offer even more variety in terms of spaces, videos, content, and games. 👍

Please explain in detail, because I've been to both, and while some things are different, saying one is crap compared to the other is as far away from my own personal opinion about the different versions of Home. Heck, if you thought not having a TGS 2008 Convention Hall or a Home Cafe, or the lack of Darts or classic arcade games is all it takes to be crappy in your book, then you are going to hate the US version of Home, as it currently lacks all of those as well as chess and checkers in the Plaza, and only has a single story single screen Theater, where as Europe's Home currently has a 2-story 10 screen multiplex (11 if you include the screen in the lobby) with a private mezzanine area.

Then again, even the Hong Kong and Japanese PSN Homes are missing the Listen@Home prototype area and have no chess or checkers anywhere. So it's also not like they have everything.

That said, I think all the Homes are great. They all offer the exact same character creation options, the same clothing and accessories, the same personal spaces, the same clubhouse spaces, the same Malls, and generally the same theaters, gaming halls, and central plazas. Sure the plazas all look different and are appealing in different ways, and yes, the Japanese Home has a couple extra halls, and more games to play, but seriously these are not major differences nor are there any differences in terms of the core elements of Home.

Undoubtedly all versions of Home will be going through various changes prior to release, and even afterwards. I certainly don't see the value in getting worked up over the current differences between the regional versions of Home.

Bottom line, as far as I know there are four different versions of Home, at least that was the case with the closed beta versions:
  • JP
  • HK
  • EU
  • US
However the HK and JP versions are practically identical, especially now that the TGS2008 Space is no longer available. It's a good thing they are practically identical as the HK version is available in English, while the Japanese version is not.
I'm in the closed beta. I just logged on at 2:51 pm EST. Got right in and it's currently downloading a 26 mb upgrade. Get back when it's done.
edit: 2:55 pm EST 26 mb down and installed now working on a 13 mb download,
edit: 2:57 pm EST 13 mb down and installed, restarted, now trying to initialize, "Error, connection lost"

You must wait for the update to occur. Be patient; it'll come soon.
You've just downloaded two separate updates (with 1.03 being the newest one), but the Home servers are still down and have been all day here...
I'm not in the mood of reading through all posts. So can someone quickly tell me my the Home icon is still not up for me? :nervous:
Surely, 11 hours later something has done something. My psn store updated but no home yet. Grrrr.....

No. Last I heard from US and EU Home bods on the forums is that they have a technical problem and are working on it.

Info here:
and here:



**Edit 8:15pm**

"Very sorry about the delay here. The PSN outage really set us back a while but things are picking up again. And apologies for the delay in updates, I had to get home to continue with this. Looks like we're not far off now though." - TedTheDog, Home Community Manager


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