[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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CNN Debate Lineup
Nine Made it to the Main Stage:
Donald Trump
Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Rand Paul
Carly Fiorina
Ben Carson
Gov. John Kasich
Sen. Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie

The "Kiddie" table:
Rick Santorum
George Pataki
Mike Huckabee
Lindsey Graham

According to CNN, a Fox News poll released today showed viability in Iowa for Paul, which saved him from joining Huckabee in the Kiddie table. Trump has also made a fuss about boycotting the debate unless CNN made a $5 million donation to charity, but given his poll numbers in Iowa slipping, he will most likely cave on that boycott.

One OP Note. Apparently, there are some Senate seats open this upcoming election cycle other than the two listed. I have updated the Senate section accordingly.
This destroy you arguement:

Do you even read your own links, like the one you linked earlier, or watch the videos you link to? The first video was about a failed attempt at predatory pricing. Nowhere was a monopoly even mentioned (unless you want to count the movie theater reference) much less the "advantages" to consumers of monopolies. The only argument being "destroyed" by the material you're citing is your own.
Do you even read your own links, like the one you linked earlier, or watch the videos you link to? The first video was about a failed attempt at predatory pricing. Nowhere was a monopoly even mentioned (unless you want to count the movie theater reference) much less the "advantages" to consumers of monopolies. The only argument being "destroyed" by the material you're citing is your own.
To be a bit honest, movie theaters are not monopolistic in nature, but rather the natural course of events if government stayed out of our lives. Most of the admission price goes to the movie studios, but on the other hand, the studios make squat on concessions, and that is where, if anywhere, is where they gouge you because the movie theaters have to pay for the upkeep of the theaters, pay their employees, and so on.
CNN Debate Lineup
Nine Made it to the Main Stage:
Donald Trump
Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Rand Paul
Carly Fiorina
Ben Carson
Gov. John Kasich
Sen. Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie

The "Kiddie" table:
Rick Santorum
George Pataki
Mike Huckabee
Lindsey Graham

According to CNN, a Fox News poll released today showed viability in Iowa for Paul, which saved him from joining Huckabee in the Kiddie table. Trump has also made a fuss about boycotting the debate unless CNN made a $5 million donation to charity, but given his poll numbers in Iowa slipping, he will most likely cave on that boycott.

One OP Note. Apparently, there are some Senate seats open this upcoming election cycle other than the two listed. I have updated the Senate section accordingly.
I predict huge ratings and a controversial debate after the events of the last few weeks. It's obvious everyone is out to get Trump so it'll be interesting to see if he maintains his cool and at the same time, will everyone else look petty and spiteful by focusing on him? Dr. Carson is really feeling like an outsider at this point, virtually ignored and threatening to pull out, it'll be interesting to see what direction he goes in.
I predict huge ratings and a controversial debate after the events of the last few weeks. It's obvious everyone is out to get Trump so it'll be interesting to see if he maintains his cool and at the same time, will everyone else look petty and spiteful by focusing on him? Dr. Carson is really feeling like an outsider at this point, virtually ignored and threatening to pull out, it'll be interesting to see what direction he goes in.
Along with that I'm also interested in what attention Ted Cruz will get due to leading an Iowa poll compared to previous debates.
I have no idea why Rand Paul isn't doing well. He espouses many of the same ideas as Ron and Ron actually had a pretty strong showing in 2012. And the underground support for Rand is ramping up with the same people who helped Ron get attention. I have a feeling that Trump is just drowning out everyone else with all his noise.
I have no idea why Rand Paul isn't doing well. He espouses many of the same ideas as Ron and Ron actually had a pretty strong showing in 2012. And the underground support for Rand is ramping up with the same people who helped Ron get attention. I have a feeling that Trump is just drowning out everyone else with all his noise.

I think that he and Trump (at least on the basis of coverage here) stand on a similar point; dismantling the "Washington Machine". That alienates Republicans as much as Democrats. Rand also seems to be courting the student vote more than the mature vote. Older people may not trust him on the basis of that appearance.
dismantling the "Washington Machine".
Yes, but Trump does it with typical-disgruntled-American angst while Paul does it with reason. Unfortunately, most Americans are incapable of pulling their heads out of their own asses which is why Paul isn't getting any love. It doesn't take a young student to do that, it just takes a not-stupid person.
I have no idea why Rand Paul isn't doing well. He espouses many of the same ideas as Ron and Ron actually had a pretty strong showing in 2012. And the underground support for Rand is ramping up with the same people who helped Ron get attention. I have a feeling that Trump is just drowning out everyone else with all his noise.
Just my opinion, but he often seems to come across as someone who is a little angry and far too serious. It's easy to admire the guy for his opinions and ideas, but hard to actually like the guy and in this day and age, likability counts for more than everything else combined it seems.
Oh we don't need a serious president that will fix the issues at hand, just someone that we think is cool.

Because why not.



Best candidate.
Interesting article on RCP on why Rule 40(b) won't effect the GOP Nomination this upcoming election cycle...

but he is wrong.


Rule 40, in case you don't know, is that you can't be the party's nominee unless you won the majority of delegates from 8 different states. The rule was in place for 2012 to limit the exposure of Ron Paul and to present a unified front behind Mitt Romney.

OP EDIT: I've decided to update the poll numbers a bit early for the 15th, as I won't be able to do them tomorrow.
Oh we don't need a serious president that will fix the issues at hand, just someone that we think is cool.

Because why not.

How do you think Obama got elected twice.

And yet, Hillary is leading on the Dems side. One of the most thoroughly unlikeable people I know of.
Because there is no viable alternative. If there was someone younger, hipper, cooler who had the public's attention, Hillary would be on the back burner. And Hillary has Bill and the darling Chelsea around for the likability factor.
Just my opinion, but he often seems to come across as someone who is a little angry and far too serious. It's easy to admire the guy for his opinions and ideas, but hard to actually like the guy and in this day and age, likability counts for more than everything else combined it seems.
Are you talking about Trump or Paul? Trump is angry and serious about it. Paul is angry because the Republican party is full of idiots and he's serious about actually doing things that make sense and are constitutional.

Also, I'm pretty sure Bernie has the Democratic nomination wrapped up. Hillary is a freaking maniac.
Are you talking about Trump or Paul? Trump is angry and serious about it. Paul is angry because the Republican party is full of idiots and he's serious about actually doing things that make sense and are constitutional.

Also, I'm pretty sure Bernie has the Democratic nomination wrapped up. Hillary is a freaking maniac.
Rand Paul often comes across to me as a guy who's a little angry or even pissed off that someone is asking him a question sometimes. Like he could break out at any second with a, "are you seriously asking me that" type of response. He just seems overly serious most of the time and I think he has a hard time connecting with the broader public because of it.
Let's be honest, a lot of people ask a lot of stupid questions. Ideas that blatantly violate the constitution or the rights of others are commonplace in our society and how people think they're okay is beyond me. Rand may not be as articulate and friendly as Ron was but some of the crap people come up with is so dumb I can see how it's hard not to be appalled.
Oh we don't need a serious president that will fix the issues at hand, just someone that we think is cool.

Because why not.

And if you thought Trump made a farce of American politics, guess what; rumor has it that Kanye West, Will Smith, Kate Perry and Lindsey Lohan all have plans to run for the presidency of 2020 (no joke)....
Speaking of stupid questions, I have one.

Trump is, and has been, ahead in most of the polls since the day he launched his campaign with his near infamous comments about illegal Mexican immigrants. According to the latest national poll he has 41% support from Republicans, and Republican leaning independents.

I have been watching this thread for about two months or so, and before that I stopped by from time to time to see what was going on. So forgive me if I have missed something.

I have seen lots of criticism of Trump on this thread, and a lot of name calling of both him, and his supporters. I have seen a few that have come to his defense. But, I don't recall anyone posting that they actually support Trump.

Where are the Trump supporters in this thread?

I hope they aren't afraid to speak up here. But, I certainly wouldn't want to be labeled a xenophobe or a bigot so...
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I have no idea why Rand Paul isn't doing well.

Maybe he simply isn't on the same wavelength as the majority of the electorate. As good a potential candidate as he might be, if the electoral majority don't agree with him then he won't get anywhere.
Where are the Trump supporters in this thread?

I hope they aren't afraid to speak up here. But, I certainly wouldn't want to be labeled a xenophobe or a bigot so...
I think there's just too much sensible folk on GTP. In any case no one should be afraid to speak their mind, but you can bet your bottom dollar you will have a hard time defending his policies should you support them.

He's a populist in the gravest sense of the word.
Where are the Trump supporters in this thread?
I have not supported Trump with my dollars or time like I did Ron Paul. I am appalled by his lack of tactfulness. And he invokes echoes of racism, bigotry, sexism and fascism - all anathema to me who lives happily and gratefully in perhaps the most liberal city in the world.

But I am vastly entertained, amused, and appreciative of his presence in the campaign. Why? Because he gives expression to authentic concerns of a distressed class of citizen voters who have been openly betrayed by those in whom they have previously placed their trust. Trump, ever the happy warrior, is swinging a battle axe through the dying neck of our corrupt, degenerate political system. And that is a good thing.

Republicans, Democrats, academia and media are all having to understand and explain a new political phenomenon that is giving expression to the real concerns of large numbers of voters. For better or worse, this is still a democracy, the worst political system in the world except for all the others.
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And if you thought Trump made a farce of American politics, guess what; rumor has it that Kanye West, Will Smith, Kate Perry and Lindsey Lohan all have plans to run for the presidency of 2020 (no joke)....

I heard about Kanye, but if those other 3 are also planning on running the 2020 race will be amazing.

Where are the Trump supporters in this thread?

Can't say I support him 100%, but there is a lot I do like about Trump.
According to the latest national poll he has 41% support from Republicans, and Republican leaning independents.
That's a lie. If you read the actual numbers, the source for the numbers are GOP leaning voters. You could be a democrat and lean GOP in this election cycle, and it would count just the same. Also, this isn't likely voters either.

I was just discussing this poll with my father, and I blatantly told him that all polls have issues. You just have to look beyond the poll numbers. At this stage in the game, all pollsters won't poll likely voters, just adults. If they did poll likely voters, then the numbers would be more respectable to the RCP average found in the OP.
I heard about Kanye, but if those other 3 are also planning on running the 2020 race will be amazing
I hope they ditch the traditional ballot system as it's so old fashioned and go for televoting, that would be awesome!

'America's next president', maybe Tyra will want to present it :bowdown:
I hope they ditch the traditional ballot system as it's so old fashioned and go for televoting, that would be awesome!

'America's next president', maybe Tyra will want to present it :bowdown:

Sounds like a good plan to me.

Get Ryan Seacrest to host. "Dim the lights... America you voted...your next President is..."
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