[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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The DNC wants $20 million of your tax dollars to cover the cost of their convention next summer. Designated Payee: Debbie Wasserman Schultz.


Interesting link but it spawned too many extra popups for my liking. Do you have a source outside that conservative church paper? All I can find is other blogs that have c+p'd the same text.

Certainly none explain why it's bad for Republicans and Democrats to receive funding for nomination events?
Interesting link but it spawned too many extra popups for my liking. Do you have a source outside that conservative church paper? All I can find is other blogs that have c+p'd the same text.

Certainly none explain why it's bad for Republicans and Democrats to receive funding for nomination events?
$18.8 Trillion (as of post time), that's why. The debt is the main reason why it can be a negative amongst conservative pundits. However, according to tax law, a certain portion ($1 per return) can be donated to the general election campaign for the party of your choice, and Schultz's proposal would take from that fund, hence why tax payers would be footing the bill.
$18.8 Trillion (as of post time), that's why. The debt is the main reason why it can be a negative amongst conservative pundits. However, according to tax law, a certain portion ($1 per return) can be donated to the general election campaign for the party of your choice, and Schultz's proposal would take from that fund, hence why tax payers would be footing the bill.

So $40 million dollars split between the Republicans and the Democrats is pretty small fry then.
So $40 million dollars split between the Republicans and the Democrats is pretty small fry then.
As long as that fund isn't reimbursed in any unnatural manner (i.e. cutting a line item budget item), I personally don't see any issues with it, and I would dare say that the conservative pundits are overreacting here.
Heard Taylor Swift wants to run for it too.

Speaking of stupid questions, I have one.

Trump is, and has been, ahead in most of the polls since the day he launched his campaign with his near infamous comments about illegal Mexican immigrants. According to the latest national poll he has 41% support from Republicans, and Republican leaning independents.

I have been watching this thread for about two months or so, and before that I stopped by from time to time to see what was going on. So forgive me if I have missed something.

I have seen lots of criticism of Trump on this thread, and a lot of name calling of both him, and his supporters. I have seen a few that have come to his defense. But, I don't recall anyone posting that they actually support Trump.

Where are the Trump supporters in this thread?

I hope they aren't afraid to speak up here. But, I certainly wouldn't want to be labeled a xenophobe or a bigot so...


It's not that I'm afraid to speak up, it's that I realize I will not accomplish anything by arguing with each and everyone who doesn't support him. Simple as that.

To people who just read the headlines, or watch the broadcasts of the mainstream media, they make it very easy to make Trump look like a crazy rich bigot who says ludicrous things often about immigrants. But unfortunately lots of Americans don't get their news just from the headlines. Look at a full un-editied video of a fair Trump interview (Ones with Sean Hannity are pretty good) and the Trump you see there is nothing like the Trump the mainstream media wants you to think. Ever wonder why most sound bites of Trump are rarely over 10 seconds long? God forbid they're longer, he might actually sound like a half decent guy when put into context. Nearly all the "Oh my GOD Trump said ___" headlines are grossly out of context, generalized or sometimes flat out lies (Muhammad Ali, someone who can barely utter a word these days can now construct a coherent and lengthy statement about Trump's views on Muslim immigrants?)

The reason for this paranoia regarding Trump is that he isn't controlled by anyone. Hillary, Bush, Rubio are all bought and paid for by the elite/special interest/big business. They may say good things here and there but they do what they're told. Trump is his own man, shooting from the hip, calling it as it is. The establishment, on both sides of the aisle hate that which is why they are trying so desperately hard to take him down. Unfortunately for them more and more American voters are now seeing this corrupt relationship between their politician which should be advocating for their rights and the special interests who are pulling the strings. In a nutshell this is why I support Trump, I sound crazy right? :lol:

Trump 2016
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The primary reason I don't like him is the "I'll get the best people" thing.

Is he going to do that for everything like he does in business?

She's not 35 yet.

Sorry boys, party's over.

EDIT: And she won't be 35 in 2020 either.



The primary reason I don't like him is the "I'll get the best people" thing.

Is he going to do that for everything like he does in business?

What is wrong with picking the best people for the job? I would much rather have that than have a President that politically rewards their minions.
To people who just read the headlines, or watch the broadcasts of the mainstream media, they make it very easy to make Trump look like a crazy rich bigot who says ludicrous things often about immigrants. But unfortunately lots of Americans don't get their news just from the headlines. Look at a full un-editied video of a fair Trump interview (Ones with Sean Hannity are pretty good) and the Trump you see there is nothing like the Trump the mainstream media wants you to think.

What of those of us who've watched him at length, who've read his manifesto, who've waded through his own troglodytic twitters and, more recently, who've watched the debates and still think he's an utter prat?

What is wrong with picking the best people for the job? I would much rather have that than have a President that politically rewards their minions.

Nothing, in principle. The difference in this case is that he's talking like a man who doesn't understand how to get votes through. It's unlikely that he's innocent of the power of lobbyists having been involved in that himself - what's to say that when he's on the other side of the corridor that he'll suddenly become altruistic and forget the big business corner that he's been fighting for so long? He's just another wolf but in a haystack's clothing.
...what's to say that when he's on the other side of the corridor that he'll suddenly become altruistic and forget the big business corner that he's been fighting for so long? He's just another wolf but in a haystack's clothing.
So I guess you just don't trust him. Fair enough.

I trust him. Of course I don't expect him to round up the 11 million or so illegal aliens and deport them. But what about enforcing the law and deporting those that get arrested? About Muslims in a database, well he never said that, but even if he had - raise your hand if you are not in a government database.

Don't get me wrong, I am not all in for Trump...
But I am starting to like him more and more.

1081, I think Trump's ego will prevent him from disappointing the electorate. He loves being loved.
What's this about Trump owning and wanting to turn off the internet?

I remember reading something about Trump contacting Bill Gates about getting the internet turned off but I don't know if that's a genuine occurrence or something Imgur exaggerated.

I severely hope that it is not true because that is an astonishing demonstration of ignorance.
I remember reading something about Trump contacting Bill Gates about getting the internet turned off but I don't know if that's a genuine occurrence or something Imgur exaggerated.

I severely hope that it is not true because that is an astonishing demonstration of ignorance.

As I understand it he proposed to turn off the part of internet that IS is using.
I remember reading something about Trump contacting Bill Gates about getting the internet turned off but I don't know if that's a genuine occurrence or something Imgur exaggerated.

I severely hope that it is not true because that is an astonishing demonstration of ignorance.
Honsi Mubarak claimed that he had the ability to shut the internet down shortly before he was ousted from power. Tim Berners-Lee scoffed at the idea, saying that it might have been possible once, but the internet has expanded to the point where no one person or entity could control it.

As I understand it he proposed to turn off the part of internet that IS is using.
Going by what Berners-Lee was saying, that sounds equally impossible.
Going by what Berners-Lee was saying, that sounds equally impossible.

It probably is. Not to mention that the parts of the internet that IS is using involves Facebook, Google and Youtube.

It's touching on a core issue though: how to stop dangerous ideas from being spread. Is it even possible? Perhaps it would be more successful to spread "counter-ideas"? If you can make people immune to propaganda, perhaps it would be more effective than to try and get rid of the propaganda?
There's also the "darknet", encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp, and of course, Puffin Party.
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