I'm not sure why you think this qualifies him to be a good POTUS. There are many people who are successful in one sphere of life but complete assholes in every other respect.
Trump had the benefit of a very privileged start in life & inherited wealth & real estate business savvy from his father. He may have gone on to be a skilled real estate developer - I don't hold bankruptcies & partial business failures against him, they are inevitable parts of pursuing that kind of business. It also doesn't really bother me that he has been inconsistent in his political leanings.
The problem with Trump is his personality: his narcissism is so extreme it's almost pathological & suggests some deep-rooted insecurity. I've heard him described as an "alpha-male". I just don't see it. What kind of alpha-male feels the need to create one of the most ludicrous comb-overs in history? An alpha-male feels confident in who he is without being overly concerned about appearances. An alpha male doesn't feel the need to marry a succession of younger women as "trophy wives". Some classic indications of a narcissist:
- Bragging and exaggerating achievements
- Claiming to be an "expert" at many things
- Pretending to be important than they really are
- An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
- Hypersensitivity to any insults or imagined insults
- Detesting those who do not admire them
- A lack of psychological awareness
- Haughty body language
- An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
- Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
- Problems distinguishing the self from others
Etc. etc.
True enough other politicians may have similar tendencies, but I've never seen anyone even
close to being as extreme as Trump. He's like a caricature of himself. Among other things, he's claimed to be a great athlete, to know more about the military than professional soldiers, belittled Senator McCain for being captured, insulted fellow GOP candidates when they challenge him, insulted the press when they challenge him, insulted Mexicans & the Chinese while professing to "love" them & (of course) to being loved
by them. How anyone can take the guy seriously is beyond me.