POLL: Happy or unhappy with Standard cars?

Are you happy having standard cars in GT6?

  • Yes, I'm happy of having standard cars in GT6

    Votes: 188 31.8%
  • No, I'm not happy of having standard cars in GT6

    Votes: 237 40.0%
  • Don't care.

    Votes: 167 28.2%

  • Total voters
The more the merrier. The standard cars are giving me the most replay value right now in GT5. When I first played the game, I refused to drive anything but the premiums mostly because they were new and I drive with the interior view, but the entire past year I have been enjoying racing standards and I'm happy that they will carry over into GT6.

Everyone always complains about how developers should give game players the most options possible and here it is. We have standard cars; lots of them. Use them or ignore them.

Wish we had a on and off button for them. But most of our races deal with standards, which to me, makes the game boring.
The more the merrier. The standard cars are giving me the most replay value right now in GT5. When I first played the game, I refused to drive anything but the premiums mostly because they were new and I drive with the interior view, but the entire past year I have been enjoying racing standards and I'm happy that they will carry over into GT6.

Everyone always complains about how developers should give game players the most options possible and here it is. We have standard cars; lots of them. Use them or ignore them.

If they get in the way of gameplay like they did in GT5, then saying "just ignore them" is not going to cut it.
Can't drive tweaked pictures though can we. ;)

No, but I'm usually looking at the road when I drive, not the side of my car, nor focusing on the details of anyone else's car. They only time standard vs. premium has been an issue for me in any way is in taking a photo, which is a miniscule part of the game for me. I played for nearly 3 years without posting a photo and only when I began organizing a club did I have any interest in photos.
Glass half empty or half full?

That's what it all comes down to. The majority who have voted seem to have either a glass half full or at least close to view on the cars.

From PDI's perspective, I would imagine it would be more of a wallet half full.
Yes, but that's more than 60% who aren't bothered by them.

Anyway, these are typical Standard cars in GT5 now - and the only editing was to shrink them down a bit:


I think they look awesome now, and they will look better in GT6. I don't know what PD is doing, but better than this works for me.

Of all the cars you could have picked to show how "awesome" they look, you chose the Nomad Diablo?
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Of all the cars you could have picked to show how "awesome" they look, you chose the Nomad Diablo?

Yeah the Nomad is one of the better examples for the low quality on some of the standard cars The CLK DTM car is a good example as well.

It's been a while since I went through all the cars but I remember there were a few of the standards that jumped out a bit in terms of sub standard appearance such as the ones mentioned here but seems like there were some that were very high detail and looked quite a lot like the premiums other than the missing interior view and other restrictions.
If they get in the way of gameplay like they did in GT5, then saying "just ignore them" is not going to cut it.

Get in the way of what gameplay? Is it harder for you to pass a standard car?

My point is that we should embrace the amount of cars we have in this game. Many of my favorite cars are standard models in the game and I would hate to lose them.

And yes, I would be fine with a button or mode which excluded standards. As I said before, the more options we have, the happier we can collectively be.
IMO, the worst thing about Standards in GT5 is the fact that thay are slightly faster than similar but Premium cars. For example:
Ford GT '05 is faster than GT '06;
Standard Camaro Z28 '69 is faster than Premium one;
I'll also test 300 SL '54 and Viper GTS ('99 and '02) later.

They must be balanced in driving physics, at least.
Get in the way of what gameplay? Is it harder for you to pass a standard car?

My point is that we should embrace the amount of cars we have in this game. Many of my favorite cars are standard models in the game and I would hate to lose them.

And yes, I would be fine with a button or mode which excluded standards. As I said before, the more options we have, the happier we can collectively be.

The carrer mode. Forcing those us who want to complete it to use standard cars. Every event in the game should be premium car accessible.

Another issue I have with standards in GT5 is their availability. Stuffing all 800 of them into the UCD, where only 30 appeared at a time in a semi-random fashion, was a stupid idea. And this actually links to the first issue I mentioned. There are four events (Japanese Classics, Lupo Cup, Sport Trucks, and FGT events)
in GT5 that require you to use a standard car. When the game first came out and the OCD didn't exist yet, finding the car needed for those events was a nightmare for obvious reasons. And even when the OCD appeared, those who weren't fortunate enough to have their PS3s connected to the Internet were out of luck and were stuck with the UCD.

This is bad game design. And as I said in another thread, if PD is so embarrassed by standard cars to the point that gameplay suffers, then in my opinion, it's best to leave them out. Because when you think about it, this terrible gameplay makes it hard to obtain desired standard cars in the first place. I've read quite a few horror stories on here where people couldn't obtain a certain standard car they wanted because of the UCD, even after owning the game for a long period of time.

IMO, the worst thing about Standards in GT5 is the fact that thay are slightly faster than similar but Premium cars. For example:
Ford GT '05 is faster than GT '06;
Standard Camaro Z28 '69 is faster than Premium one;
I'll also test 300 SL '54 and Viper GTS ('99 and '02) later.

They must be balanced in driving physics, at least.

This as well.
The embeded pics are only 800 × 533, I have to look at them on your photobucket site for full size. Stryker99 :)
Yikes. I was unaware that GT Planet compressed my images even more. Well, learn something new every day. Unfortunately, Google Chrome hides image properties somewhere in their stupid HTML menu.

Thanks for the reposting by the way. They look almost real size!

Can't drive tweaked pictures though can we. ;)
Of all the cars you could have picked to show how "awesome" they look, you chose the Nomad Diablo?
I love that car! Yeah, it has a few texture issues, but in replays and pics, the car looks way better than it does in the garage.

And this is the thing that gets me. I understand the people who hate the Standards because the interiors don't exist - and neither does the car when you're in it! Some of the cars really are oogly, like the Mercedes CLK and the Opel Speedster, which is SO blocky it looks to me like a GT2 model!

But in race and in replays, almost all of the Standards look just great to me. When I can take pics like these of most of them, I really think the only downside is that they can't be race modded, and have limited bodykit options. Although a couple like the Mini Cooper and Peugeot have more than their Premium counterparts, go figure.

Well, in GT6 they will look better. And they will be able to be used in Photo Mode just like the Premiums. And they will have the same performance mod options as the Premiums. And they shouldn't have any performance difference. And they might even have the same Race Mode and Livery painting capability as the Premiums, but of course we'll have to wait and see on that. But most important to me is being able to enjoy them with even better physics than GT5 offered.

PD have taken a lot of flak over GT5's Standard cars and tracks, obviously, especially the cars. And with the next gen competition coming along on both PS4 and XBOne, they know that GT6 is going to have to be close to that perfection Kaz talked about with GT5. Whatever the Standard cars (and tracks) look like in GT6, I expect them to look better than my photos. Remodeling is one thing, but it shouldn't take more than a day for a decent artist to re-skin a car, and that's much of the problem.
You seem to have skipped over my post where I pointed out all of the obvious issues when pictures are seen at full size. I'm also not sure what point you're making here:

And this is the thing that gets me. I understand the people who hate the Standards because the interiors don't exist - and neither does the car when you're in it! Some of the cars really are oogly, like the Mercedes CLK and the Opel Speedster, which is SO blocky it looks to me like a GT2 model!
IMO, the worst thing about Standards in GT5 is the fact that thay are slightly faster than similar but Premium cars. For example:
Ford GT '05 is faster than GT '06;
Standard Camaro Z28 '69 is faster than Premium one;
I'll also test 300 SL '54 and Viper GTS ('99 and '02) later.

They must be balanced in driving physics, at least.

Might be true for some cars, but I believe generally the opposite is true. Premiums tended to have more grip in my experience.
I personally, don't mind standard cars as long as we can modify them just like the premium cars & use them in the photomode locations. Interior views aren't a big concern for me. I use it on some cars, but most of the time I use the bumper or roof camera.
You seem to have skipped over my post where I pointed out all of the obvious issues when pictures are seen at full size.
I'm overlooking nothing. When I'm racing or watching a replay, there are no photos of cars sitting there for me to over-analize. ;)

Actually, I'm thinking you're ignoring how much I like to admire pics of those Standards. But I have a feeling we get each other's points. Anyhow, wanna hit the track with my leaf blowers.
I really think the only downside is that they can't be race modded, and have limited bodykit options.


And apparently, we're keeping the same damage model for GT6.
I'm overlooking nothing. When I'm racing or watching a replay, there are no photos of cars sitting there for me to over-analize. ;)

Actually, I'm thinking you're ignoring how much I like to admire pics of those Standards. But I have a feeling we get each other's points. Anyhow, wanna hit the track with my leaf blowers.

What? You posted those pictures to show us that standards look good now, I took a quick glance and noticed all the problems very easily, as I do when playing the game.

So you can admire them all you like, doesn't mean they're as good as you make out.
And apparently, we're keeping the same damage model for GT6.

ugh, that's one of the only things that bothers me about standards. The damage models are appalling. That's one reason why I hope PD gives us an off button for visual damage other than in online lobbies.
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that "good" is a quantifiable and measurable property. :D

It is in relative terms. A standard is not as good as a premium.

It's not objectively measurable, but since the whole point of the visual aspect of the cars is subjective perception, you can certainly measure that. You can also measure what people deem acceptable and not acceptable, thus giving an approximate value that the customer base thinks is "good".

You can measure just about anything, if you try hard enough. Interpreting the results afterwards is the hard part. I could get a hundred GT fans and get them to value a hundred cars each. But then we'd all argue for the next four weeks about what those results actually mean.

Data is easy. Statistics are...shall we say, malleable.
I confess -- I'm a Standard car junkie. I'm thankful that the Standard cars are in the game (as opposed to not having the car model included at all). After driving the Peugot 905, the Playstation R8 Audi, the Formula GT cars, I couldn't imagine GT5 without these cars. I also enjoy the older, classic cars in the game, almost all of which are Standards. The inclusion of Standards has definitely made GT5 a better experience for me.
I measure them as "good," so who's right?

You'll notice that I was talking about statistics. The error bar on a single data point is so large as to make that data point meaningless in isolation.

So basically, if you say it's good by yourself, nobody cares. Likewise if someone says they're bad. Single data points in isolation mean nothing.

Once you have a sample large enough to reasonably represent the group of "people who would buy GT6" then it becomes interesting, but then it becomes a case of manipulating the results to show whatever your personal bias is.

Short answer: You're all wrong, and nobody cares whether you think they're good or not. All you can really say is they're not as good as premiums.
I confess -- I'm a Standard car junkie. I'm thankful that the Standard cars are in the game... The inclusion of Standards has definitely made GT5 a better experience for me.

You're thankful for Standard cars or thankful that these said cars are actually in the game? Sounds to me like you just enjoy the car selection, regardless of the visual quality. I'm sure you wouldn't be a Standard car junkie if your favorite standards were premium and the cars you could care less for were standard. I my self love taking pictures of standard cars in the replaay photo mode. If only zooming wasn't so restricted for them...
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that "good" is a quantifiable and measurable property. :D

I said AS good as you make out, it makes a difference. You said "they look awesome now" and they really don't look awesome as I pointed out, so there you go. Not as good as you make out. ;)
In 2013 should we really be looking forward to finding out which cars will be modeled to PS3 standards with cockpits and which are still HD PS2 cars?

Very unhappy. They could have put together a good game with 400 or so premium cars.
In 2013 should we really be looking forward to finding out which cars will be modeled to PS3 standards with cockpits and which are still HD PS2 cars?

Very unhappy. They could have put together a good game with 400 or so premium cars.

Agreed. 500 premium cars would have been good for me.

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