[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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OP Update: Since there is a serious brewhaha over a third party this year, I have decided to include the Libertarian Party's candidate for President and VP this year since their party's convention is wrapping up today at Noon EST.

Anyone who openly speaks out against the dangers of; The Federal Reserve, The IRS, The Industrial Military Complex(along with war for profit), The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and The Military Tribunal Act should be given some serious consideration.

If the United States cannot or will not take on the international banking system it is in for some very bad times. Freely relinquishing civil rights out of fear is not going to help the country either.

I'll leave a few quotes here to explain what I mean...

a warning
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

war machine
An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland.

The fact that the U.S. Government borrows money and pays the interest on those loans with IRS tax dollars is insane. The fact international bankers support war for profit and securing resources should not be tolerated as it has nothing to do with National security. These are two issues a good president could fight against.

If you are fed up with the 1%, if you are fed up with seeing our young die to line someone's pocket, if you are fed up with losing your liberties, then looking far away from Hillary, Bernie, and Donald would be a good start. This does seem the best voting cycle to voice an opinion truly against the corrupt elite.
If the past 14 years on this site are anything to go by, I'm absolutely certain we have several Gary Johnson supporters within our membership. And no, they didn't get banned for that reason.
And I have voted for the Libertarian party the last two cycles.
Same here. Barr and Johnson. I'll likely be voting Johnson this year as well, though I'm not sure he was the best of the Libertarian candidates.
Paul Ryan has given his support and will vote for The Trump in November.
Venezuela's president just endorsed Sanders. Here is a translation of his comments:

During a television broadcast on Tuesday night, Maduro — who has expressed support for Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, in the past — called the Democratic candidate “our revolutionary friend” and said it was only “an archaic (electoral) system that is 200 years old” keeping him from the presidency.

Venezuela's president just endorsed Sanders. Here is a translation of his comments:

During a television broadcast on Tuesday night, Maduro — who has expressed support for Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, in the past — called the Democratic candidate “our revolutionary friend” and said it was only “an archaic (electoral) system that is 200 years old” keeping him from the presidency.

Of all countries to support him. The number one socialist country in the news, over their failing economy...
Much disappoint.
Pretty frightening scenes of Trump supporters, cornered, chased, beaten and otherwise assaulted outside the recent rally in San Jose. Someone is going to get seriously hurt or killed.

Of all countries to support him. The number one socialist country in the news, over their failing economy...
Much disappoint.
A glimpse of your future under President Sanders.
Oh please. :rolleyes: One could say that video represents a glimpse of the future under Trump.
Nah, "Elysium" would be a better representation.

Besides, surely there's a happy medium between basket cases like "Galt's Gulch" in Chile and basket cases like Greece and Venezuela, no?
Paul Ryan has given his support and will vote for The Trump in November.

Paul Ryan is ready to announce a 'deal with america' much like Newt Gingrich did in 1994, he claims to have been waiting for a meeting with Donald trump to see if he would agree to it on principal before formally endorsing him.

Personally I think it is a bad move, the people are not interested in having a rubber stamp POTUS and I would not believe Trump for a second anyway. That is the idea though, "Hillary is so bad, if you agree with us we will defeat her" it will backfire imo.
Says he never said anything racist to mexicans, claims it's a conflict of interest when it comes to a judge who has Mexican heritage.


American politics: when both presidential nominees are under criminal investigation.

Of all countries to support him. The number one socialist country in the news, over their failing economy...
Much disappoint.

What about North korea?


Damn Marxist Trump.
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Says he never said anything racist to mexicans, claims it's a conflict of interest when it comes to a judge who has Mexican heritage.
No, sir. It is a conflict of interest when the plantiff's attorney and the judge belong in the same group, La Raza. (Source) That is why Trump is making those attacks. He is facing a stacked deck in the case.

The whole Trump University case is going to be a big deal if Hillary has her way.
Yeah, I'd be leaning towards this guy:

There are plenty of nut jobs on any and all sides of the political compass, libertarians aren't all crazy.

:lol: I just like this guy as an example but if you want me to post some lefties in the same light I can.
No, sir. It is a conflict of interest when the plantiff's attorney and the judge belong in the same group, La Raza. (Source) That is why Trump is making those attacks. He is facing a stacked deck in the case.

The whole Trump University case is going to be a big deal if Hillary has her way.
What about this then?

He also says the same if it was a Muslim judge:
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@mustafur Some history on La Raza (if you dare. I'll get to the comments later.):

La Raza's About Us Page
Every day Latinos work to make America stronger. They energize the economy and strive to make better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. Our mission is to improve their opportunities for success in achieving the American Dream.

Since 1968, the National Council of La Raza has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Latinos. This is the community we serve through our research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in our programs work in communities nationwide.

We partner with Affiliates across the country to serve millions of Latinos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing. We believe in fighting for our community and for an America where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all Latinos.

Several facts are wrong with the above:

  1. La Raza wasn't established in 1968, but rather in 1963 under the name of National Organization for Mexican American Services.
  2. La Raza refused to accept non-Hispanic issues until 1979.
  3. La Raza is entirely funded by the Federal Government since 1980.
  4. La Raza should be considered a lobbyist group since no later than 1996 to lobby state and local officials into the distribution of welfare funds. Such action was taken because of the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, which granted states more control over how welfare funds are distributed.

That aside, here is more from the San Jose rally:

Washington Post: Democrats Fear that Violent Anti-Trump Protests are Only Helping Him.

Gateway Pundit: Police Chief Who Allowed San Jose Riot Affiliated with La Raza
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