Playstation Trophy Leaderboard V2.5

  • Thread starter J-PaP

Level 14
1560 Trophies

17 Platinum
94 Gold
273 Silver
1176 Bronze

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - 100% P
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection - 100% P
Tomb Raider: Underworld - 100% P
The Godfather II - 100% P
inFamous - 100% P
Wanted - 100% P
Terminator Salvation - 100% P
X-Blades - 100% P
Call of Duty: World At War - 100% P
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania - 100% P
Alone in the Dark - 100% P
Trivial Pursuit - 100% P
Dead Space - 100% P
Fallout 3 - 100% P
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - 100% P
BioShock - 86% P
Burnout Paradise - 77% P
Noby Noby Boy - 100%
Magic Ball - 100%
Worms - 100%
Linger In Shadows - 100%
Penny Arcade Adventures: OTRSPOD, Pt. 1 - 100%
Gunstar Heroes - 100%
Flower - 95%
Penny Arcade Adventures: OTRSPOD, Pt. .2 - 85%
Super Stardust HD - 84%
Cuboid - 76%
Prince of Persia - 73%
Quantum of Solace - 72%
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard - 67%
Resident Evil 5 - 64%
Mirror's Edge - 64%
Mercenaries 2 - 59%
Battlefield: Bad Company - 57%
Resistance 2 - 56%
Shatter - 52%
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - 48%
Warhawk - 48%
GTA IV - 47%
Killzone 2 - 46%
Wipeout HD - 44%
LittleBigPlanet - 33%
Pixeljunk Eden - 33%
Crash Commando - 33%
GTI Club+ - 27%
PAIN - 27%
Motorstorm: PR - 26%
Pure - 26%
Aquanaut's Holiday - 25%
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic - 23%
Brain Challenge - 19%
Punisher: No Mercy - 19%
Unreal Tournament 3 - 15%
Zen Pinball - 15%
Mainichi Issiyo - 15%
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 - 13%
Far Cry 2: 12%
The Last Guy - 11%
Blast Factor - 11%
Ferrari Challenge - 10%
Wolfenstein 3D - 10%
Lumines Supernova - 5%
Midnight Club: Los Angeles - 5%
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - 5%
echochrome - 4%
Astro Tripper - 4%
(Call of Juarez: BiB is a GREAT game, btw)
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My latest update


Level 10 - 1%


2 Platinum
24 Gold
94 Silver
446 Bronze
566 Total

GHOSTBUSTERS™: The Video Game - 63%
Wolverine - 78%
PSN ID:jazzabrandy
Trophy Level:7
Percentage complete:58
Number of Platinum trophies:1
Number of Gold trophies:10
Number of Silver trophies:65
Number of Bronze trophies:276
A quick update to my trophies:

PSN ID: aussie_nicko
Trophy Level: 4
Percentage complete: 36%
Number of Platinum trophies: 0
Number of Gold trophies: 3
Number of Silver trophies: 12
Number of Bronze trophies: 67

LittleBigPlanet: 56%
Uncharted: 67%
All up to date. Made a slight change in how submissions/updates are made. To those using the psn picture thing, unless the percentage is also stated (below in text is fine) I cannot accept it.

Using the website above is how I will request trophy updates/submissions which appears to cover all the main points needed so I can update the leaderboard.

Sorry GTP_ENERGIYA - I can't work out the percentage anymore as I'm not sure how many points are needed for each level increase from level 12 and above.
Level 12 - 16000 points
Level 13 - 24000 points

I have 17985 points

Is points ranking system like

Bronze 1
Silver 2
Gold 4
Platinium 8 or 12 ?

Do you know where could we find a table of points needed for particular lvl or maybe a pattern/formula for it ?


Another update

New to list

Astro tripper - 90%
Tiger woods PGA tour 10 - 47%
Battlefield 1943 - 28%
SBK 09 : World superbike championship - 64%
Bionic commando - 48%

Platinum - 3
Gold - 39
Silver - 121
Bronze - 687

Total - 851

Level 12 - 16000 points
Level 13 - 24000 points

I have 17985 points

Hmm - seams like points number for particular trophy is totally different than I thought... :)
Could someone explain please - maybe some link ?

I did not find any info on that on this page:

Eit2: Currently looking for an answer in this topic:

Found the answer and now looking for a post deleting faq :)

So it is 12 but all points*15 and gold is different than I thought, also it might be not possible to create a formula if numbers provided by Digital-Nitrate in other topic are right.

If you know someone who has 0 trophies and thinks about getting to lvl 15 :) please let me know I would like to follow his improvement to see how leveling system works - or maybe someone would like to share a historical data ?
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Each platinum trophy you get 180 points

Each gold trophy you get 90 points

Each silver trophy you get 30 points

Each bronze trophy you get 15 points

5 platinum make it 5 × 180 = 900
34 gold make it 34 × 90 = 3060

Each platinum trophy you get 180 points

Each gold trophy you get 90 points

Each silver trophy you get 30 points

Each bronze trophy you get 15 points

5 platinum make it 5 × 180 = 900
34 gold make it 34 × 90 = 3060


Yes,yes, thank you - I understood that while reading the other topic - could you please confirm that you have 24000 when you get to lvl 13 ?
(Or is that already proven by people with lvl18 ?)

When I was watching this table:

I realize that one person will never be able to get higher than lvl 47 - after one year of trophies #1 has 3562 trophies *(about)5 years of PS3 left = 17810 trophies = around lvl47 in countries table (provided numbers from country table are right and SONY is not going to change the lvl upping system) - sad isn't it ?... they should make it easier to lvlup I think...
I realize that one person will never be able to get higher than lvl 47 - after one year of trophies #1 has 3562 trophies *(about)5 years of PS3 left = 17810 trophies = around lvl47 in countries table (provided numbers from country table are right and SONY is not going to change the lvl upping system) - sad isn't it ?... they should make it easier to lvlup I think...
The number of points required for each level up is not a flat number. I think it was levels 1-6 that were fairly quick and easy, but then as you got into higher levels it required more points to get to the next level.

The system works very similar to leveling up in RPGs. Early on you can level up fairly quickly, but over time more effort is required to level up again.

What this does is cut down on the trophy whores who only rent games to get a bunch of trophies fast. After a certain point it is much harder for them to see their "effort" rewarded and so only the most determined keep it up.
The number of points required for each level up is not a flat number. I think it was levels 1-6 that were fairly quick and easy, but then as you got into higher levels it required more points to get to the next level.

The system works very similar to leveling up in RPGs. Early on you can level up fairly quickly, but over time more effort is required to level up again.

What this does is cut down on the trophy whores who only rent games to get a bunch of trophies fast. After a certain point it is much harder for them to see their "effort" rewarded and so only the most determined keep it up.

ie. ceiling fan

Here is the rundown of points required to go up each level
1-2 = 200pt
2-3 = 400pt
3-4 = 600pt
4-5 = 1200pt
5-6 = 1600pt
6-12 = 2000pt
12-? = 8000pt
Beyond level 13 I have no idea how many points are needed.
Here is total table up to level 18

Level 1 - 0
Level 2 - 210
Level 3 - 600
Level 4 - 1,200
Level 5 - 2,400
Level 6 - 4,000
Level 7 - 6,000
Level 8 - 8,000
Level 9 - 10,000
Level 10 - 12,000
Level 11 - 14,000
Level 12 - 16,000
Level 13 - 24,000
Level 14 - 32,000
Level 15 - 40,000
Level 16 - 48,000
Level 17 - 56,000
Level 18 - 64,000
Here is total table up to level 18

Level 1 - 0
Level 2 - 210
Level 3 - 600
Level 4 - 1,200
Level 5 - 2,400
Level 6 - 4,000
Level 7 - 6,000
Level 8 - 8,000
Level 9 - 10,000
Level 10 - 12,000
Level 11 - 14,000
Level 12 - 16,000
Level 13 - 24,000
Level 14 - 32,000
Level 15 - 40,000
Level 16 - 48,000
Level 17 - 56,000
Level 18 - 64,000

Thank you for the info - could you share the source please ?

So level 19 might be a key ;) if it is 72,000 we have to wait for next (perhaps until level 25?...)to see a change in amount of points needed for next level, if it is more than that then amount of points might change after every 6 levels and if it changes x4 it is hardcore ...

Fool Killer the problem is - not only trophy "hunters" will not see their effort in later levels but also "normal" players and this might seriously daunt these "normal" players.


Here is my current level - take a look at the world ranking :)

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Sony hasn't officially confirmed the points required for each level. It has just been worked out by people such as Digital Nitrate (not sure if he originally did the math for it) and the formula appeared to work. Try adding up all the trophies you have and compare it to your trophy level and percentage and you will see it is always spot on or at least within 1%.

Balang - read the first post of this thread. It explains everything.
FoolKiller the problem is - not only trophy "hunters" will not see their effort in later levels but also "normal" players and this might seriously daunt these "normal" players.
Normal players shouldn't be too caught up in the trophy levels. I only play games I have an interest in. My trophy list has a number of games that are at 1% or even 0% where they weren't worth my effort to pursue the trophies themselves. Normal players will be more concerned about having fun and then the trophies just add an added challenge to a game they already enjoy.
Time for an update.


GTA 4 37%
Resistance 2 100% (Platinum) - My pride and joy... if you have the game, you know what a big deal it is to platinum it.
Guitar Hero Smash Hits - 30%
Sacred 2 Fallen Angel - 1%
Ragdoll Kung Fu - 100%
PixelJunk Eden/Encore - 88%
Resident Evil 5 - 85% (Platinum)
Warhawk - 29%
Hey does anyone want to help me set up a trophy help group where each month we pick a game and those with the game meet up online and try to help each other obtain the online trophies. pm me.
(sorry for being off topic)
How about feature to turn on and off them for people with slow speeds? After all this is not 1999. (no offense to anyone)
I would love to see a lot of GT-logo user created signatures.. at least allow to members that posted more then 300 times.
Heres another update for me:

Level - 9
% complete - 59%
Total trophies - 497
Platinum - 4
Gold - 24
Silver - 85
Bronze - 384


Mirror's Edge - 65%
FIFA 09 - 38%
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - 100%
Midnight Club LA - 54%

I'm currently gunning for the Mirror's Edge platinum, I've only got the speedrun trophies to get, then I'll update if or when I get my 5th platinum.
Update for me:

Battlefield 1943 - 90%
Battlefield Bad Company - 36%
Burnout Paradise - 13%
Call of Duty World at War - 27%
FUEL - 14%
inFamous - 36%
LittleBigPlanet - 27%
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames - 57%
Midnight Club Los Angeles - 12%
Motorstorm Pacific Rift - 12%
Need For Speed Undercover - 61%
Red Faction Guerilla - 23%
Shaun White Snowboarding - 13%
Skate 2 - 25%
Tom Clancy's EndWar - 4%
Tom Clancy's HAWX - 28%
Warhawk - 5%
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