IMO the biggest problem we face. Except we are not facing it.
Arguably, it isn't - a country can accrue as much debt as the cost of its securities allow, and the US Treasury could guarantee an infinitesimal amount of interest on its securities and they'd still sell. Budget deficit's also quite low - projections for FY 2017 put it under the 3% "golden threshold", IIRC.
Also, the chief risks of running a high debt in today's economical and financial theater are quite irrelevant for the US: nobody in their sane mind would short US securities, and even the nations that own the largest chunk of long-term US debt (China and Japan) clearly don't own enough to have an undue effect on US politics.
Of course, there are many other problems with how the US accrues such a debt, and on the dangers of accruing debt to "pump" the GDP - but that's another matter entirely. As I said, no nation on Earth needs 30
nuclear submarines and enough tanks to make Battlefield's respawning M1s logistically feasible.
Heh, speaking of Italian politicians, I was just watching a re-run of The Simpsons - "The Italian Bob", where the Simpsons find that Sideshow Bob is the mayor of a village in Tuscany. There's a scene where Homer is on a balcony, scowling and shaking his fist like Mussolini. Lisa warns him not to, to which Honer replies "Mussolini? I thought I was doing Donald Trump!".
Hah. I remember that episode. I'm not one to say that Trump is a fascist (by all definitions of the term, he isn't)... But the joke's still funny.
...nutted a 13 year old. Now we are back on Epstein and the Lolita Express. No worries for Hillary and Bill though, as a Nixon-style blanket pardon is waiting. When the Clintons accept the pardon, they essentially admit the crime. And when Obama gives the pardon, his reputation shrinks.
Ah, Epstein, the missing link between the Clintons and the Donald.
I very much doubt that a pardon from Obama will be coming - mostly because he'll be President no more by the time it would be even remotely politically feasible to issue one. That being said... Bill's a big guy. Plenty of ways to make a process go the way he wants, if he is indeed involved in Epstein's pedophilia ring.
(And I'm not one to defend Berlusconi, but the youngest girl of his harem, Karima El Mahroug - also known as "Ruby Hearth-Throb" - was 16 at the time of her first "formal dinner" in Arcore. And as a matter of fact, one of the centre-right "intellectuals", Vittorio Sgarbi, essentially defended mr. B on
his televisions by saying that all women involved in the "Rubygate" were of the age of consent and should thus be free to prostitute themselves - a position that I don't find excessively disagreeable, but is against the current Italian law, then and now)