[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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No, when someone writes "march on Washington and stop this travesty", it doesn't mean just "march".
And when someone writes "protesters", he doesn't specifically target "riots".
In the context of 'marching on Washington' in the USA it actually it does mean just that.

Peacefully marching in Washington DC to protest the government.

The USA has a long standing and PEACEFUL tradition of doing just this.

It is no good to project distinctly European progressive socialist anarchist actions, activities and processes on the USA.

The USA is not Europe.

Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street and other Soros funded faux outrage politically expedient groups are not representative of the long standing tradition of peaceful protest on Washington DC in the USA.
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Could you just consider the non violent protesters, just for a few minutes? Why should they be accountable for the stupid ones.
Because, as of now, nobody on that side of the fence is taking lead & condemning it. When is a Democratic leader going to do what Trump did on 60 minutes and say, "Stop it"?

I said it before, if Hillary were to come back out and tell the anti-Trump protests to avoid the violence, she would win major brownie points back with the American public. But, I'll bet a dollar Obama will be the one who eventually addresses the issue.
Because, as of now, nobody on that side of the fence is taking lead & condemning it. When is a Democratic leader going to do what Trump did on 60 minutes and say, "Stop it"?

I said it before, if Hillary were to come back out and tell the anti-Trump protests to avoid the violence, she would win major brownie points back with the American public. But, I'll bet a dollar Obama will be the one who eventually addresses the issue.

It probably will be Obama indeed, as Hillary apparently set the example for the violence.

This really be in the Funny News Stories thread if it weren't for the serious subject matter:
Federal investigators in Cleveland, OH arrested a 24-year-old man who they say posted a series of threats against supporters of Donald Trump after election results started coming in late on the evening of November 9th. The feds say the suspect, Zachary Benson, 24, also posted another tweet early the following morning threatening to assassinate Trump once it was clear he was going to be president-elect.
I swear I didn't make this part up:
Benson allegedly told the agents he had no intention to act on the threats and he was simply frustrated with the election results. Agents say he also expressed a belief that his “lack of bonding with his parents as a child” may have caused to him to have trouble properly expressing his feelings.
Is that a crime? And which far left groups?

1. You CAN be convicted of a crime based on circumstantial evidence here in the US. A murder with no body is one example. They are rather difficult to prove, fair enough, but it isn't impossible (see: Drew Peterson)

2. How about we start with three right off the bat that he directly founded:

- Open Society Foundations
- Central European University
- Insitute for New Economic Thinking

And these that he supported/is supporting:

- Algebra Project
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- Media Matters for America
- ACLU ("Communism, of course, is the Goal" - Roger Nash Baldwin [Note: The quote is ironic since he attempted to kick out all of the communists from the ACLU])
- Center for Public Integrity

EDIT: How about we add another piece of evidence to the list:


The Ad:
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EDIT: How about we add another piece of evidence to the list:

First the buses ... now the Algebra Project. Really? This is starting to get LOL ridiculous. :lol:

The Algebra Project, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) national, nonprofit organization that uses mathematics as an organizing tool to ensure quality public school education for every child in America. We believe that every child has a right to a quality education to succeed in this technology-based society and to exercise full citizenship. We achieve this by using best educational research and practices, and building coalitions to create systemic changes.
First the buses ... now the Algebra Project. Really?
Obviously, children need to be better-educated so that they can understand the leftist/Marxist/Marxist-Leninist/socialist/communist/Stalinist/Bolshevist agenda taught in schools.
Obviously, children need to be better-educated so that they can understand the leftist/Marxist/Marxist-Leninist/socialist/communist/Stalinist/Bolshevist agenda taught in schools.
I think most of that is aimed towards teachers who influence students, from my experience of all the teachers that revealed there political affiliation when I was a Student have been Left apart from my 10th grade history teacher who basically hated both sides, Several have even been fond of Communism.

But you can't force teachers to have political beliefs in which ever way you want so it's not like it can be helped.
But you can't force teachers to have political beliefs in which ever way you want so it's not like it can be helped.
Teaching is a profession that tends to attract people who are left-leaning, but I find that it tends to vary between faculties. English is a subject that deals with new ideas, so it's a natural magnet for liberals; on the other hand, the humanities tend to attract conservatives, particularly in economics and history.
1. You CAN be convicted of a crime based on circumstantial evidence here in the US. A murder with no body is one example. They are rather difficult to prove, fair enough, but it isn't impossible (see: Drew Peterson)
Doesn't answer the question I asked at all.

Is it illegal to hire buses?

That's without pointing out that this is a non-story in the first place.

2. How about we start with three right off the bat that he directly founded:

- Open Society Foundations
- Central European University
- Insitute for New Economic Thinking

And these that he supported/is supporting:

- Algebra Project
- Center for Constitutional Rights
- Media Matters for America
- ACLU ("Communism, of course, is the Goal" - Roger Nash Baldwin [Note: The quote is ironic since he attempted to kick out all of the communists from the ACLU])
- Center for Public Integrity

The Open Society Foundations
"Our Mission
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people."

Central European University

"Founded in 1991 at a time when revolutionary changes were throwing off the rigid orthodoxies imposed on Central and Eastern Europe, CEU is based on the premise that human fallibility can be counterbalanced by the critical discussion of ideas and that this critical spirit can be sustained best in societies where citizens have the freedom to scrutinize competing theories and openly evaluate and change government policies."

Insitute for New Economic Thinking

The Institute for New Economic Thinking is dedicated to the rigorous pursuit of innovative economic theories and methods that address society’s most pressing concerns.

Founded in 2009, we are a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization supporting relevant, pioneering work in the following issue areas:

  • The relationship between finance and the broader economy
  • Inequality and distribution
  • The economics of innovation
  • Environment and resource sustainability
We are building a global community with thousands of new economic thinkers through our grantees and research networks, partnerships with leading universities and institutions, high-profile events, and growing student movements. Interactive education tools are provided at no charge to audiences worldwide.

Our work is grounded in history and is multidisciplinary by nature. We accept that complexity and uncertainty are inherent in economic and financial systems, and we question theories based upon the flawed assumption that humans always behave rationally and predictably.

Traditional economics is failing us. Our goal is to offer hopeful solutions to the key challenges of the 21st century."

None of which appear to be far left at all, however a nice attempt at revisionist history regarding ACLU, Baldwin did indeed say that. However he then traveled to Russia, met Stalin and was so disturbed by what he saw that when he returned he then removed communism as a goal of the ACLU. He also wrote "A New Slavery: Forced Labor; the Communist Betrayal of Human Rights" in 1957 and condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny"! That you have attempted to portray a rejection of communism and outright criticism of it as being 'far left' is odd in the extreme (and lets not forget that Baldwin left the ACLU in 1950, before Soros had even left Europe).

Soros has also been one of the driving factored behind bringing democracy to the former communist European countries, which again would be odd for a member of the 'far left'.

What they do all have in common is the use of scientific principals to find solutions, as proposed by (the also not far left or communist) Karl Popper, not a big surprise given that Soros was a student of Poppers. However you seem to be under some impression that anyone and/or any organisation that is liberal or left of centre is somehow a 'far left communist'; which is akin to suggesting that anyone who is remotely right of centre (ie the entire Republican party) is somehow actually a 'far right fascist'. Its absurd.

EDIT: How about we add another piece of evidence to the list:


The Ad:
Evidence of what?

I'm sorry but is organised campaigning and its funding now some form of criminal activity in the US?

Is everyone who disagrees with Trump now a member of the 'far left' and involved in some kind of communist plot to overthrow the country?

This entire path is more than odd, I was under the impression that McCarthyism was a long way in the American past.
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There were indeed, but let's be honest here; the others didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. The important thing was to stop HRC, and that meant voting for the one most likely to do the stopping.

Once again you don't vote based on who will win, unless you're purely talking about a protest vote to spite and stop another candidate. Yes you go with the most likely option of winning, but at that point you are purely protesting you're not voting with a conscious or moral obligation of how you want to see government, no, you are voting on how you don't want to see government. So when crap hits the fan in a year or two or three or even four from today (hypothetically speaking)...those protesting only have themselves to blame.
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It probably will be Obama indeed, as Hillary apparently set the example for the violence.


Now multiple sources from within the campaign are gossiping, rumoring and publishing of her towering rage, a temper tantrum that precluded any public that evening and early morning. Screaming obscenities, pounding furniture, throwing objects at her staff. Prima facie evidence she is completely unfit for office.

Doesn't answer the question I asked at all.

Is it illegal to hire buses?

That's without pointing out that this is a non-story in the first place.
Never said it was. I was just pointing out that that if there are enough facts out there, someone will connect the dots.

Evidence of what?

I'm sorry but is organised campaigning and its funding now some form of criminal activity in the US?
Except the fact that the protests are inorganic. Meaning that they didn't spawn up to this level of intensity on their own. Heck, even in Portland, OR, half of those arrested DIDN'T turn in a ballot this year.

Never said it was. I was just pointing out that that if there are enough facts out there, someone will connect the dots.
The only fact here is that bus operators have parked a huge number of buses on the same street for years because its free.

Now do you have any facts as to who hired them? What they were hired for? Evidence that the purpose they were hired for was illegal?

Except the fact that the protests are inorganic. Meaning that they didn't spawn up to this level of intensity on their own. Heck, even in Portland, OR, half of those arrested DIDN'T turn in a ballot this year.

None of which answers any of my questions at all, are you going to bother addressing the rather bold factual claims you made that are quite frankly nonsense?

I do now have a one more as well.

Are only organic protests valid now?
Is it illegal to hire buses?

That's without pointing out that this is a non-story in the first place.
It is a valid story, whoever rented the buses to pick up people who responded to the Craigslist ads and ship them to said location doesn't have the protest best interest at heart.
And whoever responded to the ad doesn't have the protest best interest at heart, if you feel a way about something, you don't need to be paid to go do it. They even have proof BLM protestors were paid, they were peaceful until paid thugs decided to join the cause. Who takes a random Craigslist job for that much money per week without doing some dirty deeds?
As @Sanji Himura said the pieces of the puzzle are there...
It is a valid story, whoever rented the buses to pick up people who responded to the Craigslist ads and ship them to said location doesn't have the protest best interest at heart.
And whoever responded to the ad doesn't have the protest best interest at heart, if you feel a way about something, you don't need to be paid to go do it. They even have proof BLM protestors were paid, they were peaceful until paid thugs decided to join the cause. Who takes a random Craigslist job for that much money per week without doing some dirty deeds?
As @Sanji Himura said the pieces of the puzzle are there...
A rather large chain of assumptions here.

First I've seen no evidence at all that these buses were hired for that purpose (and at least one that clearly shows they were not), a video and/or pictures of buses parked in a place in which buses have always parked is proof of buses parking. Nothing else.

The Craigslist ads are also so far unproven.
That's from March... The ads in question, started about a week ago.
Link for time stamps.
And the proof that they have been directly funded by Soros is?

Oh for **** sake, did anyone actually bother looking into these before going mental on the Soros is a bond villain taking over the world?

The second one cites its website, which is a safety group that want to block roads as a protest against drivers.


It also has a pro-Melania Trump comment at the bottom!
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And the proof that they have been directly funded by Soros is?
That one I can't help with. I was just trying to show a few pieces of the puzzle. They might be fake anyone can create a ad.

Anyone actually try calling the number on it?
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