[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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White House Watch: Trump 43%, Clinton 39%

The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%. Twelve percent (12%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Last week at this time, it was Clinton 44%, Trump 39%. This is Trump’s highest level of support in Rasmussen Reports’ matchups with Clinton since last October. His support has been hovering around the 40% mark since April, but it remains to be seen whether he’s just having a good week or this actually represents a real move forward among voters.

Trump now earns 75% support among his fellow Republicans and picks up 14% of the Democratic vote. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Democrats like Clinton, as do 10% of GOP voters. Both candidates face a sizable number of potential defections because of unhappiness with them in their own parties.

(More below)


Clinton appears to have emerged relatively unscathed from the release this week of the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s report on her actions as secretary of State in connection with the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans by Islamic terrorists in September 2012. Rasmussen Reports will be releasing new numbers on Clinton and Benghazi at 10:30 a.m. Eastern today.

Trump made a major speech on jobs and trade on Tuesday that even the New York Times characterized as “perhaps the most forceful case he has made for the crux of his candidacy …. that the days of globalism have passed and that a new approach is necessary.” Some also speculate that last week’s vote in Great Britain to leave the European Union signals a rise of economic nationalism that is good for Trump. Despite the media panic and market swings that have resulted, Americans are not particularly worried that the “Brexit” will hurt them in the pocketbook.

The latest terrorist carnage - this week in Istanbul, Turkey - also may be helping Trump who is arguing for a harsher response to radical Islam than Clinton. Voters remain lukewarm about President Obama's national security policies and expect more of the same if Clinton moves back into the White House next January. Trump, if elected, will definitely change things, voters say, but not necessarily for the best.
This far along I am still amazed that the Donald is both the nominee and neck and neck with Hillary in the polls:crazy: I wonder if Vegas was giving odds before the GOP leadership race and what they were against Trump both getting the nomination and winning the Presidency.
This far along I am still amazed that the Donald is both the nominee and neck and neck with Hillary in the polls:crazy: I wonder if Vegas was giving odds before the GOP leadership race and what they were against Trump both getting the nomination and winning the Presidency.

These were the odds as of 2/15/16

Hillary Clinton 11/10
Donald Trump 13/5
Bernie Sanders 11/2
Marco Rubio 8/1
Jeb Bush 18/1
Ted Cruz 18/1
John Kasich 25/1
Michael Bloomberg 30/1
Joe Biden 40/1
Ben Carson 1000/1
You know they are legally allowed to have a personal email server as long as they don't conduct government business over it. Hillary was the first break that particular law.
State dept. asked for their emails because of Clinton. Albright and Rice didn't use/rarely used petsonal email at the office. Powell deleted his... Which should throw up a red flag.
Given the candidates that are available, I've pretty much decided on Gary Johnson since he seems like the only person running that is actually qualified for the job. I don't agree 100% with him, but I agree more with him then anyone else. To me Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the same person with the only real difference being that Hillary is an actual criminal while Trump is only probably one. I also happen to think both Trump and Clinton are completely clueless with what the American people want or even what we really need right now.
Westminster are to look at modifying their email filters to stop the bombardment of begging messages from the Trump campaign. BBC.

Conservative MP Sir Roger Gale calls for Donald Trump campaign emails to be blocked on the House of Commons email system.

Sir Roger raises a point of order to complain that many MPs have been "bombarded with emails from Team Trump on the behalf of someone called Donald Trump".

While he is in "all in favour of free speech" he does not wish to be "subject to intemperate spam", adding that "efforts to have these deleted have failed".

Speaker John Bercow replies that while "this is not a matter for the chair" he agrees it is "not acceptable to be bombarded with emails of which the content is offensive".

Mr Bercow says he will contact the Parliamentary digital services to see if the messages can be blocked.
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Now that the A.G. has some free time she can look into some actual crimes being committed.;)
And how is violating transparency laws NOT a crime? Furthermore, this email scandal actually opened an investigation into the Clinton Foundation proper(which has not yet concluded.) If Hillary does get off on this, then the DoJ has another bite at the apple on the money trail as I am sure that the investigation is going to apply the RICO statute.

America's best business man spends $12k of his charities money on a helmet that is now worth $415. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...y-himself-a-tim-tebow-signed-football-helmet/
Quoting from the article:

The best case for Trump, experts said, would be if he had given the helmet and jersey away to another charity, perhaps to be auctioned off at another fundraiser.

John Edie
"If ... the foundation paid for it, and they owned the helmet, and the helmet was given to someone as a charitable activity," [that would be enough]

In other words, if Trump did bought the helmet using his charity's funds for the expressed purpose of hosting another charity auction that has the helmet as one of the items in it, then that is perfectly legal. Trump can't however, use it as a decoration piece in one of his homes, nor can he just give it away to one of his close personal friends without a charitable reason behind it (in other words, he can't sell it outright).
In other words, if Trump did bought the helmet using his charity's funds for the expressed purpose of hosting another charity auction that has the helmet as one of the items in it, then that is perfectly legal. Trump can't however, use it as a decoration piece in one of his homes, nor can he just give it away to one of his close personal friends without a charitable reason behind it (in other words, he can't sell it outright)
He bought it using donor money and if he had donated it to another charity then it will be listed in the list of charities he gave to. Considering how small that figure is I would guess it wasnt. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...d-11e6-8f7c-d4c723a2becb_story.html?tid=a_inl

Now I see why convicted rapist Mike Tyson will be at the convention. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html
He bought it using donor money and if he had donated it to another charity then it will be listed in the list of charities he gave to. Considering how small that figure is I would guess it wasnt. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...d-11e6-8f7c-d4c723a2becb_story.html?tid=a_inl
Okay, I wasn't going to go out of my way to defend Trump (I'm not going to even vote for him), but here is where I draw the line.

1. I would like to see you go and try to prove it your above statement. The fact is that we don't know where the helmet of Tim Tebow ended up. FULL STOP. Nobody in Trump's organization is certainly talking about its fate. This is about as close as we have gotten to where the helmet went (and it most certainly didn't line Trump's pocket):

Washington Post
In a Wall Street Journal video of Trump's business office in New York last year, he showed off a table of sports helmets — but the Tebow helmet did not appear to be among them.

Let's be frank. Trump didn't show it off because it declined sharply in value (from $12,000 to $415.) Why? Your first article detailed exactly why:

Washington Post
That very night [the night that Trump bought the helmet], Tebow's Broncos were demolished by the New England Patriots in the NFL playoffs. The Broncos traded Tebow, and he played only one more full season.

2. While Donald Trump is most certainly worthy of names that I won't recite here, there was a reason why he didn't give the money that he raised for the military a few months ago right away. It is a certain five letter word called Fraud. Trump didn't want his name associated with charities that were fraudulent. He had to carefully vet each one. The same thing happened to Bill O'Reily when he did his charity push. Granted the difference between them was that Bill was quicker to the post than Trump, but when you are dealing with nearly $5 million, you can most certainly afford to take your time to disperse funds.
1. I would like to see you go and try to prove it your above statement. The fact is that we don't know where the helmet of Tim Tebow ended up. FULL STOP. Nobody in Trump's organization is certainly talking about its fate. This is about as close as we have gotten to where the helmet went (and it most certainly didn't line Trump's pocket):
The WP already proved that he used the charities money and contributed none of his own and if he used the like as a donation like YOU proposed it was not mentioned in the article which would be a huge omission.

Let's be frank. Trump didn't show it off because it declined sharply in value (from $12,000 to $415.) Why? Your first article detailed exactly why:
A guy whose entire "empire" is built on frauds and bankruptcy wont show off a football helmet.:lol: Maybe he gave it away at graduation at Trump U to the the top grad and filled it with Trump steaks.:odd:

2. While Donald Trump is most certainly worthy of names that I won't recite here, there was a reason why he didn't give the money that he raised for the military a few months ago right away. It is a certain five letter word called Fraud. Trump didn't want his name associated with charities that were fraudulent. He had to carefully vet each one. The same thing happened to Bill O'Reily when he did his charity push. Granted the difference between them was that Bill was quicker to the post than Trump, but when you are dealing with nearly $5 million, you can most certainly afford to take your time to disperse funds.
Trump and fraud.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: yeah ok. You should get a prize as the top GTP comic of the week.
The WP already proved that he used the charities money and contributed none of his own and if he used the like as a donation like YOU proposed it was not mentioned in the article which would be a huge omission.
I didn't argue that. I said prove where he misappropriated charity funds when he bought the helmet. We all know (and I agree with you) that Trump is the stingiest SOB when it comes to his money and charity. In fact, Trump's history of charity giving wasn't even the topic of discussion until you brought it up. The topic was did Donald J. Trump commit a crime when he bought a Tim Tebow helmet using charity funds. No one really knows for sure where that helmet ended up, so there is no way to prove that he committed a crime?
I propose we add a "none of the above" line to the ballot. If "none of the above" wins any registered voter over 35, without a felony conviction name goes into a database & 2 names are chosen. These poor "winners" will be president & vice president for the next 4 years. That can't be much worse then the choice of knuckle heads we get handed every election season. We might even end up with someone not looking out for themselves. Something is wrong about spending a billion dollars to win a job that pays what $240,000 a year...
I didn't argue that. I said prove where he misappropriated charity funds when he bought the helmet. We all know (and I agree with you) that Trump is the stingiest SOB when it comes to his money and charity. In fact, Trump's history of charity giving wasn't even the topic of discussion until you brought it up. The topic was did Donald J. Trump commit a crime when he bought a Tim Tebow helmet using charity funds. No one really knows for sure where that helmet ended up, so there is no way to prove that he committed a crime?
None of the foundations money came from his pocket. Auction was in 2012.
None of the foundations money came from his pocket. Auction was in 2012.
Again, that wasn't the crux of the argument, and you know it. I agree that Donald Trump is so many things that run afoul of the AUP if I typed them out when it comes to his personal wealth and charity. The question was that did Donald Trump misappropriate charity funds when he bought that helmet using his foundation's money (committing a crime in the process). The true answer is because we do not know the fate of the item in question, we will never know.
Racist,rapist,con man, and orange.

Are you pro Hillary or simply anti Donald?

I'll say this much just in general, character assassination is a proven tool in U.S. politics and I will go on to say any Hillary supporter is probably better served attacking Donald rather than trying to come up with anything positive to say about her.

I dislike both a great deal only in regard of placing them in office, just for the record.
That really didn't answer the question lol. Perhaps you support Jill Stein?
I think (HRC) is more than qualified to have the office but she would not have been my 1st choice. I had to Google Stein to read her platform and while I do agree with some of what she stands for having a weak military is not one of them.
I think (HRC) is more than qualified to have the office but she would not have been my 1st choice. I had to Google Stein to read her platform and while I do agree with some of what she stands for having a weak military is not one of them.

She is qualified in the fact that she is very experienced in politics I will give her that much. It is so easy for me to think of fails on her part such as; healthcare, whitewater, and Benghazi. It is very hard for me to think of anything worthwhile she has accomplished however, I have looked at her record in congress along with her voting record.

Can you show me any reason I should believe she is a good candidate? What we will end up with is another 4 years the same as the previous 8 which is not so bad I guess. I can easily see a strong swing to the right in the house and senate if she is elected though, starting with the first midterm election.
She is qualified in the fact that she is very experienced in politics I will give her that much. It is so easy for me to think of fails on her part such as; healthcare, whitewater, and Benghazi. It is very hard for me to think of anything worthwhile she has accomplished however, I have looked at her record in congress along with her voting record.

Can you show me any reason I should believe she is a good candidate? What we will end up with is another 4 years the same as the previous 8 which is not so bad I guess. I can easily see a strong swing to the right in the house and senate if she is elected though, starting with the first midterm election.
Money and Star of David, hmm. It should appeal to his neo nazi base.


I don't see what is so offensive here. The people who look at that star and see "Star of David" are probably the same type that get offended by everything else. Instead of reading the story and finding out why Trump thinks Hillary is corrupt, everybody is whining about racism.

She is qualified in the fact that she is very experienced in politics I will give her that much. It is so easy for me to think of fails on her part such as; healthcare, whitewater, and Benghazi. It is very hard for me to think of anything worthwhile she has accomplished however, I have looked at her record in congress along with her voting record.

Can you show me any reason I should believe she is a good candidate? What we will end up with is another 4 years the same as the previous 8 which is not so bad I guess. I can easily see a strong swing to the right in the house and senate if she is elected though, starting with the first midterm election.

She can't even handle classified emails properly. Why would you want someone like that as president?
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