POLL: What is your prefered camera view in GT 5???

What Is Your Prefered Camera View in GT5??

  • Full Exterior View.

    Votes: 81 13.3%
  • CockPit View

    Votes: 163 26.7%
  • Ground Cam.

    Votes: 244 39.9%
  • Hood Cam.

    Votes: 106 17.3%
  • I really don't care about this question, I just like voting.

    Votes: 17 2.8%

  • Total voters
I like to remove the HUD and use the cockpit view as much as possible but find that my fastest lap times are usually set with the bumper cam' as it's easier to be more precise. The only exception to this is in the X2010. I use a DS3 and with this thing being sooo fast I find that changing to the roof cam' gives the impression of moving ever so slightly slower over the track, because the camera is higher I guess. Could be placebo but I do find that it helps!

EDIT: Does anyone else find that the GT by Citroen Race cars cockpit view is almost impossible to drive with?
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I find that changing to the roof cam' gives the impression of moving ever so slightly slower over the track, because the camera is higher I guess. Could be placebo but I do find that it helps!

EDIT: Does anyone else find that the GT by Citroen Race cars cockpit view is almost impossible to drive with?

It's not that the roof cam makes thing slower, but rather it lets you see farther ahead, therefore you have more time to react to the course changes.

And the Citroen GT cockpit is horrible, maybe the worst in the game.
Bumper is the only way to go. It makes everything just better. The sense of speed, the feel of the car, cornering accuracy...

When I made the switch from behind-the-car to bumper in GT4, it took seconds off my lap times.
What camera view do you prefer to use while driving and why?

Me personally, I like the full exterior view.

Edit: Since I can not edit the poll, when I said "ground cam" I mean the camera view when it is on the ground and you see the artificial rear view mirror at the top of the screen in the center.

Edit x2: The Bumper cam is the ground cam.

cool thread!

man, after all the whinging by some l33ts about the only way to drive is using cockcpit cam it is nice to see them getting trounced by bumper cam! :dopey:
(full disclosure - I voted hoodcam)
Bumper Cam for 52" of unobstructed 1080p goodness whooshing at me.


Same here.. Sharp Aquos

Forgot to mention that it really isn't a "bumper" cam. There's a thread somewhere that proves that the so-called bumper cam is more like a cockpit eye level view without the car being rendered.
You can easily see when beside another car that your perspective is much higher and further back than if it were actually attached to the bumper.

I think it's more like looking out the windshield than anything else, but you see more below where the dashboard would be. That's why people think it's a bumper cam..

I've seen my own front tire's skid marks being formed on the road surface doing a reverse donut in an AWD car. That wouldn't be possible if cam was mounted in front of tires. That thead I'm thinking of proved it with camera lense angle techniques.. it was interesting. It might have been in GT5p forum actually.
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Depends on circumstances most of the time im on full car view / chase cam so i can get a better sense of what the car is doing.

At night i use the roof/hood cam to see better as no car has working lights lol ( yeah they sorta work but not really )
Cockpit view. Everything else just feels plain wrong - even if I might actually be slightly faster with hood cam.
I probably have a decade of PC sim racing to thank (or curse, depending on opinion :)) for that habit.

It is rather annoying though, that it effectively cuts me off from using the entire range of standard cars. I've tried many times, but so far I just can't live without that cockpit view in a racing game that isn't a pure arcade racer, even here in GT5 where hood cam is pretty much "driver's seat with invisible car".
Cockpit cam for me, hence my insistence on driving Premiums almost exclusively. Except where the R92CP and Bentley Speed 8 is concerned.

EDIT - and what Miths said; I'm much faster in full exterior view, but cockpit cam is just so engrossing I don't care about the odd lost second or two..
bumper/ground cam since its available for all cars. i would prefer to use the incar/driver's seat cam; and i do in most premium cars. I just wished, as i have said already a thousand times on these forums, that the head/camera tilted when you turn the wheel. you know "looked towards the apex". like in real life and just like in GTR-EVO.
I do have to admit from the bumper-cam im faster around the track. Except in the Ferrari F1s. Some how its easy to drive them from the driver's view.
I really wish it was possible to adjust seat position in cockpit view though. I'm fine with the chosen position in most cars, but some are a little too low or too high - such as the Ferrari California (one of my favourite "cruising" cars), where a booster seat could prove quite useful :).
I really wish it was possible to adjust seat position in cockpit view though. I'm fine with the chosen position in most cars, but some are a little too low or too high - such as the Ferrari California (one of my favourite "cruising" cars), where a booster seat could prove quite useful :).

Have you tried changing from "WIDE" to "EXTRA ZOOM"?
If every car was premium, or every car had cockpit view, I would use that exclusively.

As neither is the case, I use bumper cam exclusively - I don't like to switch views between cars when I am racing, I like to have the same point of reference :)
If every car was premium, or every car had cockpit view, I would use that exclusively.

As neither is the case, I use bumper cam exclusively - I don't like to switch views between cars when I am racing, I like to have the same point of reference :)

Exactly why I started using Bumper. I had to get used to it for more than half of the cars in the game, so I figured I would get used to it with all the cars. I know that a lot of people say that Cockpit gives a bad perspective but every PC simulator I have ever played, that is worth playing, has cockpit view. No such thing as bumper/ground/whatever. Now I only use it for Nascar because those cars are so heavy I have to know where that hood is pointed at all times.
well what i do is use the cockpit/ground cam for overtaking or aggressiveness then i use the full exterior view for just cruising.........because i love the sounds
Have you tried changing from "WIDE" to "EXTRA ZOOM"?

Changing the cockpit distance (it's called standard, narrow and narrower, isn't it?) also changes the field of view, and I prefer the standard setting.
I also don't like having the dashboard and virtual steering wheel right in my face.
Exactly why I started using Bumper. I had to get used to it for more than half of the cars in the game, so I figured I would get used to it with all the cars. I know that a lot of people say that Cockpit gives a bad perspective but every PC simulator I have ever played, that is worth playing, has cockpit view. No such thing as bumper/ground/whatever. Now I only use it for Nascar because those cars are so heavy I have to know where that hood is pointed at all times.

Agreed - in fact remembering back to the whole Colin McRae rally series of games, before they turned to Dirt or whatever it is called, I used the cockpit cam exclusively, I just wish there was some kind of generic cockpit cam they could have used for all of the standards, that would have been better than nothing in my opinion.
Did anyone notice proper bonnet cam as option when watching replay from (online) race after update 1.06, works only for premium cars but it looks interesting, it's shame we can't use that view in-game.
I usually just use the roof cam when I'm actually racing or drifting, The cockpit view would be my prefered view if it wasn't for the camera shaking so much, It makes me dizzy :(

I usually use the third person view to check my car out while cruising and to listen to the exhaust :)
For premiums I use cockpit cam and standards the roof cam. I did use to use chase cam but found cockpit and roof view not only made me faster but also were more fun. As for bumper cam I personally can not use it at all and find it boring and unrealistic. Just my opinion:sly:
bumper/ground cam since its available for all cars. i would prefer to use the incar/driver's seat cam; and i do in most premium cars. I just wished, as i have said already a thousand times on these forums, that the head/camera tilted when you turn the wheel. you know "looked towards the apex". like in real life and just like in GTR-EVO.
I do have to admit from the bumper-cam im faster around the track. Except in the Ferrari F1s. Some how its easy to drive them from the driver's view.

I find games that do that irritating, as they don't look at it correctly and i don't realize which way my car is pointing due to no reference.
Premium car: Cockpit view, I only use exterior view to inspect damage/compare sounds
Standard car: Chase view. When cockpit view isn't avaliable, I prefer to see the car I am driving.

Any car: Chase view, so that I can see when someone is about to ram my car.
Because I enjoy GT and not fight for "I have the best times in xxxx track" Cock Pit... Although in some cars, this view is a little too close to the steering wheel. So far, (although I don´t like the car), I got to say the the S13 Silvia has the best positioned cock pit camera. The second favorite, the good old exterior cam, just for the sounds(and standards).

Premium car: Cockpit view, I only use exterior view to inspect damage/compare sounds
Standard car: Chase view. When cockpit view isn't avaliable, I prefer to see the car I am driving.

Any car: Chase view, so that I can see when someone is about to ram my car.

Although I don´t play online, I can see that you enjoy GT at the same level as I do.
In all honesty, full exterior view. Bumper is nice too.

Cockpit view is nice to look at, but absolute worst when trying to get the best times. :indiff: