Pokémon Games Discussion Thread (Gotta Discuss 'Em All!)

Longer than usual for the Pokemon games, very frustrating to go thru.
I can see that, though I'd argue B/W has an even longer tutorial as it expands past the 1st Gym.

I'm right now EV Training my Guzzlord, to be a massive HP damage absorbing tank. Need to have a look at its moveset to see what I want to do with it.

Also not all Mega Stone are available through buying them using BP, some have to be done by other requirements (Beating Red in the Battle Tree gives you the Kanto Starter Mega Stones).

EDIT: Some Mega Stones don't appear to be in the game at all, these Pokemon at the moment can't Mega Evolve in S/M (might eventually) due to their Mega Stones being absent

Audino (I feel like Pokemon knew my Triple Battle Team and are now deciding to completely kill ever Pokemon on their).
Gallade (I don't even think Wally Mega Evolves his Gallade)
Mawile (after all that effort to bring it back from weakville they brought Mawile back in)
Tyranitar (Kinda disappointed but I my Tyranitar mostly just holds an Assault Vest)
Pidgeot (and I just gave my Pidgeot Hurricane)
Beedrill (did Butterfree get 🤬 or something)
All the Hoenn Starters.

It should be noted that:

  • All these Pokemon (except the Kanto Starters and Mewtwo since you get those by beating Red) are not in the Alolan Pokedex
  • They are in the games coding from datamining, the models are also in the game.
They might come back when the Pokemon Bank update is released but since there was ORAS only megas, this likely won't be the case. Though you can still encounter these Missing Megas in the Battle Royal dome.
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Finally started yesterday. :D

2 hours and 15 minutes in, just finished Pokemon school. This game has a slow build-up for sure but I love how much better the game looks, it really makes it feel like a step forward for the series. Team so far is:

-Popplio Level 10
-Ledyba Level 8
-Alolan Grimer Level 8

Finally started yesterday. :D

2 hours and 15 minutes in, just finished Pokemon school. This game has a slow build-up for sure but I love how much better the game looks, it really makes it feel like a step forward for the series. Team so far is:

-Popplio Level 10
-Ledyba Level 8
-Alolan Grimer Level 8
How do you people manage having such uneven levels D:
It's 2 levels... :lol:

I'll even it up over time but right now I'm more focused on getting past the tutorial phase.
Even 2 level differences cause me to panic :lol:

1 level difference is the only thing I tolerate. :lol:

EDIT: Just watched the first few episodes of the Sun/Moon anime, in a funny and interesting twist Jessie's first Alola Pokemon is:

Even 2 level differences cause me to panic :lol:

1 level difference is the only thing I tolerate. :lol:

EDIT: Just watched the first few episodes of the Sun/Moon anime, in a funny and interesting twist Jessie's first Alola Pokemon is:

Somebody call the OCD police! ;)

Mine can be upto 5 levels different.
Thanks to random weird strangers, I have 2 of the 3 starters as female. Female Litten acquired for a Growlithe and a female Pippolo for a female Bagon (I have found more female Bagon than male Bagon).

I mean if you want I'll supply you with all the starters pre gen 7 with HA.

My list indicates that it's a download for December.

This is correct, the only downloads that were slated this year are as followed: Darkrai, Arceus, Genesect, Volcanion, Hoopa.

All the rest are just wifi connect downloads no code.
Tip for all you people still Trial-going:

Unless you chose Litten as your starter (in which case you're fine) prepare for Totem Mimikyu (especially if you chose Rowlet as your starter).

It outspeeds Greninja, 1 shots pretty much everything that's defensively weak or weak to either Ghost or Fairy and it's partner upped with Hypnosis, Sucker Punching Haunters, fight the Haunters and Gengars will show up instead.

You'll either need to grind a lot, have a strategy (not a Status Conditioning Strategy since it has a Lum Berry) or have a Steel type that's Physically defensive (good thing for Moon players is that there is a Sandshrew nearby the trial).
Tip for all you people still Trial-going:

Unless you chose Litten as your starter (in which case you're fine) prepare for Totem Mimikyu (especially if you chose Rowlet as your starter).

It outspeeds Greninja, 1 shots pretty much everything that's defensively weak or weak to either Ghost or Fairy and it's partner upped with Hypnosis, Sucker Punching Haunters, fight the Haunters and Gengars will show up instead.

You'll either need to grind a lot, have a strategy (not a Status Conditioning Strategy since it has a Lum Berry) or have a Steel type that's Physically defensive (good thing for Moon players is that there is a Sandshrew nearby the trial).
I beat it easily. It's the Haunters that get you.
I beat it easily. It's the Haunters that get you.
I've seen a lot of Rowlet players and even a few Popplio players cry out in pain due to constantly getting one-shotted or asleep.

If it wasn't for my strategy of my Intimidate Arcanine spamming Leer on Mimikyu, I think I would've been done for :lol:
I chose Litten. I really like his second stage. I've only done the first trail so far as I'm taking my time with this catching what I can before moving on so I doubt I'll have an issue with Totem Mimikyu what I get to it.
Most of the Pokemon I already caught in previous games that I'll be transfering them over, so I don't see the point in myself catching them all in this game :P.
Hey, speaking of challenges...

I failed my Nuzlocke. I wiped at the Clay gym fight and didn't have any back up Pokemon. My Dwebble was a total bro, and so was my Liepard. The Liepard tanked, up until that gym battle, about 20 or 30 full power critical hits.
For anyone who was a fan of Super Training like I was, I recommend checking out Poke Pelago, it is pathetically slow at first but once you upgrade every island to Phase 3 (except the last one, which you don't really need since it just raises friendship) it is so WORTH IT!!!

First Island is where you farm Poke Beans, you want this even if you've already upgraded because it makes all the other islands go easier.

Second Island is where you grow berries, I never did this at all back when Berries were a thing but now that Contest Berries reduce EVs, I've been doing this like crazy. Phase 3 allows you to grow 18 at a time and more of them. Currently at Phase 2 and they give me 9 for the stat lowering EV berries.

Third Island is where you get items, you can go Shard hunting which is what you need to buy Bottle Caps (though you need 30 of each so its a long process), Evolutionary Stone hunting which I highly recommend for Dawn Stone and Ice Stone evolutions and once you get to Phase 3, you can risk it for the biscuit and go for the almighty GOLDEN BOTTLE CAPS!!!! you also get more Items, the more you upgrade.

Fourth Island is the EV Training one, at first it is rather meh, 1 EV gain every 30 min (15 min with Poke Beams) and can only train 6 at a time but when you get to Phase 3. 4 EVs are gained every 30 min (or 15 min) and you can EV Train 18 Pokemon at a time, meaning at the end of the week you have 18 fully EV train Pokemon without doing all the repetitive nonsense.

So I do recommend investing in Poke Pelago, especially if you don't have the time or patience to go through Festival Plaza, EV Training (normally) or IV Breeading.
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For anyone who was a fan of Super Training like I was, I recommend checking out Poke Pelago, it is pathetically slow at first but once you upgrade every island to Phase 3 (except the last one, which you don't really need since it just raises friendship) it is so WORTH IT!!!

First Island is where you farm Poke Beans, you want this even if you've already upgraded because it makes all the other islands go easier.

Second Island is where you grow berries, I never did this at all back when Berries were a thing but now that Contest Berries reduce EVs, I've been doing this like crazy. Phase 3 allows you to grow 18 at a time and more of them. Currently at Phase 2 and they give me 9 for the stat lowering EV berries.

Third Island is where you get islands, you can go Shard hunting which is what you need to buy Bottle Caps (though you need 30 of each so its a long process), Evolutionary Stone hunting which I highly recommend for Dawn Stone and Ice Stone evolutions and once you get to Phase 3, you can risk it for the biscuit and go for the almighty GOLDEN BOTTLE CAPS!!!! you also get more Items, the more you upgrade.

Fourth Island is the EV Training one, at first it is rather meh, 1 EV gain every 30 min (15 min with Poke Beams) and can only train 6 at a time but when you get to Phase 3. 4 EVs are gained every 30 min (or 15 min) and you can EV Train 18 Pokemon at a time, meaning at the end of the week you have 18 fully EV train Pokemon without doing all the repetitive nonsense.

So I do recommend investing in Poke Pelago, especially if you don't have the time or patience to go through Festival Plaza, EV Training (normally) or IV Breeading.
I am doing all of that right now! Don't be surprised if I mention VGC in the coming weeks.
I never am I fan of the 2 main competitive formats (Smogon & VGC). I understand what both formats try to do with their rulings, Smogon tries to make it fair for all the Pokemon out there and VGC tries to make it so any player can compete well if they have the the right skill.

Either way, I just feel a bit to restricted to even enjoy myself in Smogon & VGC.This makes it hard though to find any good battles because that leaves me stuck with the Legendary spammers :lol:
Well, I meant I'm going to try and enter the official championship this year.
Good luck with that :). I tried but I just don't like the format rules :lol:

By the way, a surprise waits for you all at Ten Caret Hill once you beat the Post-Game Ultra Beast storyline :).
Good luck with that :). I tried but I just don't like the format rules :lol:

By the way, a surprise waits for you all at Ten Caret Hill once you beat the Post-Game Ultra Beast storyline :).
[Suppresses urge to make your mother joke]

Is it a Pokemon, trainer or something else?
[Suppresses urge to make your mother joke]

Is it a Pokemon, trainer or something else?
Legendary Pokemon (and potential Ultra Beast (due to Suns Pokedec entry)) named Necrozma

So the Rayquaza, Giratina, Kyurem & Zygarde of this Gen
Tip for all you people still Trial-going:

Unless you chose Litten as your starter (in which case you're fine) prepare for Totem Mimikyu (especially if you chose Rowlet as your starter).

It outspeeds Greninja, 1 shots pretty much everything that's defensively weak or weak to either Ghost or Fairy and it's partner upped with Hypnosis, Sucker Punching Haunters, fight the Haunters and Gengars will show up instead.

You'll either need to grind a lot, have a strategy (not a Status Conditioning Strategy since it has a Lum Berry) or have a Steel type that's Physically defensive (good thing for Moon players is that there is a Sandshrew nearby the trial).
I was contemplating how to do it but I smartly put in Incineroar and just let her dark attacks run wild. Hypnosis on Incineroar missed the only time Haunter was able to attempt an attack (thank you Refresh). I'm pretty sure though that if you teach any of your starters Shadow Ball (available on Route 14 right outside of the trial) you will be okay. Primarina is a decent option, although remember to not waste the attack on the first turn due to Mimikyu's ability. Decidueye is a worse choice of the 3, partially because of it's Ghost type. Unless you have Quick Claw, you might easily get knocked out by any of those attacking. Another option I found to be of use was Lycanroc. Once it gets to level 40 it learns Crunch and, due to a very good attack stat, can really take advantage of both bite and crunch. It's decent defense can also absorb neutral damage.
I was contemplating how to do it but I smartly put in Incineroar and just let her dark attacks run wild. Hypnosis on Incineroar missed the only time Haunter was able to attempt an attack (thank you Refresh). I'm pretty sure though that if you teach any of your starters Shadow Ball (available on Route 14 right outside of the trial) you will be okay. Primarina is a decent option, although remember to not waste the attack on the first turn due to Mimikyu's ability. Decidueye is a worse choice of the 3, partially because of it's Ghost type. Unless you have Quick Claw, you might easily get knocked out by any of those attacking. Another option I found to be of use was Lycanroc. Once it gets to level 40 it learns Crunch and, due to a very good attack stat, can really take advantage of both bite and crunch. It's decent defense can also absorb neutral damage.
I just used Lycanroc Accelrock to activate Disguise before I went Arcanine spamming :lol:.
Accelrock is an incredible move. One of the best offensive types on a priority move.
The only reason why I like it, is because its a Rock Physical move that has 100% accuracy. The lack of many Physcial 100% moves is what makes me hate Rock types :lol:
Accelrock is an incredible move. One of the best offensive types on a priority move.
That's what makes Lycanroc a decent party option.

Right now my 6 are Incineroar, Decidueye, Primarina, Mudsdale, Lycanroc and Golispod. I may switch out my 6th because I rarely use Golispod but to have a stab leech life user is very valuable (plus a bug-like version of fake out).
I never switched out Pokemon in my team :lol:.

I never bothered with a Grass or Electric type when facing Totem Wishiwashi, and yes it was tough because of that since Lycanroc and Growlithe at the time just keep getting one shot, making me have to use Brionne since I only had 3 at the time :lol:
Quick question: Gale Wings... do you think that the nerf could have been done differently? Coz to me it seems like they overkilled the nerf a bit.
Quick question: Gale Wings... do you think that the nerf could have been done differently? Coz to me it seems like they overkilled the nerf a bit.
To be fair, no. Priority Roost was broken as all heck on Talonflame. So was Priority Brave Bird. I think the nerf is fine as it is.