Imagine if net neutrality was done away with about 10 years ago, and we'd probably have no YouTube. If it was done away with 15 years ago, we'd probably have no Google.
That's funny, I heard one shrill anti-net neutrality argument saying that net neutrality would stifle innovation.
There was no "net neutrality" 10 or 15 years ago. They just attempted their second try at passing net neutrality in the US. It hasn't gone into effect yet.
As of now, it still does not exist in practice in the US, so if you fear what would happen without net neutrality, you are looking at it.
Net neutrality is vital for fostering innovation on the Internet - who would dare innovate if the ISPs can turn the Internet into a protection racket?
Google, You Tube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Overstock, Facebook, MySpace, Reddit, Vimeo, Tsu, Flickr, Imageshack, GTPlanet, and pretty much everyone on the Internet now.
Why would an ISP innovate if their systems are held hostage by the government? They have to get permission to raise any rates for other businesses. The decision on whether higher fees will be necessary to develop a new technology and/or improve the network will be determined by a government panel who have about as much expertise in the field as a monkey.
Add in that the current version getting ready to pass gives the government fee control on individual content providers means that they could at any time decide they don't like certain types of material on the Internet (Politicians have already wanted to shut blogs down and hold them legally liable because they aren't "real" press) and can require a different fee, or an added tax on their fees, created an essential ban. What happens when a Democratically led Congress or FCC decides they don't like The Drudge Report? How long before they get enough complaints about content issues to decide to create a sin tax on adult Web sites?
Or what happens when they get enough support to change the terms of the current net neutrality proposal to allow them to blatantly censor content the way they do TV and radio?