No. They aren't. But let me expand on this a bit, since all you want to do is use mockies and are reluctant to reason things out.
Suppose we get a bit GT7 Prologue at E3 this year. Between SONY and Polyphony, who would you ascribe the most blame to? Because I can't see it being equal. One of them will be more definite that "This will be done."
You and I don't look at things the same way so you won't like my answer but I'll give it to you anyway.
"Blame" has nothing to do with it. Being a free market capitalist to the core, I see only
"what's best for the business" and there are layers upon layers upon layers to consider but I think you can boil it down to a couple of essential elements.
1. What will it cost to effectively leave GT6 behind and speed up work on GT7 (Prologue or otherwise) in terms of lost customer loyalty, lost reputation in the marketplace, future GT6 sales, future GT6 DLC sales etc?.
2. What will we gain from an earlier GT7(P) release in terms of sales$, gaining back our reputation for solid games, gaining an edge on the competition with an earlier release etc.
To me it's a no-brainer. GT6 was a failed experiment at banking on the continued loyalty of 10 million consumers on a last gen console with a massive install base. It's a dismal sales failure and any more effort put into flogging GT6 is mostly a complete waste of time. I'd have had almost all guns blazing on GT7 by January because it was as clear then to me as it is now, GT6 is dead in the water.
The only caveat is, I would do the most I could with the least effort, at continuing to pump out the content for GT6 to give the appearance of supporting the game, but only releasing the stuff that is finished or nearly so and can also be used for GT7. In essence, any new cars, tracks or features we need for GT7 we can continue to develop and release (some not all of course, you need some new stuff for GT7), while the core effort is on the GT7 engine.
I don't know if PD is capable of striking that balance because they've haven't done a good job of it in 2014. I'd also at some point issue an apology to the fans, saying they bit off more than they can chew, diplomatically of course without admitting fault or error, and then probably make all GT6 DLC free, and throw in a GT7 Loyalty Bonus of some to GT6 owners.
In short, I'd abandon GT6 myself, and wouldn't blame Sony or PD for doing so, it's not about blame it's about self preservation and survival at this point. Unlike you, I think it's full on panic mode at PD and Sony concerning their once bullet proof GT franchise and rightfully so. But it's got to be done right, with the "
appearance" of caring about the fans and the franchise, and so far they are doing a terrible job at that.