Dunno if the reality of this game is dawning on me. Had a go on the old Pokemon Blue yesterday and the mechanics of it are far superior to what Pokemon Go currently offers to the point it makes you take a step back and think it's actually a pretty bad game.
There's no reason to train a single Pokemon now because you'll just see the same one with a higher CP as you level up therefore removing that whole attachment building a squad you've trained through thick and thin. The actual battles are pretty wank with too much resting on how the servers are holding up plus it desperately needs PVP which I would assume will likely be its first major update.
Even catching the Pokemon is neutered, there's no having to weaken them, put them to sleep etc Or have that butt clenching moment where you're reducing a pokemons health to increase the chances of catching it but risk getting a critical hit and just killing the poor Pokemon!
The fun of this game is in the collecting and the "adventure" of going to find them. Which admittedly does give you good reason to go out and about seeing things you mightn't before. But at the end of the day a core mechanic of the Pokemon games is the battling and if that's a bit rubbish then what's the point of collecting them in the first place?