[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Hillary supporters and these pro feminist "cucks" make me sick to my stomach. Another issue that pisses me off is this gender of the day crap give me a break and also those damn pro sjw affirmative action punks. This whole liberal agenda got a reality check, hopefully the USA can get back to business. Liberals stay classy and keep blocking those roads to get your point across its doing wonders. America has gone softer than Charmin.

It won't be for awhile, this could continue for weeks unfortunately.
If they continue to rage, burn the flag, scream hate, revenge and obstruction, wouldn't it hurt their cause?

Arguably, yes - but then, are the current protests promoted by an organized political movement? Is there even an organized political movement outside the two major and two minor parties and some cause-oriented grassroot movement such as the whole #BLM shindig?
Ok, so now that Hillary is obviously not going to be the first female president, what are the odds on Ivanka pulling that off? The Trumps could take that too.
I'd rather her not. Jesse Ventura made an interesting point about the US needing to avoid creating family dynasties in the White House and allow "new blood" to promote a healthy change.
Arguably, yes - but then, are the current protests promoted by an organized political movement? Is there even an organized political movement outside the two major and two minor parties and some cause-oriented grassroot movement such as the whole #BLM shindig?
On the left? Other than the Eugene anarchists, Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, I don't know. I've been out of the protest and rebellion scene for loooong time.
I've just heard the economist Thomas Piketty saying on TV something i wasn't aware of about Trump entrepreneurial skills myth: if he had put the money that his father gave him in the 70's on the stock market instead of running his own business, based on stock market average growth, it would be wealthier today than he actually is. :lol:
Hillary tried and failed to break the glass ceiling for women. But now The Donald has broken another glass ceiling - that no one other than a politician or general has ever attained the White House. Now there is a new paradigm for businessmen to be president. So I think that before a woman ever becomes president we may have a parade of egotistic white male billionaire businessmen trying for the job. Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and the ilk come to mind.
I'm thinking more along the lines of Martin Shkreli. I read an interview with him, and felt a very Trump-ish vibe from him.
If they continue to rage, burn the flag, scream hate, revenge and obstruction, wouldn't it hurt their cause?

I would think so....make that I would hope so. Personally, I like what Marshawn Lynch said:

"Now come together like butt cheeks!!!!! Yes Lawd the solid ones will feel this...."

I laughed at that. Marshawn has a way with people. He can make a good point in a disarming, funny way but still get it across.

I know there is a lot hurt and a lot of fear, some of it warranted, some of it misplaced, but we are all on the same team. This stuff I've seen on social media by some of these protesters is downright dangerous, "Kill Trump", "Kill people that voted for Trump". Dangerous rhetoric like that has no place in a country as diverse as ours. The best way to move forward is to find common ground and work towards it and there is far more common ground than differences.
I've just heard the economist Thomas Piketty saying on TV something i wasn't aware of about Trump entrepreneurial skills myth: if he had put the money that his father gave him in the 70's on the stock market instead of running his own business, based on stock market average growth, it would be wealthier today than he actually is. :lol:
So you think it would work in his favour that he risked his entire fortune on building and developing real estate and still came out a billionaire. Some people are content to sit and do nothing, others aren't. I guess he's not.
So you think it would work in his favour that he risked his entire fortune on building and developing real estate and still came out a billionaire. Some people are content to sit and do nothing, others aren't. I guess he's not.
If i think something that i want to share, i'm able to write it, i don't need you to try (and fail) to do it.
Piketty's point is that the man's capability to create value is below average.
This is maybe not the right place to ask, or maybe it is and I'm aware it's a little embarrassing, but... who is Donald Trump?
I mean why was he a celebrity or something before this election - like seriously, I don't know who he is. Some kind of Rockefeller type of guy?
So you think it would work in his favour that he risked his entire fortune on building and developing real estate and still came out a billionaire. Some people are content to sit and do nothing, others aren't. I guess he's not.

That's not the point - the point is, if Trump wasn't born a billionaire and didn't have all the safety nets in this world, right now he'd likely be scrubbing McToilets for a living. For most real-world enterpreneurs, failing as hard as Trump did to properly assess the risks of a venture, or to deliver even a fraction of the promised ROI just ONCE means financial death. And that's from a man who wrote (well, claims to have written) a book about the Art of the Deal and generally presents trading like it's some sort of mystical art, and claims that his business experience makes him qualified to lead the most powerful country in the world while in reality he's just a sham who declares bankruptcy everytime he gets in hot water.
Well, let's just say that if he will apply his experience to trading to leading the country, I expect America to get rid of its debt by defaulting.

This is maybe not the right place to ask, or maybe it is and I'm aware it's a little embarrassing, but... who is Donald Trump?
I mean why was he a celebrity or something before this election - like seriously, I don't know who he is. Some kind of Rockefeller type of guy?

In short: guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and took real estate developing as a hobby. Was pretty successful as long as he kept to housing projects in NY, then he got this delusion of grandeur and bombed in the casino, resort and airline business pretty badly during the 90s. Reinvented himself as a business guru and TV personality (The Apprentice was his show); put his name into countless branding operations, some successful, some laughably not.
In the meanwhile, he guest-starred in Home Alone 2 and at Wrestlemania XXIII.
Definitely not a Rockfeller type of guy, although he may think otherwise - John D. pretty much created the oil industry and put the trust in antitrust, and had a net worth in the region of 300 bln dollars adjusted for inflaction, Trump is considered a wacko by financial institutions and his peers and he'll sue you if you say he's worth less than 3 bln.
He's more of a Berlusconi kind of guy: an inflated balloon who's rich through no merit of his own, lost tons of money in failed development projects and decided to get into politics without any serious idea on how to run a country or how he wants to just to avoid falling out of grace (or in Berlusconi's case, go to jail - but that's another story for another days).
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He's more of a Berlusconi kind of guy: an inflated balloon who's rich through no merit of his own, lost tons of money in failed development projects and decided to get into politics without any serious idea on how to run a country
Heh, speaking of Italian politicians, I was just watching a re-run of The Simpsons - "The Italian Bob", where the Simpsons find that Sideshow Bob is the mayor of a village in Tuscany. There's a scene where Homer is on a balcony, scowling and shaking his fist like Mussolini. Lisa warns him not to, to which Honer replies "Mussolini? I thought I was doing Donald Trump!".
...nutted a 13 year old. Now we are back on Epstein and the Lolita Express. No worries for Hillary and Bill though, as a Nixon-style blanket pardon is waiting. When the Clintons accept the pardon, they essentially admit the crime. And when Obama gives the pardon, his reputation shrinks.
This is maybe not the right place to ask, or maybe it is and I'm aware it's a little embarrassing, but... who is Donald Trump?
I mean why was he a celebrity or something before this election - like seriously, I don't know who he is. Some kind of Rockefeller type of guy?

An exceptionally wealthy businessman and mogul specialising in real estate. Also hosted The Apprentice. He's been widely known in American popular culture for many years, but doesn't have any formal political experience.
In short: guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and took real estate developing as a hobby. Was pretty successful as long as he kept to housing projects in NY, then he got this delusion of grandeur and bombed in the casino, resort and airline business pretty badly during the 90s. Reinvented himself as a business guru and TV personality (The Apprentice was his show); put his name into countless branding operations, some successful, some laughably not. In the meanwhile, he guest-starred in Home Alone 2 and at Wrestlemania XXIII. Definitely not a Rockfeller type of guy, although he may think otherwise - John D. pretty much created the oil industry and put the trust in antitrust, and had a net worth in the region of 300 bln dollars adjusted for inflaction, Trump is considered a wacko by financial institutions and his peers and he'll sue you if you say he's worth less than 3 bln. He's more of a Berlusconi kind of guy: an inflated balloon who's rich through no merit of his own, lost tons of money in failed development projects and decided to get into politics without any serious idea on how to run a country or how he wants to just to avoid falling out of grace (or in Berlusconi's case, go to jail - but that's another story for another days).

Oh, I see, thanks for the answer. That actually sounds even worse than what I thought. I know who Berlusconi is - we own a property in his (to be fair wonderful) country, so I'm kinda familiar with him and his antics.
That's a much better answer than I could have gotten from reading a wiki or something, I'm sure...
Eh, huh, so this is the guy that will make America great again?
Sounds like a solid plan... :lol
IMO the biggest problem we face. Except we are not facing it.

Arguably, it isn't - a country can accrue as much debt as the cost of its securities allow, and the US Treasury could guarantee an infinitesimal amount of interest on its securities and they'd still sell. Budget deficit's also quite low - projections for FY 2017 put it under the 3% "golden threshold", IIRC.
Also, the chief risks of running a high debt in today's economical and financial theater are quite irrelevant for the US: nobody in their sane mind would short US securities, and even the nations that own the largest chunk of long-term US debt (China and Japan) clearly don't own enough to have an undue effect on US politics.

Of course, there are many other problems with how the US accrues such a debt, and on the dangers of accruing debt to "pump" the GDP - but that's another matter entirely. As I said, no nation on Earth needs 30 nuclear submarines and enough tanks to make Battlefield's respawning M1s logistically feasible.

Heh, speaking of Italian politicians, I was just watching a re-run of The Simpsons - "The Italian Bob", where the Simpsons find that Sideshow Bob is the mayor of a village in Tuscany. There's a scene where Homer is on a balcony, scowling and shaking his fist like Mussolini. Lisa warns him not to, to which Honer replies "Mussolini? I thought I was doing Donald Trump!".

Hah. I remember that episode. I'm not one to say that Trump is a fascist (by all definitions of the term, he isn't)... But the joke's still funny.

...nutted a 13 year old. Now we are back on Epstein and the Lolita Express. No worries for Hillary and Bill though, as a Nixon-style blanket pardon is waiting. When the Clintons accept the pardon, they essentially admit the crime. And when Obama gives the pardon, his reputation shrinks.

Ah, Epstein, the missing link between the Clintons and the Donald.
I very much doubt that a pardon from Obama will be coming - mostly because he'll be President no more by the time it would be even remotely politically feasible to issue one. That being said... Bill's a big guy. Plenty of ways to make a process go the way he wants, if he is indeed involved in Epstein's pedophilia ring.

(And I'm not one to defend Berlusconi, but the youngest girl of his harem, Karima El Mahroug - also known as "Ruby Hearth-Throb" - was 16 at the time of her first "formal dinner" in Arcore. And as a matter of fact, one of the centre-right "intellectuals", Vittorio Sgarbi, essentially defended mr. B on his televisions by saying that all women involved in the "Rubygate" were of the age of consent and should thus be free to prostitute themselves - a position that I don't find excessively disagreeable, but is against the current Italian law, then and now)
How do they think that fixes it? Do they think that by not voting no-one will get elected? Also if you complain about the results whilst not voting you have no grounds on which to do so.

How so, you can complain and not vote. People who wanted Sanders because he aligned with what they wanted in a President, and didn't want to roll over to Clinton or worse Trump...have all the right to not vote for anyone as anyone else has said right. They also have all the right to complain if not more so cause of corruption. This notion of you must vote to complain is silly.
I'm not one to say that Trump is a fascist (by all definitions of the term, he isn't)... But the joke's still funny.
Thanks to the internet, "fascist" is one of the most over-used and misappropriated terms in the English language. Personally, I like Umberto Eco's definition - "the heel of the government on the throat of the people". I have to wonder what he would have thought of all of this.

This makes no sense, how does 1.5 million of Clinton voters petitioning trump (damn pun) nearly 60 mil who voted Trump. You don't get to override the majority based on electoral of wins, with a petition. It'd be nice if laws in this nation were respected by all and understood before trying this, and hell if they were Trump wouldn't be in the big seat...

And to be honest the .2% majority popular win by Clinton is a non-argument. She slight brought in more votes in States with less electoral power...or California and New York explain that disparity.
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Thanks to the internet, "fascist" is one of the most over-used and misappropriated terms in the English language. Personally, I like Umberto Eco's definition - "the heel of the government on the throat of the people". I have to wonder what he would have thought of all of this.

Well, a few months before he died, he said that "social media gave voice to legions of imbeciles" that before only talked "after a glass of wine too much, without damaging the collectivity". Make of that what you will.

(The term "fascist" is also grossly overused in the Italian language - while actual fascists often go overlooked. You'd think that having experienced a fascist regime for twenty years would've created in our collective memory a good understanding of what actual fascism looks like, but nooo)
Trump has at least run businesses (and successfully starred in his TV show). Michelle hasn't done much. She'd have to pull a Hillary and work her way through politics at a lower level.

Or have actually been a cog in her Husband's admin other than telling fat kids to stop being fat (not literally) and telling others to keep on eating on with the healthy foods. To me anyone could have done that even Malia and Sasha. Hillary got backing cause she actually did things in the 8 years of her husband's presidency even if they weren't particularly great.
It doesn't matter how many people sign that it's not going to happen.

Link explaining what would have to happen for Hillary to win.

The neocon hawks of the GOP party could decide to risk sending America to hell in a rocket-powered handcart just to get ONE OF THEM into power and perhaps avoid being taken over by the Tea Party / alt-right Reps. As someone who doesn't live in America, I'd find that incredibly funny. But it's something that could probably make a militia insurrection less of a "least-likely scenario" and more of "life in America, 2017" thing.
Curious, any Americans able to view this and if you can, what do you make of it?

What do you want answered? It actually is a simple answer. People in the U.S. are tired of the corrupt politicians or established having what they want. Tired of being lied to and being left behind due to globalism. Barrack was championed as the man that would be change, and you saw a reinvigorated population and electoral vote him in because he wasn't that fully established politician. Now people don't believe that he actually brought change, and that's why they rejected his calls to vote for Hillary and we didn't see a larger turn out in this election. This is why Trump an even less established man (supposedly) was able to win. If Trump can't do anything, then the Ghost of Harambe or Kanye will win in 2020 or '24.
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