Why can't a society prosper and advance based upon providing services?
Manufacturing products that people want is certainly a good thing, but just manufacturing products for the sake of producing more products is a useless endeavor (and IMO a poor use of a society's people and its natural resources).
If a society no longer wants VCR tapes, then the VCR tape factory should
stop making them!!!
To extend on Danoff's comment in post # 9641:
Lets say there are three people who walk three miles to work every day (an hour walk each way). Two of these people write/blog/code for a living, so on most days they continue to write/work/type on their hand-held tablets while they walk to work each day.
However, on rainy days, the two writers open and hold their umbrellas, which makes it impossible to productively write on their tablets while they walk to work in the rain (they aren't very good typing one-handed)

. The third person isn't a writer and doesn't mind the rain so he doesn't even carry an umbrella.
One rainy day, the third person decides to offer a
new service:💡 for a small fee$$$, he offers to hold an umbrella over the head of one of the writers so that writer can continue to write/blog/code even on rainy days!!!
Hasn't this new "umbrella service" advanced the society and made one of the writers more productive?
Maybe this writer can write an extra HBO episode of Game of Thrones, or compose a new song for Rihanna, or write some more software code for
Wouldn't this new "umbrella service" advance the society more than if the society asked the umbrella manufacturer to make a third umbrella (that doesn't seem to be wanted) for the third walker?
It seems to me that even services which might be considered "frosting" can still advance a society.