Polyphony Digital has truly made an amazing product. (Impressions on Screenshots)

  • Thread starter Leadfoot53
What does size have to do with it? It's resolution that matters, and unless you can find a 40" LCD that has a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, you are going to be scrolling.

As impressive as these images are, they ultimately showcase nothing because the game does not run at that resolution, and they are not in-game.

Showcase nothing? Maybe they don't showcase gameplay, but what about photo mode?
Let's see you make a better Enzo model...
I'm not a 3D graphics artist - these guys have had over 12 years experience at modeling cars, so I'd expect perfectionists like PD to do better. Huge, enhanced, larger-than-the-resolution-of-the-game images do not impress me. Attention to detail does.

Oh Nomino, go away! Jeez, you put such a downer on everything. If you don't like it, then don't buy it, but at least let us enjoy the pictures without you starting another flame war.
What has pointing out obvious lack-of-attention-to-detail in those images got do with not buying the game?

Why should a flame war unsue just because I'm pointing out some obvious flaws?

Showcase nothing? Maybe they don't showcase gameplay, but what about photo mode?
What of it? Photo mode can be as good as it likes - it's not representative of the in-game graphics with 16 cars and AI running, which at the end of the day, is what really matters.
So we will actually need a 22 inch QUXGA-W monitor to view this image without scrolling :)

•Display Dimensions: 478.1mm (W) x 298.8mm (H)
•Screen size: 56.4cm (22.2)
•Resolution: 3,840 x 2,400
•Pixel pitch: 0.1245mm x 0.1245mm
•Brightness: 235cd / m 2 (typ)
•Contrast: 300:1 (typ)
•Color: 1677 million colors
•Dimensions: 567mm (W) x maximum of 524 mm (H) x 220mm (D) and height adjustment feature (61.5 mm)

now I am correct :P

So we will actually need a 22 inch QUXGA-W monitor to view this image without scrolling :)

•Display Dimensions: 478.1mm (W) x 298.8mm (H)
•Screen size: 56.4cm (22.2)
•Resolution: 3,840 x 2,400
•Pixel pitch: 0.1245mm x 0.1245mm
•Brightness: 235cd / m 2 (typ)
•Contrast: 300:1 (typ)
•Color: 1677 million colors
•Dimensions: 567mm (W) x maximum of 524 mm (H) x 220mm (D) and height adjustment feature (61.5 mm)

now I am correct :P


Any size QUXGA res monitor would work, not just 22 inch.

And why are people jumping on nonimo for saying something which is completely true? A 40 inch 720p tv would take even MORE scrolling than almost anyones current computer monitor.
Any size QUXGA res monitor would work, not just 22 inch.

And why are people jumping on nonimo for saying something which is completely true? A 40 inch 720p tv would take even MORE scrolling than almost anyones current computer monitor.

Does that, and the fact that they obviously aren't in-game screenshots, make the pictures any less gorgeous?

What of it? Photo mode can be as good as it likes - it's not representative of the in-game graphics with 16 cars and AI running, which at the end of the day, is what really matters.
Nobody ever claimed these to be representative of how GT5 will look during gameplay.

Regarding "what really matters"... Photo Mode matters. To me, anyway. I like taking pictures of my cars. Sure, it's not as important as the actual gameplay, but it's still nice.
Does that, and the fact that they obviously aren't in-game screenshots, make the pictures any less gorgeous?

No... I was just saying it's the resolution that counts and nomino was right that size is not the deciding factor in scrolling.

As for gorgeousness I did address that a few posts back.
Not to be a party pooper but I am not so sure I like the 8MP photomode... at normal resolution the shots look SPECTACULAR but as with anyhting when you get down to pixel peeping you run into see the flaws... suddenly things that look perfectly smooth and round look a chunky and obviously polygonal...

I think they have a great thing going with just regular size... don't ruin it by guilding the lilly...

All the same... those screens are definitely :drool:
It's not trolling if you drool over the things you troll at the end of the post... NOT

Yes, those screens totally look polygonal and chunky. :dunce:

The games are awesome for screencaps no doubt, especially photomode, however I agree with some others that the sterile frozen clean look is a bit distracting at times.
Devedander's formula. Troll said game + say something positive = LOOK MA! NO TROLL
Any size QUXGA res monitor would work, not just 22 inch.

And why are people jumping on nonimo for saying something which is completely true? A 40 inch 720p tv would take even MORE scrolling than almost anyones current computer monitor.

Yes, any size monitor should work with a QUXGA-W resolution, but the only monitor that support 3,840 x 2,400 is Toshiba's 22 inch. Unless there is another monitor that supports that high resolution.
It's not trolling if you drool over the things you troll at the end of the post... NOT

Yes, those screens totally look polygonal and chunky. :dunce:

Devedander's formula. Troll said game + say something positive = LOOK MA! NO TROLL

You know what would be more sad than an actual troll? Someone who has nothing better to do than try to make trolls appear places they aren't...

Vaieleto's forumat for a fun day: Go onto forums, find anything negative said and then try to incite something by portraying that person as a troll.

How sad.
No way are those posters on that building together like that in real life. PD put them there, and I can't imagine why they'd make up ads like that for cars that aren't in the game. Nice :d

Well it is a racing game and they do have ads in it for parts manufacturers. So it is possible that was put it in as an advertisement for those cars.
Vaieleto's forumat for a fun day: Go onto forums, find anything negative said and then try to incite something by portraying that person as a troll.

How sad.


What's with the troll accusations being thrown around lately btw?

And those recent screen shots look pretty sick to me. I can't really ask PD to improve on that front.
You know what would be more sad than an actual troll? Someone who has nothing better to do than try to make trolls appear places they aren't...

Vaieleto's forumat for a fun day: Go onto forums, find anything negative said and then try to incite something by portraying that person as a troll.

How sad.
it's pretty clear that you don't actually know what you're talking about, so why bother making posts at all.

"I don't like the sterile environment". - go play GT5P, oh wait, you've played GT5P maybe 5 times on your friend's PS3...

"OMG 8MP shots = POLYGONS AND IMPERFECTIONS IN MY FACE!" - uh... get glasses

"But GT is awesome amirite? lol" - Very stealthy
at normal resolution the shots look SPECTACULAR but as with anyhting when you get down to pixel peeping you run into see the flaws... suddenly things that look perfectly smooth and round look a chunky and obviously polygonal... (snip)

All the same... those screens are definitely :drool:
Leave it to Deve to say it like it... isn't. :lol:

Jeepers creepers, and to think that The Master is thinking of making 8 megapixels the median resolution! I thought 8mp was really pushing the envelope.

Unlike Deve, I'm excited about this level of capacity given to us. I'm sure it's a shock to him (cough) that a video game doesn't have infinite resolution and detail, unlike real life. But think about how this will enable everyone to take close ups of a Mercedes, and see just how much detail is in those headlamps for ourselves. Or take some shots of the scenery to see just what all has been modeled in them.

Unlike Nomino, I scarcely notice the crowds in video games or real life racing either one. These backgrounds are simply unbelievable! And if you're engrossing over scenery in a video game to complain that there is no trash in receptacles or cigarette butts in ashtrays, it suggests to me that you've long ago lost the joy of gaming and become something akin to an ambulance chasing lawyer: a sourpuss critic who does nothing but complain.

Hey, just a thought. ;)
Most impressive thing about those screenshots to me is that the realtime replay mode looks about 95% as good.
Unlike Nomino, I scarcely notice the crowds in video games or real life racing either one. These backgrounds are simply unbelievable! And if you're engrossing over scenery in a video game to complain that there is no trash in receptacles or cigarette butts in ashtrays, it suggests to me that you've long ago lost the joy of gaming and become something akin to an ambulance chasing lawyer: a sourpuss critic who does nothing but complain.
See, you are making things up. Nobody said anything about trash being in "receptacles" (:lol:) or cigarette butts being in ashtrays. Such detail would be pointless, as you would know if you had ready my earlier posts properly, which you clearly did not. Trash blowing around on a street circuit, now that would add an air of realism that no amount of "photorealistic" textures will ever do. As will properly swaying trees, and a properly animated crowd.

You all see Kaz as a perfectionist, and GT as the perfect racing game. Fact is, it's full of flaws if you care too look beyond the lush graphics.
See, you are making things up. Nobody said anything about trash being in "receptacles" (:lol:) or cigarette butts being in ashtrays. Such detail would be pointless, as you would know if you had ready my earlier posts properly, which you clearly did not. Trash blowing around on a street circuit, now that would add an air of realism that no amount of "photorealistic" textures will ever do. As will properly swaying trees, and a properly animated crowd.

You all see Kaz as a perfectionist, and GT as the perfect racing game. Fact is, it's full of flaws if you care too look beyond the lush graphics.
This post is full of flaws if you look beyond the trash blowing and trees swaying.

So basically GT is full of flaws because it doesn't have real-time plastic bag physics and the trees don't sway how you want them to, even though they do sway, but probably not as much as you'd want them to. If you had your way, the trees would snap from bolts of lightning thrown down by zeus as you drive by... to add the to realism.

But, in the end, the fact that GT doesn't have these features means that whatever lush graphics PD has been able to pump out is really nothing since it is still so full of flaws.

Wait... wat. You know a topic has run its course when posts like these start making the rounds.
You all see Kaz as a perfectionist, and GT as the perfect racing game. Fact is, it's full of flaws if you care too look beyond the lush graphics.
Dude, when you get down to it, you've just described every video game ever made. This might be a news flash or something, but what you want, whatever the heck that is, probably will only exist in your mind. So I'd suggest you either realize this and stop looking for blowing trash in every game, or maybe just in GT, and enjoy what you get, or give up gaming. Because if you want perfection, you're going to suffer nothing but disappointment.

If crash simulation software run on supercomputers was perfect, car companies wouldn't crash test their own cars, and save millions of dollars. I mean, seriously...
Dude, when you get down to it, you've just described every video game ever made. This might be a news flash or something, but what you want, whatever the heck that is, probably will only exist in your mind. So I'd suggest you either realize this and stop looking for blowing trash in every game, or maybe just in GT, and enjoy what you get, or give up gaming. Because if you want perfection, you're going to suffer nothing but disappointment.

If crash simulation software run on supercomputers was perfect, car companies wouldn't crash test their own cars, and save millions of dollars. I mean, seriously...

Quite possibly, the best post I've ever seen on this forum! A cookie for you sir! 👍

However, as much as I hate to say it, Nomino doe's have a very small point. Kaz is a perfectionist, to the point where he has OCD regarding Gran Turismo. Now, personally, its no bad thing, because it means we get a fantastic looking car, which just so happens to have the best physics of any platform racing game ever (Don't argue Nomino, you know its true...:lol:). But, looking at one of the screenshots (the one of the Audi R8 blasting up the hill on Tokyo R236 chasing the pack), puts into sharp focus some of the flaws that GT5 has... currently. For example, the trees (Don't groan...), they are very far behind Forza 3 in terms of looks, they are basically 2D which rotate with the car. Also, the lack of tyre marks is getting very hard to excuse when you smoke pouring from the arches of your ZR-1. This isn't to say that Forza is perfect, far from it... *cough* alien mountains *cough*

I don't like Forza, as a racing sim, I don't like the way the cars look, I don't like the ice skating physics and I don't like the arcade-ish feel it has to overall gameplay. However, there are things I do like, like the smoke from the cars, the damage model and crash physics are very good, and I also like the livery editor - however, it can be annoying at times.

Consider this however, no matter how good Forza 3 is, in terms of gameplay, physics and new features, it will still not hold a candle to Gran Turismo for one reason... it fails to offer the experience and satisfaction that only Gran Turismo can offer. :bowdown:
I never knew Zeus owned a bear…

One cool thing about the 8MP Photo Mode is that you can import the resulting images in to iPhoto, and then get them made in to your very own, custom wall calendar. In fact, I hope Kaz is able to deliver the 20MP images he hinted at, as Apple recommend that images be at least 3938x3158 (12.4MP) to produce the best quality calendars. Either way, 8MP is comfortably above the 4.5MP absolute minimum they recommend. :)

I could order up a 24-month calendar, and feature a different Skyline each month! :lol:
Yeah, imagine you have a really good photo with that resolution, you could make a poster from it. Sleek, in a nice frame behind glass.

If this wouldnt be so expensive i would make pics for my whole house. :D

EDIT: Btw. i will try to give you the latest pics with that huge resolution, i have them as PNG on my HDD.
Because if you want perfection, you're going to suffer nothing but disappointment.
Who said I want the game to be perfect? I'm saying that Kaz and his game are not perfection, despite what people think. People look at those screenshots and see them for what they are, not what they represent. They are just pretty post-processed images, nothing more, nothing less. I'd be happy with GT5P just getting more cars and tracks, but you lot on here seem to want this imaginary game that exists in Kaz's mind, but will never surface.

Top right are Bentley and Maserati posters


DUN DUN DUN.....Could this mean they will make a appearance in the game or is this just PD's great attention to detail in including posters of cars which arent even in GT5.

Maybe, maybe not. There are big Toyota ads on Fuji speedway in GT5:P
Too small, the pics have 6-8 each.

EDIT: I will try it with twitpic, gimme a second.
EDIT²: Also a 5mb limit...
Who said I want the game to be perfect? I'm saying that Kaz and his game are not perfection, despite what people think. People look at those screenshots and see them for what they are, not what they represent. They are just pretty post-processed images, nothing more, nothing less. I'd be happy with GT5P just getting more cars and tracks, but you lot on here seem to want this imaginary game that exists in Kaz's mind, but will never surface.
No one has an illusion that GT is perfect, but some people think that GT is full of flaws because it doesn't have things like skid marks and billowing trash, which is why people react the way they do.

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