Poll: What Internet Connection do you have (October 2010)?

  • Thread starter [UK] ANDYW
With GT5 finally bringing online gaming to the Gran Turismo scene, your internet connection is central to the enjoyment and experience in online games...

Hopefully this will show what GTP Members can expect from their current ISP package, and whether they should upgrade.
(Or at least see what other GTP racers are using for reference)

MODS: I know this poll has been done before, but was several years ago - which makes it out of date, hell, every 12 months there seems to be developments and improvements in the UK at the moment - at least in my area!

Also, it would be great if this could be Sticky'd for a couple of weeks, to allow a good cross-section of GTP Members.

As a rule of thumb, I'll assume basic ADSL packages have certain standard latency, and improvements on these are usually premium options with your ISP.

56k / ISDN (at best 128k down & 64k up, but generally same latency as standard ADSL)

Lower bandwidth ADSL (1Mb down, standard latency 40-80ms)

Mid bandwidth ADSL (4-8Mb down, standard latency 40-80ms)

High bandwidth ADSL (20Mb down, standard latency 40-80ms)

SDSL (2Mb, usually preferential latency 10-20ms)

Cable broadband (xMb down, standard latency 40-80ms)

Gaming-specific DSL/Cable Package (xMb down, usually preferential latency <20ms)

Other / Specialist (Not listed above)​

Just as a guide, generally, if you have >=1Mb and your latency is less than 50ms, you will most likely have perfectly enjoyable online gaming.

To be able to host an online game (hopefully GT5 will support this), typically you need far better internet services, where your latency is super-low and you also have high-upload capabilities >1Mb upload.

Go here to check your ISP performance:

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I have a Verizon FiOS package:

You're a lucky chap, for the purposes of the Poll I'd say that's Gaming-specific or SDSL equivalent, solely due to your excellent latency & upload speeds.

No lag for you then!
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50Mb ADSL, but thats what its advertised as... did test:


not sure if sharing it with 6 people changes the test though.

This is mine using the PS3 browser so the upload speed is lower than normal . I normally have a 35 mb/s upload. My computer is really screwed up so I have no other choice . It looks nice but it is mostly pointless and I'm looking to downgrade a bit.Ping is at 18ms
The most important thing for on-line gaming is latency, and next to it upload speed, something your pool doesn't cover :P

Download speed is really irrelevant unless your in something worst then a 512KB/s

As for my own connection, 30MB/s downstream 3MB/s upstream fiberoptics.
wtf are you guys smoking... How are you so damn fast?

Mine is cable broadband @ 9Mb/s download and 0.4Mb/s upload.


I hope GT5 has dedicated servers, rather than the GT5P system where a user hosts the match, cars are often jumpy in races.
Hmmm, I've only been online with GT5 Prologue a grand total of one session, and a couple of people were rather jumpy, someone I was racing with in the UK was pretty fine though.... I really hope the online portion of the game won't be a letdown due to a rubbish connection (compared to a lot of you guys who must live in the future, or East Asia). Bring on moving to Japan!

The most important thing for on-line gaming is latency, and next to it upload speed, something your pool doesn't cover :P

Download speed is really irrelevant unless your in something worst then a 512KB/s

As for my own connection, 30MB/s downstream 3MB/s upstream fiberoptics.

How come you didn't tell us your all-important latency? :)

You're absolutely right, latency is king, but there are some fairly strong relationships between download speed and latency.

The closer you are to an exchange, the lower your ping & higher bandwidth.
Then you have contension ratios... but I didnt want to get that technical...

It also helps if you can shift more packets/data, as I'm also thinking about pre-race data sharing (hopefully modified cars, personal livery, etc..)

I really started the poll out of sheer curiosity.
[UK] ANDYW;4064773
Tell me about it!!!

I thought I was lucky getting 20Mb & 25ms, especially for £6.99/month (TalkTalk)


I pay (that means company pays my broadband) the equivalent of £35 for a 20/1Mb /month..

In Malmö/Sweden (I can see it from here), they get 100/100Mbit for ½ of what I pay.. Sucks to be me..
I am with Be Broadband. If you are with them or O2 (i think) you can go to the website and switch to gaming mode in about 30 seconds, It reduces your ping, i just did a quick test and it was 19ms it was much higher than that before
I have a 10mb downstream 1mb upstream cable connection but lately it has been poor between 8-10 pm 1.5-3 mb down yet still holding a 1mb upstream. Hopefully they will get it ironed out by the release of GT5.
[UK] ANDYW;4064768
How come you didn't tell us your all-important latency? :)

Because it really depends to where I'm connecting to. But I'm sure you know that. :P

I can get all the way from 10ms (my country) to 150ms (US).

I get 133ms to GTPlanet for reference (us server).

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I have cable modem, Comcast

On speed test I get up around 15MB download and 5 Upload
But when I download on Steam it gets up to 2 MBs, some webiste only 1.5MB.. or lower.. why is that?