[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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You're right, I haven't seen it because he didn't tag me correctly. Doesn't matter anyway, not going to grace his stupidity with a reply.

Whether you are lying or not doesn't matter, but I suspect BS. Either way I posted proof of it happening. You also contradicted yourself several times in the previous thread, at first you said it wasn't happening then you turned around and said "it's nothing new". Grace is not a word I would use to describe your posts either and I could care less about a reply from you.
Whether you are lying or not doesn't matter, but I suspect BS. Either way I posted proof of it happening. You also contradicted yourself several times in the previous thread, at first you said it wasn't happening then you turned around and said "it's nothing new". Grace is not a word I would use to describe your posts either and I could care less about a reply from you.
No lie here, I didn't get your tag and I rarely visit this thread now that the election is over. So don't blame your screw up on me.

Second, no contradictions. You made a slightly idiotic comment, I called you out on it (so did others) and you can't seem to drop the conversation. Getting worked up over people blaming the year for their deaths is probably the stupidest thing I have seen recently. There are far worse things to worry about.

People are dying left and right, at least have some dignity.
He should explain how could FBI, NSA and CIA - the world's most powerful agencies that can watch politicians all over the world - let their country's elections be intervened by hackers from an ex-commie country with 'ruined economy'.

I liked Putin's response to Obama; no action taken.

He knows that in 3 weeks, everything Obama just did will be erased from memory.
we should be making stuff ourselves, cleaner and punish China
If he did that, you'd be in this thread complaining about how he drove the economy into the ground by expending resources trying to take on China in a fight that he couldn't win.
If he did that, you'd be in this thread complaining about how he drove the economy into the ground by expending resources trying to take on China in a fight that he couldn't win.
First, China is known for manipulating its currency.
Second, I am very pro making our own stuff. Even if it does cost more at the start. The economy will even out over time...

Seems y'all always forget our economy took a huge hit when we lost those jobs.
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Happy (will be) 2017 for Americans.

I hope during years of Trump in Power, your society wont go in shambles nor regressing. And also promise to know other countries (including Russia) better and promise to not taking anymore wars, even when its not in American interest. Just really hope the cynicism ends. Thats all I can say.
The economy will even out over time...
No, it won't. Lassiez-faire economics is asking for a disaster.

China is known for manipulating its currency.
It's not a question of manipulating currency. The strength of the currency is just one indicator of economic strength. China has massive reserves of labour, land and capital, and they're so vast that nobody will be able to compete with them over the long term.

I am very pro making our own stuff.
So make the stuff that you can actually afford to make. For one, America doesn't have the skilled workforce it needs to take on any of the emerging economies. But more importantly, it clings to its manufacturing sector like a security blanket when it should be diversifying and preparing for a transition to a service-based economy.
America doesn't have the skilled workforce it needs to take on any of the emerging economies.
Where the heck do y'all get that line from. We have over 9 million people unemployed or underemployed(thats almost the entire population of GA! And us country bumpkins are the 8th most populated state!). And I've said it before. We have a skilled workforce. If a 10 year old in a 3rd world country can put something together, an American adult can. Why does everyone think we don't know how to work.

But more importantly, it clings to its manufacturing sector like a security blanket when it should be diversifying and preparing for a transition to a service-based economy.
It was a good portion of our work force...

Are y'all really brainwashed into believing America can't do it and do it for a reasonable price? I'm sorry, I think we can, I haven't lost faith in our country and its people.

Oh and I am one of those people who had to change. As a convicted felon I can't run around and get a job wherever I want. Oddly enough before we lost our industrial ways I was able to quit one factory and get hired at another the same day. Nowadays...

I literally have to work for myself and provide service type jobs. Guess where I learned a few things I do today? In the warehouse everyone says we are unskilled to work in. If you can put it together, you can repair/replace it. Why do we have to prepare for anything? We were fine the way we were. Now we say oh let China make it. And we look away when anyone mentions child labor laws. Screw China.

We can take this to Danoffs Free Trade thread if you want.
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Happy (will be) 2017 for Americans.

I hope during years of Trump in Power, your society wont go in shambles nor regressing. And also promise to know other countries (including Russia) better and promise to not taking anymore wars, even when its not in American interest. Just really hope the cynicism ends. Thats all I can say.

Our society won't be any worse then it was under Obama. Also Trump won't attempt to do anything negatively with the Russians, whereas with Clinton, I think we would have entered into a war with them.
Our society won't be any worse then it was under Obama. Also Trump won't attempt to do anything negatively with the Russians, whereas with Clinton, I think we would have entered into a war with them.

Not sure about war, but I feel if we thought tensions were bad during the Crimea Crisis and the creation of the Euro Interceptor Site during Bush era, she'd have done something equally as bad. Especially if she had won on the back foot of these allegations.
Not sure about war, but I feel if we thought tensions were bad during the Crimea Crisis and the creation of the Euro Interceptor Site during Bush era, she'd have done something equally as bad. Especially if she had won on the back foot of these allegations.

I think it would have been over Syria. I think she would have put a "no fly zone" in place, Russia would have violated it because they were sick of the US doing a halfassed attempt at a resolution in the area, and we would have started shooting at one another.

If not an armed conflict, I really think she would have pushed for a Cold War 2.0, especially considering Obama is trying to start it in has last couple weeks as president. She probably would have just continued it.
I think it would have been over Syria. I think she would have put a "no fly zone" in place, Russia would have violated it because they were sick of the US doing a halfassed attempt at a resolution in the area, and we would have started shooting at one another.

If not an armed conflict, I really think she would have pushed for a Cold War 2.0, especially considering Obama is trying to start it in has last couple weeks as president. She probably would have just continued it.

I can see that happening just not with the massive spending, rather that icy distance between us and them as nations. Syria not so much. I feel fly zones were more Obama's thing and her deal was more with distribution of weapons.
We have over 9 million people unemployed or underemployed
That's got nothing to do with a skilled workforce. It's a potential workforce, but it doesn't necessarily have the skills to do the jobs required.

Why does everyone think we don't know how to work.
It's not that you don't know how, it's that you won't do it. Why do you think people get upset about immigrants taking jobs? It's because they are willing to do the jobs nobody else wants to do.
That's got nothing to do with a skilled workforce. It's a potential workforce, but it doesn't necessarily have the skills to do the jobs required.
Nonsense. How is a 10 year old in a third world country more skilled? That argument is utter BS.
It's not that you don't know how, it's that you won't do it. Why do you think people get upset about immigrants taking jobs? It's because they are willing to do the jobs nobody else wants to do.
Ok. But you just said people want those jobs. And getting paid by the pound of product picked can be lucrative if you actually try to work hard. I don't get paid by the hour. I can spend all day making $50 then the next day make over $300. It just depends. And that argument is so 1980's... We need the jobs now there are more people than 30 years ago and we have no problem doing it after realizing how stupid we were. Just like the Mexicans, we suffer long enough, we'll do anything to end our suffering.

Stop repeating the medias narrative and ask some Americans that are not as fortunate as you.

To end this post, my brother in law was not as fortunate as my wife to be born here. So he is an illegal immigrant. He makes as much money as I do per day literally loading peoples loads. Thing is the company only needs so many loaders and as cheap as possible. I could do that job but the company is happy not paying taxes. And lets not go into me being responsible(fined for late deliveries/ vehicle owner paid repairs/ non reimbursed truck rentals or gas or mileage. And actually being held responsible for my taxes, unlike my brother in law.

This is more corporate greed than lack of skilled labor or people not wanting to work.

I'd love to have my taxes taken off the top and guaranteed pay.

And one final edit for the night. While I worked I would collect scrap metal to sell every week while I dri=ove around. We use to get $0.14.5 on the pound for steel(other meatals got more per lb.). That same steel sell for $0.03.5 on the pound for steel now. That goes from $145 per 1000 pounds down to $35 per 1000 pounds. Keep telling me how we are fine without factories and our economy is booming from restrictions in the last 5 years I've been a delivering...
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(I don't think the housing market is hot, but whatever)

I don't think the issue is that we have a labor shortage, I think it's the fact that the labor isn't all supplied in one location.

For example, lets say New York has a ton of doctors, and Pennsylvania has a ton of dentists, and New York really needs dentists, and Pennsylvania really needs doctors, but a majority of these people won't move, because they probably don't actually know the jobs are available, or maybe they want to stay near their home area, etc.

But, maybe I'm wrong.
How is wealth created in a service economy?

At the risk of asking a really stupid question, how is wealth created at all?

I think the way your question was posed triggered me to noticed that if you look at it a certain way, basically all jobs are "service" related. The service of collecting and refining ore. The service of designing or assembling good products. And so on.

Economically, is there really much of a difference between providing the service of maintaining a car and the service of manufacturing a car? Or the service of washing a car? They're all things that a consumer is willing to pay someone else to do.
You haven't tagged him properly, so he would not get a notification.

This is a tag: @DDastardly00
This is what you did: @DDastardly00

To tag, you simply type the @ sign and the username.

How is it that two people admire your mistake? lol

Oh , I see now, such a small difference I didn't realize that when I clicked each blue the result was the same. For what it is worth the idea that someone should come running when tagged is lame anyway.

My bad. oops.
In my game, Age of Empires, a wealthy civilization is created from chopping wood, harvesting berries, hunting game, raising sheep, farming food, fishing, mining gold and stone, building mills, houses, towns centers, ships and manufacturing needed things, training people in universities and so on as the population builds.

I don't think a successful and wealthy economy can be based simply on the provision of mutual services such as grooming fleas, manicures, house cleaning, income tax return preparation, the writing of poetry or acting in plays. These sorts of services are secondary, the icing on the cake.
I don't think a successful and wealthy economy can be based simply on the provision of mutual services such as grooming fleas, manicures, house cleaning, income tax return preparation, the writing of poetry or acting in plays. These sorts of services are secondary, the icing on the cake.

Of course. But if some other nation is providing the "primary" services, then what's the problem with a nation specialising in "secondary" services?
Of course. But if some other nation is providing the "primary" services, then what's the problem with a nation specialising in "secondary" services?
Not that I would criticize such a thing, but it would not constitute the primary creation of wealth, but rather the catering to it and exploitation of it. "Capitalizing" might fit.

You know, the actual amount of real money in circulation (in specie, coin or currency) is only a tiny, tiny fraction of the amount being spent and owed on the books and ledgers. Our global system of credit depends greatly on faith, trust, credibility, smoke and mirrors. We are always an inch away from a national, regional or global credit crisis. Once the SHTF, those secondary nations which do not actually have a viable economy based on the primary creation of wealth are going to be in a bit of a pickle.
At the risk of asking a really stupid question, how is wealth created at all?

I think the way your question was posed triggered me to noticed that if you look at it a certain way, basically all jobs are "service" related. The service of collecting and refining ore. The service of designing or assembling good products. And so on.

Economically, is there really much of a difference between providing the service of maintaining a car and the service of manufacturing a car? Or the service of washing a car? They're all things that a consumer is willing to pay someone else to do.

If you manufacture a car, you will be able to export it. You can't do that when washing a car or maintaining a car.

People can't make their own cars. A factory has to do it. But I can maintain and wash my own car.

Maintaining and washing the car is only there for convenience. If people, for some odd reason, want to wash their own cars, that service is out of business. But it's hard for someone to say, I'm going to build my own car from start to finish.
How is it that two people admire your mistake? lol

Oh , I see now, such a small difference I didn't realize that when I clicked each blue the result was the same. For what it is worth the idea that someone should come running when tagged is lame anyway.

My bad. oops.
The point is, when it's done incorrectly the intended recipient doesn't receive a notification. They also don't receive a notification if you edit your post and put it in afterwords.
If you manufacture a car, you will be able to export it. You can't do that when washing a car or maintaining a car.

People can't make their own cars. A factory has to do it. But I can maintain and wash my own car.

Maintaining and washing the car is only there for convenience. If people, for some odd reason, want to wash their own cars, that service is out of business. But it's hard for someone to say, I'm going to build my own car from start to finish.
Continuing with this example, when there's an economic downturn, what's one of the easiest things to cut back on when you have to tighten your belt? Unnecessary services that can be self performed. I can cut my own grass, rake my own leaves, wash my own car, cook my own food, watch sports on tv, finish my own basement. What I can't do? For a while I can do repairs to my car I might not otherwise have done, same with my lawnmower, fridge, etc. but sooner or later I have to buy a new appliance, vehicle, tool etc.
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