Please DON'T buy the PS3 until Sony drops the price

  • Thread starter VNAF Ace
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Well better is subjective. Yes a $600 will do more stuff, but the ps3 will kick it's arse graphics-wise. It's see you run MGS4 on a $600 pc. I am a pc fan over consoles btw.

P.S. Your truck is crap. Not that I've ever seen it.
My fellow gamers... Don't let Sony rip you off! $500 - $600 for a console is absolutely ridiculous when your competition already has a $300 - $400 console on the market!

I can't believe I'm hearing this #### from the same company that offered us a $300 PS1 at launch (while Sega offered us a $400 Saturn at launch), and a $300 PS2 at launch. I was one of those gamers who paid $300 for a PS2 4 months after launch!

Let's send a message to Sony. Don't buy the PS3 until Sony drops the price!

Note: GT5 will not be a launch title. I'm sure we can all force Sony to drop that insane $500 - $600 price tag by the time GT5 comes out.
There not ripping us off, there offering a super computer chip, cheaper then an AMD FX-62. And everything else then most stuff in PC's, so get a job in other words.
The way you guys talk a video game system is a better purchase then a PC, which it's not. Like I said graphics or not a 600 PC is better then a 600 PS3.

If you're referring to me then again, I have to disagree. If I had it to spend I'd much rather put it towards a new PC than the PS3, simply because I get so much use out of my current PC. For me, the PC offers a lot more value-for-money. We're all entitled to our opinions, whether other people agree with them or not.

I'm not trying to educate anyone, I'm just saying that you'd be better off buying or upgrading your PC over buying a PS3.

Again, that's personal opinion. I agree with you here, as I said above, but there are people who wouldn't agree with us on this point.
Well better is subjective. Yes a $600 will do more stuff, but the ps3 will kick it's arse graphics-wise.

Your truck is crap. Not that I've ever seen it.

I really have a short temper when it comes to my truck...don't be an ass.

If you're referring to me then again, I have to disagree. If I had it to spend I'd much rather put it towards a new PC than the PS3, simply because I get so much use out of my current PC. For me, the PC offers a lot more value-for-money. We're all entitled to our opinions, whether other people agree with them or not.

The way you guys talk a video game system is a better purchase then a PC, which it's not. Like I said graphics or not a 600 PC is better then a 600 PS3.

I'm not trying to educate anyone, I'm just saying that you'd be better off buying or upgrading your PC over buying a PS3.

And you were the one who brought my truck into the discussion...NEVER talk bad about my truck, and if you do it makes you a jackass. Why the hell would you bash something that means so much to one person...and if you say the PS3 means that much to you I will laugh.

I think you need to chill out abit and not take this all so seriously. Remember not everybodys going to like your truck and not everybody is going to like the ps3, thats just the way it is. If he wants to bash your truck then so be it rise above the comment and be safe in your own knowlege that your truck is so great or what have you.

This is just a forum where people express their opinions!

If not many people buy the PS3 in the UK, less then expected I don't mind. Because it mean more PS3's for people, who know how well the PS3 will run. I have a job, so i don't have to worry money wise.

Exactly. When the matter is personal opinion (e.g. "I think you'd be better off spending your money on a PC") then there's not necessarily a "right" and a "wrong" answer. However, when you present an opinion that's quantifiable (e.g. "A $600 PC can perform better in games than a PS3" (this is what I understood from your original statement and I continue to believe it's what you meant before you were proven wrong)) and it can actually be proven to be incorrect, you're left without a leg to stand on and in the wrong.
I think you need to chill out abit and not take this all so seriously. Remember not everybodys going to like your truck and not everybody is going to like the ps3, thats just the way it is. If he wants to bash your truck then so be it rise above the comment and be safe in your own knowlege that your truck is so great or what have you.

This is just a forum where people express their opinions!


I'm typically calm but people work me up for no reason and they seem to get joy out of it. Most members know I'm proud of my truck and when they bash it for no good reason I get pissed. They can make critizisms about it in a respectful manner and I don't care.

The PS3, I gave my opinion...I don't think 600 bucks is well invested on a console and better invested in a computer...better?

Exactly. When the matter is personal opinion (e.g. "I think you'd be better off spending your money on a PC") then there's not necessarily a "right" and a "wrong" answer. However, when you present an opinion that's quantifiable (e.g. "A $600 PC can perform better in games than a PS3" (this is what I understood from your original statement and I continue to believe it's what you meant before you were proven wrong)) and it can actually be proven to be incorrect, you're left without a leg to stand on and in the wrong.

Sorry if you took it wrong, but I was getting at a PC is better because it is a tad more useful then a console. I was never wrong, you misunderstood me, it's fine now.
The PS3, I gave my opinion...I don't think 600 bucks is well invested on a console and better invested in a computer...better?

Right, fantastic. That's that settled, let's all go and have a nice cup of tea.
Now, show everyone what your $600 homemade PC has? then we'll decide if it beat the PS3 on entertament or not:idea:
Can we at least see a piccy of your truck? Then I'll pass judgement. If no piccy is show, it defaults as pants.

BTW $600 could make a pretty nice system, far more usable then a ps3, but graphically pathetic compared to a ps3. I feel like I'm repeating myself.
Now, show everyone what your $600 homemade PC has? then we'll decide if it beat the PS3 on entertament or not:idea:

I clearly said my computer was 900 bucks, but you don't need nearly what I have on my computer...mines overkill for the average person.
I really have a short temper when it comes to my truck...don't be an ass.

Oh. That's why I deserved those negative rep points, then. Not that I actually care, but it's my first time, by the way.

I'll drink to that. :cheers:

(oh, and I happen to know my parents, so actually I'm not what you could considerate a "bastard", but thanks for asking anyways. ;))

Besides getting all huffy about your beloved one, I'd really like to know you feel about telling me I've got a loose screw because I've spent 600 bucks on a game console?
Big difference between a video game system and someones pride and joy they put a lot of time and effort into. You realize that when you buy a PS3 it will sit under your TV and just be an entertainment device. My truck is pretty much my life.

And rep points are meant for agree/disagree...I disagree with your bashing of my are free to disagree using the thing on me to...I think rep points are well pointless.
My truck is pretty much my life.

Why did you have to say that! Now I'm gonna feel guilty if I bash it.

It looks like ass.

*I almost felt guilty posting this, but you shouldn't get so huffy about it. I'll find a piccy of what I drive, and you can mock it in return*

Plus comparing a ps3 to a pc doesnt really work tbh.
Oh. That's why I deserved those negative rep points, then. Not that I actually care, but it's my first time, by the way.

I'll drink to that. :cheers:

If it makes you feel better, I also got minus rep for suggesting he not do some things to his truck.
Why did you have to say that! Now I'm gonna feel guilty if I bash it.

It looks like ass.

*I almost felt guilty posting this, but you shouldn't get so huffy about it. I'll find a piccy of what I drive, and you can mock it in return*

Plus comparing a ps3 to a pc doesnt really work tbh.

You probably didn't even look at it since you posted it in the wrong thread, whatever.
A $1000 PC would lose to the PS3, even a $1500 would also lose. The only way to get PS3 kind of graphics on a PC is, your need Dual Core 64bit CPU and a DX10 graphics card in 512MB.

And then the rest like 1GB of Ram and so on.
You realize you can put a lot of ram in a computer right? Like upto 4GB
You can buy Windows XP will not see 4GB, only 3GB. Vista on the other hand will, and remember PS3 could handle 4GB if they wanted. Plus people will buy a PS3 not just for the great games, but for the Blu-Ray player option inside of it.
You don't need that much ram now though, 2 Gigs is plenty for operations right now with current technology.

LIES! It's black with big wheels.
You didn't look at it.
Sony ants to rip us off our money. They put it really expensive to gain money they had lost in the past. VNAF Ace, youre right. We can force them to drop price by nobody buying it. But who knows if they will only cut $10 off it.
Big difference between a video game system and someones pride and joy they put a lot of time and effort into. You realize that when you buy a PS3 it will sit under your TV and just be an entertainment device.


By the way, I've put a lot of time, 27 years of effort into making my brain what it is today. I don't like people saying it has loose screws because I spend my money the way I want. It can be on something pointless to them, but that doesn't mean they have the right to insult me.

My truck is pretty much my life.
I know quite a few people who would describe that as pathetic. However they might feel about it, does that give them the right to insult or teach you their values?

Stating your opinion about it and calling people stupid are two very different things. You were the one to cross that line.
You can buy Windows XP will not see 4GB, only 3GB. Vista on the other hand will, and remember PS3 could handle 4GB if they wanted. Plus people will buy a PS3 not just for the great games, but for the Blu-Ray player option inside of it.

Well, Windows XP 32-bit can address up to 2^32 addresses, so Windows XP 32-bit can utilise the full 4GBs of RAM.
You don't need that much ram now though, 2 Gigs is plenty for operations right now with current technology.

You didn't look at it.

I DID, it's black with big wheels and MANY LIGHTS:idea:
Sony could of bumped the Cell up to its full supercomputer running, which could of put the price up to £700 or £1000. You should be glad we getting the kind of power from the PS3 for £409.

US people are still paying less then us UK people. Remember the PS3 can handle Crysis, UT2007, F.E.A.R and HL2 all in max detail. And even better detail for some of those games, like F.E.A.R and HL2.
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