Poll: What Internet Connection do you have (October 2010)?

  • Thread starter [UK] ANDYW
40mbps up/down. Won't use random digits generators a.k.a. speedtest, cause it's shows everything, but not real speed.
Here's one i saved about 3 months ago, just for the "lulz".

Note: it's impossible to have more than 100mbps speed with my type of connection, so it's especially funny to see 416mbps.
Note 2: for those who think it's an edited image, check url/address/whatever, it's the real thing hosted on speedest.net server. ^^

Posting stats from servers that are 20 miles from you doesn't show much since you're likely playing with people hundreds and thousands of miles away.
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my speed pretty much sucks but i can play online games pretty good ,
is the speed good enough for gt5 online. hm i hope but i wouldnt mind if it aint fast enough i prefer offline
See attached screenshot

thats mine at office witch is consider alot quicker than my internet connection back home!
i dont know why Lebanon is so poor in terms of internet connection!
plus most providers limits the amount of download as well!
i really hope things will change
I changed my internet a few weeks ago From ADSL to Cable Broadband. I am absolutely loving this internet.

Great ping, 50% more DL speed, and 3x the allowed downloads per month for the same price.

My average Ping to anchorage on my previous ISP was about 50ms. Now it's 15ms. I think that's a lovely improvement.
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didnt know which section of the poll to select so heres my results

i could have used a server thats nearer to me but thanks to the crap isp's in my country the results are crapper. download is usually half that of which i get from uk servers.

I'm in Australia. I've only got a 512kb/s connection though because we're in a remote area and it's the fastest we can get. In town though it gets MUCH faster, and with the new fibre optic cables they're rolling out this year they're expecting download speeds of 100Gb/s!
I reckon that many of you guys here, especially those above 50 MB download etc. are doing so from schools and universities?

I have a 50 MB upload + download glass fibre connection, but I guess it's a little slower during business hours :/
Virgin Media, good when it's in a good mood:

But when it doesn't feel like working:

Is this level of inconsistency normal, it sometimes doesn't work for whole nights at a time for no reason...
I used to have a high DSL (20MB upload, 35+MB download) but a storm, and I'm not kidding you, a storm that hit at the very start of spring last year did something to my connection and now I'm running a 3MB upload and .3-1MB download.