Please DON'T buy the PS3 until Sony drops the price

  • Thread starter VNAF Ace
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Because they're smart:idea:

I think I'm gonna go with 20G version because my tv can only go up to 720P or 1080i, so HDMI is unnecessary. but may be I'll go with 60G, I am really undecided right now.

BTW, i have a question, if I watch a bluray movie using the component cable, will the movie be downscaled from 1080p to 1080i/720p or straight to hell 480i?
Yes, it COULD. But, most movie makers are now saying they wont use ICT, the thing that downrez HD movies, with BD movies. But, they could use it any time they wanted. If they see people downloading movies on the net, and they panic, they could activate ICT.

So, it's best to get a 60GB with HDMI, just to be sure. That's what I'm going to get on launch day.

Tenacious D
Solid, I'm mildly surprised. Previously, you swore you wouldn't go through the whole preorder fiasco. Did the system light a fuse somewhere inside, like it did me? Well, my fuse was lit already, but it's burning at a good clip now. ;)

I'm gonna preorder a 60 gig HD version with all the fixins.

To be honest, I'm not sure. I do know that preorders are not a guarantee to get a PS3. But, at the same time, you can't get a PS3 without one, either, if it's a typical launch.

I'll try it, a few places, but I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do. I haven't really make up my mind.
And no one should care who spends what on what. It's their money, LET them spend it.

Exactly. Being a poor college student, $600 is a lot for me, but for others it's not a problem. I wouldn't call them stupid for wanting to purchase the PS3 at that price. As others have already stated, you can get a lot for your money with the $600 version.

Building your own computer is completely different from buying a console, so I don't think it's a fair comparison. I think buying a computer from Dell, Sony, Alienware, etc. is a more reasonable comparison. When you consider that, then the price for the console is more reasonable.
This is a personal attack since I'm the only member with a custom Blazer on these boards..

As a third party i can confidently say "you started it", and you're being a hypocrite. I just suggest you stop, because there are other users on this board who have to read what you're saying, and frankly I think it's a waste of our time and the owners' bandwith to update your nonsense.
"Pretty much all you said in this thread"

Comme on, are you serious ? You seem to see nothing but your own personality and the world is turning around it. You have a serious problem, it's almost pathological.

Other poeple in here told you, but I will sum it up, add a few things and I try to stay as basic as possible, so even you might understand it :

Every human being has different values & opinions.

This difference is based on where he lives (culture), on his surrounding ( friends, family, school, work etc) and in general on things that happend to him. To a certain degree it also is a genetic issue.

Ok when you read through what I just wrote, you should realize that what YOU THINK mainly applies to YOU. Not to me, not to anybody else. Just to a certain degree that might vary betwenn 0 and 99%.

Examples :

YOU love your Blazer and that's why spending a lot of money for it makes sense. Because of what you are. Fine.
Now take me for example. I think that SUV'S are useless and that American cars in general are not that great. So I wouldn't even drive a Blazer if I win one. Personal opinion because I am what I am, that's it.

YOU don't think that it is smart to spend 600 dollar on a console. It's not worth the money for YOU. Fine, I can accept this, but it only applies to you. and to people who also rank electronic devices as low/high as you do.

I think it is worth the money. That is not stupid. I either have more money than you ( would you say it stupid for a multibillionaire to buy a Ferrari or a golden console with diamonds for 1 million dollar ? Why should it be stupid, he wouldn't run out of money even if he buys 500 golden diamond PS3's and 30 mansions all around the world and a learjet every it ?)
or for me the value of owning a PS3 is higher than for you. So I might have less money than you but the higher value makes it reasonable for me to buy one.

Same with your PC argumentation : YOU think that a 900$ PC is better for YOUR gaming experience. I could say that I want to play japanese games, which are not availible for PC. Or I already have a 1500$ PC.

Maybe you just had a bad day yesterday and the hormones made you write all that. Whatever. If I were you though, I'd stop throwing around false and simpleminded opinions and I'd especially rethink accusing other people as being an ass/idiot... Remember your "accident" and other "true" information about you life?
You really make it hard to accept your presence in this community again...
Well I have to say this little thread grew quite a bit overnight (in terms of UK time) and certainly descended into a nice little slanging match and most certainly went way off topic.

So it should come as no surprise that its now - LOCKED -

Personal attacks are most certainly a violation of GT Planets AUP, so in future please be more careful

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