Pokémon Games Discussion Thread (Gotta Discuss 'Em All!)

It's a shame it takes forever for QR to reset because you can only do it once daily, unless you do it at 12 AM and then at like 9 PM the same day.
Has anyone noticed that Gen V started the trend of a mysterious misunderstood loner character who has had unique experiences.

N started off in Gen V.
Emma followed in X/Ys Post-Game Looker storyline.
Zinnia then followed in OR/AS
and we finally have Lillie in Sun/Moon

Not trying to take things away from N, Emma or Lille (Zinnia I don't give a 🤬 about though) as those 3 are great characters that really help make the plot interesting (Emmas story was probably the only good thing about X/Ys plot) but I feel like we might get fatigue on the mysterious character trope.

The 3 females also have similarities with the initiator of the trope: N.

Emma: Only had a random group of people with her and eventually allies with a Villain (though Emma didn't know).
Zinnia: Has relations to a dragon legendary and talks about Truths and Ideals.
Lillie: Has a complete 🤬 for a parent,
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I felt Gladion to be more of that trope than Lillie, but essentially... important to remember they are siblings so they both qualify.
I felt Gladion to be more of that trope than Lillie, but essentially... important to remember they are siblings so they both qualify.
Gladion doesn't really develop much throughout the journey compared to other characters in the trope, he was pretty much developed at the beginning of the game with the only difference being that he didn't need Team Skull to be stronger at the end,

Lillie started out as a very dependable, shy character but eventually gains courage to tell her mother off and is able to overcome her biggest challenges and eventually goes off on a journey on her own.
You have a point, the latter parts of Lillie's character development remind me of N's decision to cut free and go find a new sense of self in BW, and his resolve to confront and try to reason with his "father" Ghetsis in B2W2.

By the way, game complete up to the Looker UB Arc. Alolan Champion! ;)
@RESHIRAM5 if you wanted to have an in-game team battle I'm free for a few hours. Are we using restricted items if any?
I'm fine with any item you want :P

The only Pokemon restriction is Pokemon that were used during your main-game journey, no post-game captured Pokemon :P

My FC: 1203-9350-6669
I'm fine with any item you want :P

The only Pokemon restriction is Pokemon that were used during your main-game journey, no post-game captured Pokemon :P

My FC: 1203-9350-6669
Jeez, I dozed off! I actually can't believe I full blown slept for this long!! I know I only slept for 3 maybe 4 hours tops before my last few post but usually I'm fine... wow.

Anyways my FC: 0791-4765-9080

Hopefully you're still around. :lol:
Jeez, I dozed off! I actually can't believe I full blown slept for this long!! I know I only slept for 3 maybe 4 hours tops before my last few post but usually I'm fine... wow.

Anyways my FC: 0791-4765-9080

Hopefully you're still around. :lol:
Yeah, still around, been up for New Year's :P.

Just added you, should see ya soon :)
I will probably do that :)

EDIT: You apparently lost connection, I think you might want to initiate the battle then.
It's alright, I'll be waiting :)
Good game dude, started off well but I guess my lack of Special resistance and answer to fire moves let me down.

My biggest misplay was not switching Aeos out for Bodd when that Brick Break was coming, but then again I didn't know if it'd be another Dragon Claw...
Good game dude, started off well but I guess my lack of Special resistance and answer to fire moves let me down.
It was really good, honestly, your Physical Resistance threw me off. Only Primarina and Arcanine were Special Attacker. Made me really struggle at the start.

I was actually waiting to use my Sandslash on you once I defeated Talonflame since it has SE moves on 4 of your Pokemon, but the oppurtunity to set up Light Screen to protect Sandslash from Special Attack never came.

Here's the Battle Video incase anyone wants to watch: WFWW-WWWW-WWW3-SX8V
It was really good, honestly, your Physical Resistance threw me off. Only Primarina and Arcanine were Special Attacker. Made me really struggle at the start.

I was actually waiting to use my Sandslash on you once I defeated Talonflame since it has SE moves on 4 of your Pokemon, but the oppurtunity to set up Light Screen to protect Sandslash from Special Attack never came.

Here's the Battle Video incase anyone wants to watch: WFWW-WWWW-WWW3-SX8V
As soon as I saw Solgaleo I knew I'd struggle getting through even with the physical bulk. My Espeon lead really seemed to mess with you a lot... I contemplated using Future Sight instead of Grass Knot on Primarina but I got sucked in by temptation and you punished me with that Z-Move.

Kinda glad I invested in bulk for Talonflame but that Stealth Rock pushed her to doing a lot of work on recovering against Solgaleo until that burn. Vikavolt didn't get a chance to come in and hit things, I considered switching it into Sol after Talonflame recovered up a bit but you switched out...
Most of my strategy actually revolved around Sandslash but you interrupted me at every turn :lol:

Stealth Rock was to deal massive damage to Talonflame. Lycanrocs defeat didn't matter that much.

Kommo-o was meant to Dragon Dance buff and lure out your Talonflame and deal massive damage but Toxic from your Umbreon and misclicking on the first turn ruined that.

With Talonflame finally out, I wanted Solgeleo to do massive damage to finally get rid of it and then use Light Screen before Sandslash could shine but not only did it take longer since you bulked it but Solgeleo got burned and became useless so that's why I switched into Primarina :lol:

With Primarina out, and finally got rid of Talonflame I just waited to deal as much damage as possible before setting up the Light Screen but I felt your Lycanroc was too risky to set so I had to dispatch it quickly with Sunsteel Strike.

Then what was left were 2 Pokemon weak to Fire and my Arcanine had Intimidate as well as Red Card so my Arcanine took the spotlight while Sandslash ended up having no spotlight. :(
Most of my strategy actually revolved around Sandslash but you interrupted me at every turn :lol:

Stealth Rock was to deal massive damage to Talonflame. Lycanrocs defeat didn't matter that much.

Kommo-o was meant to Dragon Dance buff and lure out your Talonflame and deal massive damage but Toxic from your Umbreon and misclicking on the first turn ruined that.

With Talonflame finally out, I wanted Solgeleo to do massive damage to finally get rid of it and then use Light Screen before Sandslash could shine but not only did it take longer since you bulked it but Solgeleo got burned and became useless so that's why I switched into Primarina :lol:

With Primarina out, and finally got rid of Talonflame I just waited to deal as much damage as possible before setting up the Light Screen but I felt your Lycanroc was too risky to set so I had to dispatch it quickly with Sunsteel Strike.

Then what was left were 2 Pokemon weak to Fire and my Arcanine had Intimidate as well as Red Card so my Arcanine took the spotlight while Sandslash ended up having no spotlight. :(
How bulky was Sandslash? or did it have a speedier nature? I had a surprise waiting had I had Umbreon switch out instead of taking your Brick Break... would have been interesting to see what Decidueye's answer to it would have been. :)
Alolan Sandslash is naturally physically tanky with 120 Base. Gave it an Assault Vest to up its Sp. Def and Light Screen would've taken it further.

Knows: Icicle Spear, Leech Life, Iron Head and Shadow Claw.
So it could survive any attack that's not Fire or Fighting :lol:
Alolan Sandslash is naturally physically tanky with 120 Base. Gave it an Assault Vest to up its Sp. Def and Light Screen would've taken it further.

Knows: Icicle Spear, Leech Life, Iron Head and Shadow Claw.
So it could survive any attack that's not Fire or Fighting :lol:
My Buzzwole would like to have a word with it. :lol:
It is a Fighting type and faster so of course sending Sandslash out their against Buzzwole would be suicide :lol:

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