[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Petty jealousy, payback and ass-covering?
I don't see it as ass covering, it seems more like Obama's true colors are coming out.
If Russia did do the hacking, the damage has been done anyways. And I'm glad they did(if they did), stopped me from voting for a party that brainwashed me with nothing but lies to push their agenda. Same can be argued for the right but I like the concept of less "big brother". Let's see what he does.

Edit: you called it. Payback!
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The DNC had plenty of chances and resources to secure their stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if they simply did it to themselves just in case :lol:
it's a shame we are given such poor choices to begin with
I've selected a small part of your post to try to be clear which part I'm asking about. The context, as I understood it, was to do with the candidates available for election to the office of POTUS.
Do you think the electorate has been at fault for following a pattern of accepting 2 front-runners as their only options?
I've selected a small part of your post to try to be clear which part I'm asking about. The context, as I understood it, was to do with the candidates available for election to the office of POTUS.
Do you think the electorate has been at fault for following a pattern of accepting 2 front-runners as their only options?

Well I was speaking of finance iirc but yes and no to accepting 2 front-runners as I'm always hopeful another party will reach that %4 or whatever that number is. I believe money is corrupting our system and I don't have an answer for that, the media is not helping at all either and I have no idea why they are given such wide powers over debates for instance.

So while I don't have answers I do think for whatever reasons we are not presented much of a choice in these offices of high power.

It should be noted I have a very opinionated view on who can and why they can vote for federal officials anyway so there is that ;) I pay much closer attention to my local governments. Hope that made sense.
I've selected a small part of your post to try to be clear which part I'm asking about. The context, as I understood it, was to do with the candidates available for election to the office of POTUS.
Do you think the electorate has been at fault for following a pattern of accepting 2 front-runners as their only options?

I'm sure anyone that has half of sense of what the election process entails would say flat out "yes"

At the end of they day if you only think Coke and Pepsi exist it's your fault for never looking around to make sure. It's easy for one to blame media for embellishing those two alone, but then again no one held a gun to the public who by and large vote and whose electoral representatives vote (mostly) based on their populous per district.
I agree. However, the other side of the coin is that those content farms can turn up sensitive information, information that some people in government don't want to be public (see Wikileaks).
The work of a content farm is to produce low-quality content, and its sole purpose is to ensure that it is ranked highly when searched on the Internet, which is pretty different from what Wikileaks does and its purpose, I'd say.

What I'm trying to say is that since the work of most content farms differ from the work of websites such as Wikileaks, and it's content farms that are widespread on the Internet instead of Wikileaks, the abundance of false information that is probably read by less-educated people living in rural areas implies that perhaps they shouldn't be granted a heavier weight in their votes.

We never were a true democracy. We were set up as a republic. The whole democracy thing is a progressive thing that started in the early 20th century as a way to damage the republic. A true democracy is mob rule.
...which is why I suggested this:
A better system in my mind would be to allocate electors in each state to various candidates according to the percentage of votes they got in the state. Retain the Electoral College, if you're really that afraid of demagogues holding office, but impose a harsh penalty on faithless electors (unless they can provide sufficient and sound reasoning for their choices). It's not ideal, but it's still better than the complicated and misrepresentative system that you currently have.
Now, assume that the biggest difference between pure democracy and republic is that republic protects the interests of the minority and prevents 'majority-over-man', while pure democracy doesn't. (This is from what I've read.) This suggestion will allow for higher levels of democracy, while protecting the rights of the minority through faithless electors, whose decisions will be deemed to be constitutional or not by the state legislature. What's more, it wouldn't damage the republic nature of your country.

How about if we applied the same standard to the United Nations then? Instead of each member nation getting one vote, they'd get a number of votes proportional to their population.

In essence, China and India would dominate, and small nations would have essentially no voice whatsoever.

Wouldn't that be a good idea in your opinion?

So what you are saying is that, according to your analogy, it is best to remain the 'one state, one vote' voting mechanism in the UN, and allow states which comprise just 5% of the world population to pass a resolution, and ignore the opinion of the remaining 95% of the population?

Doesn't sound like a very good idea to me either.

When was the last time we had a true gentleman?
I don't know, but it's definitely not this election.
I am pretty disgusted at what Obama is doing to Russia, claims of hacking which they have got the establishment press on there side still have zero foundations to prove what that hacking is. Although from Putins reaction it does seem as though he is not taking it seriously as he would expect Trump to undo the damage Obama is currently doing in a few weeks time it's still scary how someone can do such a thing out of what all evidence points to as spite.
I am pretty disgusted at what Obama is doing to Russia, claims of hacking which they have got the establishment press on there side still have zero foundations to prove what that hacking is. Although from Putins reaction it does seem as though he is not taking it seriously as he would expect Trump to undo the damage Obama is currently doing in a few weeks time it's still scary how someone can do such a thing out of what all evidence points to as spite.

And probably hoping to tarnish what else he could for Trump coming into this. If the media and later on public get behind these hacking claims (mainly the public here) and Trump does a 180 of what Obama is doing then they may backlash. Though it takes only a small moment of critical thought to see that of course Trump would reverse what Obama is saying because in essence it is Trump who theoretically gained from this "hacking".

I just don't understand how a President can say jump and the media just goes back and asks how high, it's also why I agree with you on being disgusted by this.
So what you are saying is that, according to your analogy, it is best to remain the 'one state, one vote' voting mechanism in the UN, and allow states which comprise just 5% of the world population to pass a resolution, and ignore the opinion of the remaining 95% of the population?
No. My post was not advocating a position, but rather asking a question. Specifically I was asking if you thought it would be a good idea for the UN's member states to each have a number of votes proportional to their populations. After all, this is what you said the US should have.
Even though Im either way on that issue, it can be a bit early to parade yourself when you don't know if anyone has seen what you have posted.
You're right, I haven't seen it because he didn't tag me correctly. Doesn't matter anyway, not going to grace his stupidity with a reply.
Earlier, CNN lied about closing of the American school in Moscow:
Russia's first visible action came later Thursday, when Russian authorities ordered the closure of the Anglo-American School of Moscow, a US official briefed on the matter said. The order from the Russian government closes the school, which serves children of US, British and Canadian embassy personnel, to US and foreign nationals.
Earlier, CNN lied about closing of the American school in Moscow:

:lol: Never trust CNN until The U.S. Government tells you to. Seriously trying to pull this cold war stuff now? Poor U.S. media just can't save enough face in losing their precious hilly's anointment.

We have this nifty bit of law recently passed as part of our latest defense act.H.R. 5181

(4) Identifying current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, including the use of print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations, and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments in order to coordinate and shape the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation and proactively promote fact-based narratives and policies to audiences outside the United States.
(C) CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMEN.—The Steering Committee shall be chaired by the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. A senior, Secretary of State-designated official responsible for digital media programming for foreign audiences and a senior, Secretary of Defense-designated official responsible for information operations shall serve as co-Vice Chairmen.

(E) PARTICIPATION AND INDEPENDENCE.—The Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors shall not compromise the journalistic freedom or integrity of relevant media organizations. Other Federal agencies may be invited to participate in the Steering Committee at the discretion of the Chairman of the Steering Committee and with the consent of the Secretary of State.
(A) To support local independent media who are best placed to refute foreign disinformation and manipulation in their own communities.

(B) To collect and store examples in print, online, and social media, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda directed at the United States and its allies and partners.
I bolded some of it.
Freedom of the press sure, as long as it's our government's press ;)
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Obama is really on fire now. First the issue with Israel, now going after Russia. Both countries hate what he said but they both realize that what is being said can easily be reversed (or in the case of Israel, the UN could be forced to find a new home).
If Russia did do the hacking, the damage has been done anyways.
So, Obama should just leave it alone, then? I mean, it's a foreign power trying to manipulate the outcome of a presidential election - what's the worst that could happen?
So, Obama should just leave it alone, then? I mean, it's a foreign power trying to manipulate the outcome of a presidential election - what's the worst that could happen?
We could have a President who was sold out to the middle east and didn't have our best interests. Thats the worst that could happen. All they did was expose her.

Of course all we're worried about is Russia and not the content of the emails they released...

They exposed how corrupt our system is.

I think the results would have been similar if they didn't do anything. My mind was set way before the emails.

A perfect example is Obama's climate/emission crap and ridiculous restrictions on American companies. Not alloing us to make our own gas, so we have to rely on countries who want to kill us for gas. And let's not forget about our steel factories... Last time I checked we aren't the country that has to walk around with masks on. If he was really worried about the global, we should be making stuff ourselves, cleaner and punish China. He did the exact opposite.

I told my dad I thought Obama was stupid for all this crap. My dad said, he's not, he knows exactly what he's doing every time he screws us.
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So, Obama should just leave it alone, then? I mean, it's a foreign power trying to manipulate the outcome of a presidential election - what's the worst that could happen?
What information was leaked that influenced the US elections? People should be outraged about what was leaked and not focus so much on who leaked it.

To me it sounds like they're blaming Russia for rigging the election because someone exposed the DNC rigging the election.
What information was leaked that influenced the US elections? People should be outraged about what was leaked and not focus so much on who leaked it.

To me it sounds like they're blaming Russia for rigging the election because someone exposed the DNC rigging the election.

The information is not easy to find is it? That's something that makes the whole thing even more a farce, most voters probably never saw what was leaked they just heard "hack" and "leaked", anyway here ya go 👍


I just looked around for a second there and found lots of stupid stuff like this that in no way would sway an election :lol:

Hi John – > > > I’m sure you’ve been swamped the past few weeks in the lead-up to Ms. > Clinton’s campaign. (I know she said to call her Hillary, but it seems a > little informal!) Hope that things are going well there. > > > > I left a voice mail a few weeks ago, after the ClimateWorks board, and I’m > wondering whether I had the right number. I wanted to relay to you the > fact that after our discussion last month, we (the ClimateWorks board) > decided to take seriously your suggestion that we think hard about how the > array of issues associated with different forms of affiliation with the > Honorable Mr. Podesta. Since then, we have asked our legal counsel about > issues, and we’ve explored some of the optics in the US and abroad. > Nothing has arisen that would cause us to not want you as part of the > team. In fact, there’s huge enthusiasm for that. We’re discussing it > again on our board call tomorrow, and I will circle back to you after that. > > > > Happy Spring. > > > > Sue >
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What information was leaked that influenced the US elections? People should be outraged about what was leaked and not focus so much on who leaked it.

To me it sounds like they're blaming Russia for rigging the election because someone exposed the DNC rigging the election.
Wasn't it someone from Bernies camp that exposed it after they found out he got screwed?
Wasn't it someone from Bernies camp that exposed it after they found out he got screwed?

I don't think it matters because the official report from the DNC admits falling for the simplest phising scam imaginable and tbh it's an insult to think a campaign and campaign manager of a POTUS elect would fall for it. "alert! your email password has been breached, click here now!"

:lol: Seriously laughable, anyway here are a few more links, one is CNN crying and lying and the other is Fox quoting so called damaging emails. Take them how you will ;)


To think Obama is willing to mess with Russia over that? very sad.
Obama is really on fire now. First the issue with Israel, now going after Russia. Both countries hate what he said but they both realize that what is being said can easily be reversed (or in the case of Israel, the UN could be forced to find a new home).

By not Vetoing a UN resolution on saying Israel is building illegal settlements is what now.

Israel is the one saying New Zealand did an act of war for being involved in saying what israel is doing is illegal, like come on who is the one who is outrageous now?

You have succumbed to the media stupidity on this.
By not Vetoing a UN resolution on saying Israel is building illegal settlements is what now.

Israel is the one saying New Zealand did an act of war for being involved in saying what israel is doing is illegal, like come on who is the one who is outrageous now?

You have succumbed to the media stupidity on this.
Nope, not at all. It was more along the lines that Obama has not been supportive of Netanyahu and hates his hawkish personality. I personally am against more settlement building if security cannot be achieved as is, but then again, Fatah will use this as a foothold to state independence without peace.
At the end of the day if your words do nothing all your left with is violence.

Netanyahu has been completely unreasonble here though, US for the last god knows how many years has used their veto to silence any criticism of Israel, They stop it once Israel want's to declare war on the world and expand on the things they are being criticised on.

Being Butthurt isn't leadership, both Obama and Netanyahu are embarrassing themselves in this regard.
By not Vetoing a UN resolution on saying Israel is building illegal settlements is what now.

Israel is the one saying New Zealand did an act of war for being involved in saying what israel is doing is illegal, like come on who is the one who is outrageous now?

You have succumbed to the media stupidity on this.
Not trying to continue these flinging arrows but where did Israel create a declaration of war? Are you referring to the temporary cease of relations following the vote?
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