Political Correctness

  • Thread starter lbsf1
So if they remove Easter from it (which was a blatant lie) then we will all start worshipping chocolate?
I don't see how it was a blatant lie? It is the "Cadbury Egg Hunt" according to the National Trust.

Have you any idea how fundamentalist you sound right now?
Fundamentalist how?

That's certainly at odds with how you were coming across when you lead with this non-story.
Do explain :) As far as I see it, everyone can celebrate an Easter Egg hunt. Always had that view.

In effect they're the same thing.


What does suck is that 2 leading supermarkets in the UK have refused to stock a Christian Easter Egg:

I don't see how it was a blatant lie?
Saying that Cadbury's or the National Trust have removed the word 'Easter' from the Easter Egg Hunt is bollocks.

It's called the 'Great British Egg Hunt' to piggyback on other 'Great British Syllable Syllable' things (see 'Bake Off'), but literally every piece of promotional material including the TV advert mentions Easter several times:

And the promotional URL? That'll be http://www.cadbury.co.uk/Easter

I'm not sure how this should get in the way of you enjoying a resurrection festival inexplicably keyed to lunar cycles your way, with the traditional meal of bird ovulations made from a material not discovered by Europeans until the 16th Century.
I don't see how it was a blatant lie? It is the "Cadbury Egg Hunt" according to the National Trust.
So because they don't mention Easter in one place they have removed Easter? Despite it being on every page about in on both sites.

You speak as if all mention of Easter has been expunged by them, which could not be further from the truth.

Ergo it's a lie.

Fundamentalist how?
Your taking a story that has no basis in reality and attempting to use it as a claim that it's both Christian persecution and some how making people Idolators.

That doesn't sound at all fundamental to you?

Do explain :) As far as I see it, everyone can celebrate an Easter Egg hunt. Always had that view.

Then why exactly have you made an issue out of this none story and why are you doing everything you can to try an justify a lie?

What does suck is that 2 leading supermarkets in the UK have refused to stock a Christian Easter Egg:

Why does it suck? Should they be forced to stock them? Given that neither have removed the term Easter from stores (hence the claim of whitewashing Christianity out of Easter is nonsense), it strikes me as this is Sentamu once again using a non Story to try and drum up a fake war on Christians.


Remind me again, what do eggs have to do with Christianity?

Or for that matter the word Easter and the fact that it's date depend on lunar cycles?

How about you stop whitewashing the pagan mumbo jumbo out of your Christian mumbo jumbo.
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What does suck is that 2 leading supermarkets in the UK have refused to stock a Christian Easter Egg:


The Daily Mail run that story every year, and every year the supermarkets concerned say that there's not enough demand for them. Private businesses can sell what they like, if the customers don't like it they'll go elsewhere, you're not in a position to tell them what to do.

After you've taken those private businesses to task you should move on to the general public... as you point out via your link;

Daily Mail
Jesus trailed behind Easter eggs, the bank holiday and hot-cross buns to come fourth in the YouGov poll in which respondents picked seasonal associations from a list
I don't see how it was a blatant lie? It is the "Cadbury Egg Hunt" according to the National Trust.

Seems more like a marketing decision to me. Chances are if it was called the "Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt" people would shorten it to just "Easter Egg Hunt" when discussing it. by dropping the "Easter" from the title they increase the chance their brand name will be included in discussions, thus providing them free advertising.
This is hilarious ... someone who is teaching philosophy and ethics at university is assaulting people in his free time. His philosophy is probably fascism.
And these Antifa guys are really sad bunch, basically far-left extremist group without any anti-fascist agenda (other than labeling their opponents as fascist).

So, we should only listen to far-right extremists? They both suck. But when the Far Right approves of violence and extermination, it's not surprising that some folks aren't going to be doormats. Pacifism has not worked against well-armed Fascists.

Since the thread "Political Correctness", should only one side of extremism have the right to strike back? To arm themselves? To fight unjust actions? You're painting a narrative whereby the so-called mild-mannered professor shouldn't fight back, framed by one-sided ideals.

I'll even help you with a response, as a free service:


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Dammit, @Pupik, quit posting sense. You're really messing with my theory that all the Staff Emerituses around here are erm... holders of somewhat unusual opinions [edited for AUP].
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This is hilarious ... someone who is teaching philosophy and ethics at university is assaulting people in his free time. His philosophy is probably fascism.
And these Antifa guys are really sad bunch, basically far-left extremist group without any anti-fascist agenda (other than labeling their opponents as fascist).

...says the guy posting some crap alt-right video.
So, we should only listen to far-right extremists? They both suck. But when the Far Right approves of violence and extermination, it's not surprising that some folks aren't going to be doormats. Pacifism has not worked against well-armed Fascists.
#nottrueislam / #nottrueright

Wouldn't "violence and extermination" be around about the point where right wingers could be afforded the same distancing courtesies? I do hear a lot about how our modern day terrorists are really just psychopaths that attached themselves to Islam, and that the flow was not the other way around. The left and the right disagreeing about the ins and outs of immigration or some such is a far cry from comparing the attitude that say how immigration from Muslim-centric countries should be curtailed vs all Muslims should be killed. Any less justification to question the flow in the latter scenario compared to the Islam one?

I'd venture to even think that the reason @novcze and others post such material might be rooted in a conscious and/or subconscious frustration at being heaped somewhat under the same banner as people that perpetrate/support "violence and extermination". More often the right is accused of far worse things than the left. It seems fairly rudimentary to me to think that there would be a compulsion to even the score a little, when opportunity arises.

Using left and right for convenience here. I usually don't as I think it's generally counter-productive. Sorry to say, but in line with that, I think that your response to the post was also counter-productive.
So, we should only listen to far-right extremists? They both suck. But when the Far Right approves of violence and extermination, it's not surprising that some folks aren't going to be doormats. Pacifism has not worked against well-armed Fascists.

Since the thread "Political Correctness", should only one side of extremism have the right to strike back? To arm themselves? To fight unjust actions? You're painting a narrative whereby the so-called mild-mannered professor shouldn't fight back, framed by one-sided ideals.

Do you really trying to justify what is basically attempted murder? I'm shocked ...

Guy in the pink shirt was clearly well-armed fascist so he deserved to get his head smashed with a bike chain by masked coward ... is this what you think?

I'll even help you with a response, as a free service:

Next time I would prefer not to. Certainly not from someone who see a violence as means of putting their ideas across. I'll respond to whatever I want by myself.

I'd venture to even think that the reason @novcze and others post such material might be rooted in a conscious and/or subconscious frustration at being heaped somewhat under the same banner as people that perpetrate/support "violence and extermination".

You know what, I don't identify myself with right or left and certainly not with people who perpetrate/support "violence and extermination", when I did that political compass thing in the other thread, I was in the centre, slightly left leaning.

What I found interesting on these videos from (campus) riots is that people have legal gatherings for whatever reason (free speech, pro-gun, Trump, Milo, etc.), they will do their thing, which is basically echo chamber and nothing would happen. Then thugs appear and commence violence, while thinking that their actions are justified which they are not.

edit: sorry for double post
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Do you really trying to justify what is basically attempted murder? I'm shocked ...

Guy in the pink shirt was clearly well-armed fascist so he deserved to get his head smashed with a bike chain by masked coward ... is this what you think?

Again, some people just ain't gonna be doormats. Fight fire with fire. For those that believe in the right to arm themselves: it works both ways. (Look at 15 years of my posts and see where I've condoned violence en masse.)

Hence, the reasons political correctness exists. And why it's needed in some circumstances.

What I found interesting on these videos from (campus) riots is that people have legal gatherings for whatever reason (free speech, pro-gun, Trump, Milo, etc.), they will do their thing, which is basically echo chamber and nothing would happen. Then thugs appear and commence violence, while thinking that their actions are justified which they are not.

I agree with that.

The problem is that one side typically instigates the other, and that's where things can get out of control. One blames the other for starting things, and nothing gets resolved.

What some get completely "wrong" is that they think schools don't want speakers because they're afraid of ideas. No, they're afraid of disruption, ill-equipped for chaos, and have limited mechanisms for dealing with trouble-makers that appear for no reason. One vociferous person has the ability to disrupt an entire week of class...how is that fair to the rest?
Again, some people just ain't gonna be doormats. Fight fire with fire. For those that believe in the right to arm themselves: it works both ways. (Look at 15 years of my posts and see where I've condoned violence en masse.)

Hence, the reasons political correctness exists. And why it's needed in some circumstances.

I agree with that.

The problem is that one side typically instigates the other, and that's where things can get out of control. One blames the other for starting things, and nothing gets resolved.

What some get completely "wrong" is that they think schools don't want speakers because they're afraid of ideas. No, they're afraid of disruption, ill-equipped for chaos, and have limited mechanisms for dealing with trouble-makers that appear for no reason. One vociferous person has the ability to disrupt an entire week of class...how is that fair to the rest?
Is it the vociferous person causing the disruption or the hundreds or thousands of sometimes violent and masked protestors that show up in response?
Again, some people just ain't gonna be doormats. Fight fire with fire. For those that believe in the right to arm themselves: it works both ways.

People arm themselves mainly for self protection not because they want to attack others. You can't justify what happend in that video, masked coward being an ethics teacher is only pinnacle of irony.

The problem is that one side typically instigates the other, and that's where things can get out of control. One blames the other for starting things, and nothing gets resolved.

What some get completely "wrong" is that they think schools don't want speakers because they're afraid of ideas. No, they're afraid of disruption, ill-equipped for chaos, and have limited mechanisms for dealing with trouble-makers that appear for no reason. One vociferous person has the ability to disrupt an entire week of class...how is that fair to the rest?

So because far-left can't cope with legal (that's the key word) gatherings of other people, should we cancel everything that can trigger their violent response?
Is it the vociferous person causing the disruption or the hundreds or thousands of sometimes violent and masked protestors that show up in response?

You act as if the right to say "no" to someone is offensive. That all trolls are welcome? Want to invite the angry mob for dinner, too?

Where would you draw the line? I know that lifting rules on an Internet forum can be disastrous; what occurs in real-life might be more than some can handle.

People arm themselves mainly for self protection not because they want to attack others. You can't justify what happend in that video, masked coward being an ethics teacher is only pinnacle of irony.

So because far-left can't cope with legal (that's the key word) gatherings of other people, should we cancel everything that can trigger their violent response?

I didn't justify the video. I already commented that both extremes are dangerous. And there's been fights at Trump rallies. Is that legal?

Ooh, bonus points for "trigger". And the Pepe-esque video.

Done trolling, yet?

So we're up to lap 2: only the far-left causes chaos. I learned something new. (This is going to be a long race. Godwin's Law, any day now.)
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You act as if the right to say "no" to someone is offensive. That all trolls are welcome? Want to invite the angry mob for dinner, too?

Where would you draw the line? I know that lifting rules on an Internet forum can be disastrous; what occurs in real-life might be more than some can handle.

I didn't justify the video. I already commented that both extremes are dangerous. And there's been fights at Trump rallies. Is that legal?

Ooh, bonus points for "trigger". And the Pepe-esque video.

Done trolling, yet?

So we're up to lap 2: only the far-left causes chaos. I learned something new. (This is going to be a long race. Godwin's Law, any day now.)
I'm not "acting" any way at all, just asking a question.
"I don't condone violence, but I'll shrug at it if it's directed at someone I don't like the views of"?

That's what I'm getting.

Fight fire with fire.

Do you have knowledge of the person that was assaulted previously assaulting others? If not, I'd think that the conclusion would be that you are not judging individuals for culpability and openness to justifiable retribution. You would be saying that a group can be judged, and an individual punished based on that judgement.

That's pretty sick.
Racism goes all ways and the Paris mayor has, fortunately, acknowledged that.

And of course, the organization behind the exclusive event had to invent a good old baloney excuse...

"The cultural centre La Générale, where the event was to be hosted, and the collective Mwasi, which organised the event, said on Sunday they were the “target of a disinformation campaign and of ‘fake news’ orchestrated by the foulest far right”."
Racism goes all ways and the Paris mayor has, fortunately, acknowledged that.

And of course, the organization behind the exclusive event had to invent a good old baloney excuse...

"The cultural centre La Générale, where the event was to be hosted, and the collective Mwasi, which organised the event, said on Sunday they were the “target of a disinformation campaign and of ‘fake news’ orchestrated by the foulest far right”."
Good to see a politician with some cahonies, even if they are imagined:sly:. Unlike some of our politicians here, who continue to provide public funding for a parade that touts inclusivity, but banishes certain members of society from participating. We must be politically correct and support the cause du jour even though it practices the very discrimination they've been victims of for decades:lol:
Racism goes all ways and the Paris mayor has, fortunately, acknowledged that.

And of course, the organization behind the exclusive event had to invent a good old baloney excuse...

"The cultural centre La Générale, where the event was to be hosted, and the collective Mwasi, which organised the event, said on Sunday they were the “target of a disinformation campaign and of ‘fake news’ orchestrated by the foulest far right”."
That's what cracks me up; Antifa's not realizing that they are actually resorting to fascist tactics all the time, and minorities who want to combat racism... by being racist.
Unlike some of our politicians here, who continue to provide public funding for a parade that touts inclusivity, but banishes certain members of society from participating.

You're comparing somebody's career as a cop to things like race, gender, and sexual orientation? :odd:

Worth noting that "banishes...from participating" is a bit of an inaccurate portrayal, as the ban is on uniforms. Cops can show up in plainclothes all they want, yes?
You're comparing somebody's career as a cop to things like race, gender, and sexual orientation? :odd:

Worth noting that "banishes...from participating" is a bit of an inaccurate portrayal, as the ban is on uniforms. Cops can show up in plainclothes all they want, yes?
But it still brings up the question of, why can't they participate in uniform?