Dude, when you get down to it, you've just described every video game ever made. This might be a news flash or something, but what you want, whatever the heck that is, probably will only exist in your mind. So I'd suggest you either realize this and stop looking for blowing trash in every game, or maybe just in GT, and enjoy what you get, or give up gaming. Because if you want perfection, you're going to suffer nothing but disappointment.
If crash simulation software run on supercomputers was perfect, car companies wouldn't crash test their own cars, and save millions of dollars. I mean, seriously...
Quite possibly, the best post I've ever seen on this forum! A cookie for you sir! 👍
However, as much as I hate to say it, Nomino doe's have a very small point. Kaz is a perfectionist, to the point where he has OCD regarding Gran Turismo. Now, personally, its no bad thing, because it means we get a fantastic looking car, which just so happens to have the best physics of any platform racing game ever (Don't argue Nomino, you know its true...

). But, looking at one of the screenshots (the one of the Audi R8 blasting up the hill on Tokyo R236 chasing the pack), puts into sharp focus some of the flaws that GT5 has... currently. For example, the trees (Don't groan...), they are very far behind Forza 3 in terms of looks, they are basically 2D which rotate with the car. Also, the lack of tyre marks is getting very hard to excuse when you smoke pouring from the arches of your ZR-1. This isn't to say that Forza is perfect, far from it... *cough* alien mountains *cough*
I don't like Forza, as a racing sim, I don't like the way the cars look, I don't like the ice skating physics and I don't like the arcade-ish feel it has to overall gameplay. However, there are things I do like, like the smoke from the cars, the damage model and crash physics are very good, and I also like the livery editor - however, it can be annoying at times.
Consider this however, no matter how good Forza 3 is, in terms of gameplay, physics and new features, it will still not hold a candle to Gran Turismo for one reason... it fails to offer the experience and satisfaction that only Gran Turismo can offer.