Please DON'T buy the PS3 until Sony drops the price

  • Thread starter VNAF Ace
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By the way, I've put a lot of time, 27 years of effort into making my brain what it is today. I don't like people saying it has loose screws when I spend my money the way I want. It can be on something pointless to them, but that doesn't mean they have the right to insult me.

I never directly attacked you, I said people who are willing to pay that have a screw loose...which they do. 600 bucks on an electronic device that will be 400 in 2 years time is a stupid move in my opinion. You can spend your money however you like, I'm not stoping you...that's what not being communist is all about.

I know quite a few people who would describe that as pathetic. However they might feel about it, does that give them the right to insult or teach you their values?

You felt like you should say that spending money on my truck was stupid as well. Pot calling the kettle black. If you are so much better then you appear...why not just let it roll off your back?

I DID, it's black with big wheels and MANY LIGHTS

I don't have big wheels.
Enough with the PC, PS3, Truck comparissons :P As for that price...Well I know I won't be getting one at launch, being a teenager with no job and parents who don't care enough about my gaming habits. If I had the money well...that depends on different things. I know the PS3 has amazing technology but right now I find the games don't look that much better than XBOX 360 games. I know, as the developers get more familiar with the hardware they definitely will outshine the 360. Plus they've got about six months for refinement. Also since I don't have an HDTV I don't think the Blu-Ray technology will benefit me that much except for a lot more space on the discs for bigger/better games :) Last but not least GAMES! I see so many posts arguing about the technology but not very many of you mention the most important part of the PS3; the games. If I had the money to buy it at launch the main thing would be the launch titles. I didn't buy the PS2 at launch but as far as I remember reading it had some good games at launch.

Oh yeah, what do you guys think about the storage? Think 60gigs is necessary? Or will the guys who go for the cheaper option get by?
You need 60Gigs, you'd be surprised how much crap one can put onto something.
I never directly attacked you, I said people who are willing to pay that have a screw loose...which they do. 600 bucks on an electronic device that will be 400 in 2 years time is a stupid move in my opinion. You can spend your money however you like, I'm not stoping you...that's what not being communist is all about.

You're not stopping me, but in saying that you're effectively telling me I have a scew loose. If that's not an insult, regardless of that being directed specifically at me or not, I don't know what it is.

You felt like you should say that spending money on my truck was stupid as well. Pot calling the kettle black. If you are so much better then you appear...why not just let it roll off your back?

I feel like... I don't care about your damn truck. I certainly don't feel the need to educate you on the worthiness of tuning a Blazer or not, I only picked that example because I knew that would make you react (and hopefully, think about it from another angle).

The only thing that would bother me about it is if you ever do something like your avatar. That's useless damaging of public property, and is the epitome of stupidity on wheels. I'll be grinning to my ears if I learn the moron in that pictures met a huge bump in the road and got thousands of damage to his truck.

Other than that, I happen to have other preoccupations, and your Blazer isn't anywhere in their scope, so don't worry about that.
Also since I don't have an HGTV

Oh yeah, what do you guys think about the storage? Think 60gigs is necessary? Or will the guys who go for the cheaper option get by?
I don't have a "HGTV" either:lol:
yeah, i think 60G is necessary if you're gonna donwload alot of trailers, demos, and add-on for the games like new maps, new weapons..ect. However, I think I may get the 20G verison because what it lacks compare to the 60G package are really not that important to me.
You're not stopping me, but in saying that you're effectively telling me I have a scew loose. If that's not an insult, regardless of that being directed specifically at me or not, I don't know what it is.

You directly attacked me, I didn't directly attack you but made a statement about the sanity of the buying population...which is hardly just you.

I feel like I don't care about your damn truck. I certainly don't feel the need to educate you on the worthiness of tuning a Blazer or not, I only picked that example because I knew that would make you react (and hopefully, think about it from another angle).

And that makes you an ass, you wonder why I get worked up. If I would have said...Carl has a screw loose for wanting to buy a PS3 I can understand why you would get pissed. You need to understand to respect ones property which you need a good lesson in. And you think I'm the idiot...I suggest looking inward to see what you did.

And I'm not going to attempt to explain draggin to you because you wouldn't understand.
People will also buy PS3 for its online mode and region free games.
People will also buy PS3 for its online mode and region free games.

What's your point? A PC has had online mode and region free games for years. You make it sound like it's something cool.
I'm buying the $600 and here's why despite what some might say.

Dave and I are currently redoing our home theater room.
We've already invested well over $2K into the items we're going to be buying. This includes an HDTV, and Speaker System.

Now, considering the $500 leaves off features that are essential to using the max power of the TV and speakers, we feel it would be better to get the system that will use them better.

Why? Because it means we're getting more back out what we paid for the whole system.
And yes, you all can call me a rich whore, I don't care.

And no one should care who spends what on what. It's their money, LET them spend it.
Show me where I "attacked" you.

I sarcastically used the SAME FRIGGIN LOGIC you used and applied it to people tuning Blazers. I didn't "attack" you.

You, however, implicitly called me "stupid" and said I have a screw loose, since I happen to consider shelling $600 for a game console.

Then you proceded to specifically insult me, call me an ass, a jackass and a bastard, all that because I've questioned the validity of tuning a Blazer.


EDIT: Missed that one:

And I'm not going to attempt to explain draggin to you because you wouldn't understand.

All I know is the concept "damaging public property" is quite easy to grasp. One would really have to have a whole lot of loose screws not to understand it.
I know. that money would be much better spent if it had been invested in more useful things, such as putting a Corvette steering rack, custom lights or lowering springs on a Blazer.

Stupid people.

This is a personal attack since I'm the only member with a custom Blazer on these boards.

And funny how if you aren't worried about it you keep coming back.

Then you proceded to specifically insult me, call me an ass, a jackass and a bastard, all that because I've questioned the validity of tuning a Blazer.

And you get all uppity over the fact for questioning the validity of buying a 600 dollar video game console. Once again pot kettle black.

All I know is the concept "damaging public property" is quite easy to grasp. One would really have to have a whole lot of loose screws not to understand it.

Most draggin is done legally in police, roped off areas...that pic is not done so, but draggin goes back earlier then mini truckin.
Spending $600 makes you a "rich whore?" I see broke asses with nice **** all the time.
I typcially don't care, because most people just make idiotic comments because they want what I have...which is the bases for most comments like that. This I can tell is not the case.
Attacking a man's vehicle isnt cool, especially over a video game console.. oh well. I like everyone here so..
Attacking a man's vehicle isnt cool, especially over a video game console.. oh well. I like everyone here so..

did I not just tell you to stuff it?

Anyways unless some other idiotic comments come up about my truck I move to get this back under way and on topic.
Spending $600 makes you a "rich whore?" I see broke asses with nice **** all the time.
Well, the whole thing we're doing is more than $600.
I just included that because I know it's something not everyone has the time or money to do.

Of course, nothing is final. By investing, I should have said putting away. Everything right now is just spectulation and reviewing what will happen if we do this.
This is a personal attack since I'm the only member with a custom Blazer on these boards.

And funny how if you aren't worried about it you keep coming back.

Oh no! You missed the point bus again.

I sarcastically called people buying a PS3 "stupid" (rings any bell?) and, sarcastically said that they'd be better off spending it on tuning a Blazer. Directed at you? Certainly. Personal attack? You don't seem to know what an attack, or insult is.

I will repeat once more, I d-o-n-'-t c-a-r-e about your Blazer. I picked it because it's someone you would relate to, since according to you it's your life.

And you get all uppity over the fact for questioning the validity of buying a 600 dollar video game console. Once again pot kettle black.

I'm certainly more amused than "uppity"... I'm not the one throwing insults and giving negative rep points here.

Anyways, since this is getting nowhere really fast, I'll wrap up.

Have fun with your life.
Solid, I'm mildly surprised. Previously, you swore you wouldn't go through the whole preorder fiasco. Did the system light a fuse somewhere inside, like it did me? Well, my fuse was lit already, but it's burning at a good clip now. ;)

I'm gonna preorder a 60 gig HD version with all the fixins.
Solid Lifters
Dude, you're stupid. Why would you let Sony make a fool of you?

The 60GB or the 20GB?

Because they're smart:idea:

I think I'm gonna go with 20G version because my tv can only go up to 720P or 1080i, so HDMI is unnecessary. but may be I'll go with 60G, I am really undecided right now.

BTW, i have a question, if I watch a bluray movie using the component cable, will the movie be downscaled from 1080p to 1080i/720p or straight to hell 480i?
Personally, now that I think about it, I'll probably just settle with the 20GB version. I mean, heck, I'm barely using my 360's HDD space up. I won't be getting a special TV for just 1080p, and how will I use the wi-fi? :indiff:

People will also buy PS3 for its online mode and region free games.
Yeah, I also have online on my 360. Sure, I have to pay, but at least it's definitely worth the $50 a year. And who gives a crap about region free games? I don't.
I guy a buddy at work who makes fun of me for buying $50 games and wanting to buy the PS3 which I told him at the time would cost $400.

He says why are you spending money on that? Hes kind of like blazinextreme.

Sad part is he pounds his chest in pride everytime he buys a $800 part for his car that he drives twice a month to make it go .1 of a second faster
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