[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Worth noting the first ad mentioned there was posted "8 days ago", in an article dated November 13th. Must have been a pessimistic bunch of people to start organising protests before the election............
As I have edited my post to say, the second one also is from a safety group that wants to disrupt traffic to protest against drivers, and includes a pro-Trump comment at the bottom!
Worth noting the first ad mentioned there was posted "8 days ago", in an article dated November 13th. Must have been a pessimistic bunch of people to start organising protests before the election............
It says "STOP TRUMP". They could have easily organized it a few days before the election to hinder his efforts before and after the election.
I'm not saying who did it or if it is real. I honestly don't know, but the protestors have to be getting paid somehow. Protest all night, work all day, is that the new American way? Lets be honest if I could get on doing it I would, the deal sounds to good to be true!

As for the other ad I read that line about Melania. Troll ad?
You can't make this stuff up folks.
Trump isn't transparent.
He's a national security risk.
80% of the job of the media is protective (laughablty inflated sense of purpose) inferring Trump isn't protected without them around.

Reason: He went to dinner with his family and didn't tell the press core. No joke.
It says "STOP TRUMP". They could have easily organized it a few days before the election to hinder his efforts before and after the election.
I'm not saying who did it or if it is real. I honestly don't know, but the protestors have to be getting paid somehow. Protest all night, work all day, is that the new American way? Lets be honest if I could get on doing it I would, the deal sounds to good to be true!

As for the other ad I read that line about Melania. Troll ad?
The second add has nothing at all to do with Trump, its from a safety group looking to recruit people to disrupt traffic to protest against drivers, they even link to all of the websites they have for safety. It seems that I'm one of the few to actually bother following them to see what it was actually about. As such it has nothing to do with protesting Trump at all, given that I suspect that the pro-trump comment may well be real.

Given that the source of these two (which is not the site you linked to, but one they 'borrowed' it from and looks like a 'bedroom' project for someone with a creative mind (read conspiracy nut) who did even bother to check the accuracy of the second source.

Given that unless something very compelling comes to light I'm quite happy to dismiss the same one as being more of the same (i.e. unsourced, click bait, conspiracy nonsense).
It says "STOP TRUMP". They could have easily organized it a few days before the election to hinder his efforts before and after the election.

I would say ads like those are much more likely to be recruiting for canvassing and "get out the vote" efforts. A quick search on (Boston) craigslist of the weeks before the election makes this clear:


As I have edited my post to say, the second one also is from a safety group that wants to disrupt traffic to protest against drivers, and includes a pro-Trump comment at the bottom!

That Safetynetwork.tv site is a very unprofessional looking job. Soros must be losing his touch :)
You can't make this stuff up folks.
Trump isn't transparent.
He's a national security risk.
80% of the job of the media is protective (laughablty inflated sense of purpose) inferring Trump isn't protected without them around.

Reason: He went to dinner with his family and didn't tell the press core. No joke.

I really wish we had more going on in this country like cops being murdered or people getting pulled out of cars and beaten for being the wrong color. Oh wait...
So Dirty Harry Reid has come out swinging against all things Trump, which is a surprise to no one. I keep hearing about this Bannon guy, he's a white nationalist, look at him he's soooo racist, but the problem is I can't find a single citation anywhere backing those claims up. Am I missing something here?
So Dirty Harry Reid has come out swinging against all things Trump, which is a surprise to no one. I keep hearing about this Bannon guy, he's a white nationalist, look at him he's soooo racist, but the problem is I can't find a single citation anywhere backing those claims up. Am I missing something here?
I know snopes.com is not on your approved list of websites so here is Ben Shapiro on The Daily Wire saying he's not a racist but neither is he whiter than white (no pun intended):
Ben Shapiro
The alt-right, in a nutshell, believes that Western culture is inseparable from European ethnicity. I have no evidence Bannon believes that personally. But he’s happy to pander to those people and make common cause with them in order to transform conservatism into European far-right nationalist populism. That means that the alt-right will cheer Bannon along as he marbles Trump’s speeches with talk of “globalism” – and that Bannon won’t be pushing Trump to dump the racists and anti-Semites who support Trump anytime soon.

I know snopes.com is not on your approved list of websites so here is Ben Shapiro on The Daily Wire saying he's not a racist but neither is he whiter than white (no pun intended):


So I'm wading through the fringe alt left sites and there is nothing reputable, more of a 'Dave was at a party and overheard so and so say something'....this is probably why there are no citations, shaky at best to be sure. Though I did find this New York Times piece, some of these quotes are from questionable sources, but most seem legit other than the headlines. There is some moderately foul language so I won't copy and paste here.


I don't find the Breitbart headlines are a good source, it's an over-the top, sensationalist website, we all know that and he didn't necessarily write those headlines either, chances are his staff did.
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So I'm wading through the fringe alt left sites and there is nothing reputable, more of a 'Dave was at a party and overheard so and so say something'....this is probably why there are no citations, shaky at best to be sure.


POLITICO reported in August that Bannon had been charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.

Mary Louise Picard, Bannon's ex-wife, testified in Jan. 2007 that he didn't want their twin daughters to attend a Los Angeles school because "he didn't want the girls going to school with Jews."

A spokeswoman for Bannon told the New York Daily News that, “At the time, Mr. Bannon never said anything like that and proudly sent the girls to Archer for their middle school and high school education.”

His wife testified that in court. So it depends on how much stock you want to put into he-say-she-say. Of course, he disagreed with that...but instead of standing up for himself, he has a spokesman say it, and to another news source. Why he can't just step up to the plate and defend himself...beats me.

A broader question has to be asked: At what point do we have a conflict of interest between running media companies and being part of the White House staff? I'm almost certain this isn't the first time this has happened...

I don't find the Breitbart headlines are a good source, it's an over-the top, sensationalist website, we all know that and he didn't necessarily write those headlines either, chances are his staff did.

But if he's the chairman of the website, surely he'd have some say in that? Or at least just lie and say...well, we fired that guy/gal who made such sensationalist headlines. In my mind, Breitbart is just Big Clickbait, lots of their stories seem have lots of "unnamed sources", little proof, words like "allegedly", "possibly", and so forth. But they're not the only ones, and it's a disease that runs throughout both left-wing and right-wing media.

I guess it's just about how much junk food do you want your brain to eat? Quick and fast, brought to you in your social media feed...and people wonder why they're Over The Election already (as of last June).
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His wife testified that in court. So it depends on how much stock you want to put into he-say-she-say. Of course, he disagreed with that...but instead of standing up for himself, he has a spokesman say it, and to another news source. Why he can't just step up to the plate and defend himself...beats me.

A broader question has to be asked: At what point do we have a conflict of interest between running media companies and being part of the White House staff? I'm almost certain this isn't the first time this has happened...

But if he's the chairman of the website, surely he'd have some say in that? Or at least just lie and say...well, we fired that guy/gal who made such sensationalist headlines. In my mind, Breitbart is just Big Clickbait

To be fair, Breitbart occasionally has a good well-researched and well written article, but for the most part they are click bait. Breitbart markets itself to a certain contingent of Conservatives, not necessarily alt-right, more the staunch conservatives who don't believe abortion should be legal and tea party progressives. This makes them more of an advocacy group then a 'news source', in other words, they preach to the choir more than they inform them. Now how much say does Bannon have in their headlines, I dunno.

Speaking of the Tea party, looks like progressives are forming their own and basing it off the their counterpart's model. After Bernie's treatment by the DNC, I can't say I blame them. The left is fracturing and is a complete meltdown over this election, loss of the House and Senate, the worst loss since 1928.

Breitbart markets itself to a certain contingent of Conservatives, not necessarily alt-right, more the staunch conservatives who don't believe abortion should be legal and tea party progressives.

His own words say otherwise:

Steve Bannon
We’re the platform for the alt-right.

He knows who his audience is, and he panders to them.

Breitbart's racism, misogyny, and conspiracy mongering doesn't deserve an ounce of credibility, and as captain of that ship, a lot of the responsibility falls on Bannon. He may not personally hold those views - I don't know the man, so I can't say - but he's giving a megaphone to those that do. And that alone should disqualify him from serving in the West Wing.
Breitbart's racism, misogyny, and conspiracy mongering doesn't deserve an ounce of credibility, and as captain of that ship, a lot of the responsibility falls on Bannon. He may not personally hold those views - I don't know the man, so I can't say - but he's giving a megaphone to those that do. And that alone should disqualify him from serving in the West Wing.
So please explain to me how an executive of a news website is responsible for the editorial decisions of said site? As far as I know, a Breitbart reporter does have an editorial board and the editor in chief to answer to when writing an article, and blaming an executive (Stephen Bannon) for the editorial decisions of said staff (Breitbart) is like blaming Bob Iger for the editorial decisions of ABC News. It shouldn't happen, and it is a double standard if you do make the connection.
What has been mostly on my mind in regards to a Trump presidency, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around, is the protectionist comments on trade that he made on the campaign trail, and China's recent warning to Trump if he decides to pursue them. The Herbert Hoover comparisons are a little uncanny . Now granted, this isn't 1928 and market regulation is way different today than it was just before the Great Depression but there is still plenty of cause for concern. Just curious what are your guy's thoughts on this topic? Are you worried, or do you think it's a bit overblown?
So please explain to me how an executive of a news website is responsible for the editorial decisions of said site? As far as I know, a Breitbart reporter does have an editorial board and the editor in chief to answer to when writing an article, and blaming an executive (Stephen Bannon) for the editorial decisions of said staff (Breitbart) is like blaming Bob Iger for the editorial decisions of ABC News. It shouldn't happen, and it is a double standard if you do make the connection.

lol, I probably can't even count how many times in this thread that you pointed to Clinton Foundation conspiracies as reasons Hillary shouldn't be president.

So make up your mind, do executives deserve blame for the actions of their organizations or not?
lol, I probably can't even count how many times in this thread that you pointed to Clinton Foundation conspiracies as reasons Hillary shouldn't be president.

So make up your mind, do executives deserve blame for the actions of their organizations or not?

The Breitbart News is not the same as the Clinton Foundation - not even close. Attempting to even draw any parallels is very telling.
The Breitbart News is not the same as the Clinton Foundation - not even close. Attempting to even draw any parallels is very telling.

I'm not drawing parallels between the two, I'm speaking to Sanji's claim that the executive of an organization is not responsible for the actions of that organization.
The Breitbart News is not the same as the Clinton Foundation - not even close. Attempting to even draw any parallels is very telling.
Especially when thus guy backs the Clinton foundation. Watch the video,an evil man.
He may not personally hold those views - I don't know the man, so I can't say - but he's giving a megaphone to those that do.
So please explain to me how an executive of a news website is responsible for the editorial decisions of said site?
Because he's the one who took over following Andrew Breitbart's death. Bannon is the one who engineered the publication's direction. That makes him accountable for whatever Breitbart publishes.

Remember the infamous "A Rape On Campus" story in Rolling Stone? The journalist who wrote it was responsible for some pretty serious errors, least of all in judgement. But it was the publication as a whole who bore the brunt of responsibility for failing to stop the story when they knew that there were serious problems with it.

If Bannon is the one who steered Breitbart towards the alt-right, he can't suddenly distance itself from it because it's politically inconvenient for his name to be associated with it. Especially since Trump spent a good amount of time on the campaign trail trying to have Clinton held accountable for her actions.
What has been mostly on my mind in regards to a Trump presidency, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around, is the protectionist comments on trade that he made on the campaign trail, and China's recent warning to Trump if he decides to pursue them. The Herbert Hoover comparisons are a little uncanny . Now granted, this isn't 1928 and market regulation is way different today than it was just before the Great Depression but there is still plenty of cause for concern. Just curious what are your guy's thoughts on this topic? Are you worried, or do you think it's a bit overblown?
Overblown. Trade wars hurt net exporters like China. We may, as net importers, benefit. Not guaranteed though, but a good bargaining threat.
We won't have long to wait. He said he'd do it on the first day.
Then I imagine that stagflation will start on the second day. Trump's policy is fundamentally flawed because America doesn't have the skilled labour that it needs to keep up with China. And there's no way he can create jobs fast enough to meet the demand necessary to compete with China. So if he slaps a tarriff on "goods made in China that should be made on America", firms will continue to produce in China and simply pass the costs on to consumers. When that happens on a widespread basis, the average cost of goods and services will go up, which is what we know as inflation. Meanwhile, Trump will be pouring economic resources into propping up sectors of the economy that can't compete with China, under-utilising them and the economy will stagnate as it will not be growing. Hence, stagflation.
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