Poll: What Internet Connection do you have (October 2010)?

  • Thread starter [UK] ANDYW
I have cable modem, Comcast

On speed test I get up around 15MB download and 5 Upload
But when I download on Steam it gets up to 2 MBs, some webiste only 1.5MB.. or lower.. why is that?

That's more to do with the connection the server you are downloading from have..

It can also be affected by your ISP throttling certain content.

My ISP completely blocks file sharing & bit torrents

Because it really depends to where I'm connecting to. But I'm sure you know that. :P

I can get all the way from 10ms (my country) to 150ms (US).

I get 133ms to GTPlanet for reference (us server).

Damn it stop catching me out!!! :)

Fair point, but for GT5's sake, I'm guessing Sony/PD are going to heavily guide games to 'match' within the same country/continent.
- at least you'd expect they would do this to give the best online experience.
[UK] ANDYW;4064850
That's more to do with the connection the server you are downloading from have..

It can also be affected by your ISP throttling certain content.

My ISP completely blocks file sharing & bit torrents

Yeah that sucks, but at least I can do some things at once, Play PS3, download PC files etc and nothing gets affected. I get very little lag on my PS3 , yet if I play on PC sometimes I get lag. Well depends on the Servers.

Blocked file sharing and bit torrents? !!!
:scared: OWCH!!

By the way in GT5 Prologue you could enable an option for P2P or something like that, will it work? No problems playing PS3 or Xbox Games?
By the way in GT5 Prologue you could enable an option for P2P or something like that, will it work? No problems playing PS3 or Xbox Games?

To be honest, I probably havent tried GT5P online since I moved to my current ISP (3 months)..

Maybe I should try to see if I have connection problems!!! :scared:

Good point!
I average around 12mb down/ 1,2mb upload, ping around 20 M/S when connecting to a local server.

A little tip for those in the UK. If your exchange hasn't been enabled for BTs new ADSL+2 broadband and you cannot get Virgin Media then look for an ISP that provides ADSL+2 via LLU. The ISPS who provide this are O2, Bethere, Sky.

Here is the link so you can find out what is available. Just simply type in your postcode.


Also worth mentioning that your connection speed doesn't just depend on distance from exchange. The speed your router syncs at depends on the noise on your line which is measured in DB. This is called line attenutation and can be found by loggng into your router and finding your line stats. The higher the DBs the slower your speed.

Lastly connect your PS3 via ethernet cable rather than wireless. Also always connect your router to the master socket rather than an extension. If connecting via an extension then you need to remove the ring wire. You can google this for an explanation.

Nearly forgot to add that it doesn't matter how good your connection is your ping will increase with distance. This is why playing Australians is a nightmare especially on FPS games and they will say the same about us!

I win the slowest contest;)

I don't plan on playing online when I get the game at first

For this connection I pay $34/month and it has a (3GB download and 3GB upload)/month limit that if you break then each 1 extra GB = $10

The Latency also sucks, normally i get 200ms+ on any other server

Look where my country ranks on the global rating (http://www.speedtest.net/global.php)

it's been like this for about 4 years, but they say that by Q1 2011 things will be better(Fiber-optics being installed; new underline Sea-Cable)

Hopefully by then I'll be able to play GT5 online(and any other game for that matter):)
I was hoping to win the slow contest... but raficoo has beat me.

It is advertised as 10Mb download...

I win the slowest contest;)

I don't plan on playing online when I get the game at first

For this connection I pay $34/month and it has a (3GB download and 3GB upload)/month limit that if you break then each 1 extra GB = $10

The Latency also sucks, normally i get 200ms+ on any other server

Look where my country ranks on the global rating (http://www.speedtest.net/global.php)

it's been like this for about 4 years, but they say that by Q1 2011 things will be better(Fiber-optics being installed; new underline Sea-Cable)

Hopefully by then I'll be able to play GT5 online(and any other game for that matter):)
I know what you mean. I spent the summer in Lebanon and I had a Wise connection. http://wise.net.lb/web/wireless.jsp?id=2
I got so pissed when I watched the E3 conference, the GT5 trailer freezed all the time. Every 2 weeks I had to spend 20$ to refill my account...

I really doubt things will change.
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This is my Uni-house connection. No-one games on it, only a few streaming, so connection is never too bad. Pretty much the quoted 10mb speed as well.
No idea how to put the pic up. someone explain how please (sorted it now)
I also did a line speed test and it said 7mb so considering it is 8pm I'm quite happy.
funny thing is I'm not 50miles from London as it says, I'm more like 200.
IP is AOL using belkin adsl router
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How do you put the results into the post ?
sorted it. Ignore or delete this post
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