Polyphony Digital is "Considering" Releasing Gran Turismo on PC

  • Thread starter Jordan
It's probably wishful thinking but maybe the game on PC would be a remaster of a classic GT (I would guess 4) and it wouldn't matter if people hack or mod it. Then the revenue from that could be used to make as good of an anti cheat system as possible for the first release of a new game on PC.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Polyphony Digital is “Considering” Releasing Gran Turismo on PC

GTPlanet is here in Monaco for the Gran Turismo World Finals and Gran Turismo’s 25th Anniversary event, and we had the chance to sit down with GT series creator Kazunori Yamauchi...
If they release a PC versión without fixing it and delivering a proper one player campaign, I'm done with Gran Turismo...
Runs fine...? ...stuck in loading/saving loop on start up, decal editor freezing, and horrible "stuttering" .... sure, ok.

In your defense the 5 still gets stuck in the loading screen on occasion, especially when resetting after a disappointing roulette ticket.

And it should have been on latest generation equipment, not 10 yr old electronics with whining cooling fans and malfunctioning disc drives..

I think the shortage of the 5 may have played a part, but look gta5. That train wreck has been around since ps3, now on ps5, still dropping dlc now with rumors of gta6.
They dropped it on pc, and paid a "modder" 10k for is solution to the loading times, which ended up carying over to console updates.

The game is a train wreck on every platform. Glitches, mods, griefers, ddos' threats, and more squeaky children than an elementary recess, and gt7 public lobbies are that way lately with the chat b.s. and ramming. They complain about gta traffic, and then play fake traffic on gt7 🤣🤯🥴

We the community are just laughing at these lackluster updates. All the hype about 25th anniversary... they would have better off releasing gran turismo 5 "remastered".
(Complete with usb chassis swap program we used to swap back in the day)because let's face it...
We all just want those unpurchasable" items.
You know you will have quote "access" once the windows" boys get it...

Kaz doesn't think that way, and it shows as the online requirement.
It doesn't really matter what Kaz thinks on the matter if Sony goes through with putting it on PC; especially if PD are still operating like they were in the past where they only have one security layer to their content and the rest of the game is open range once you get past that. This is especially true if people are willing to forgo online play in the process of modding the game.
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“Gran Turismo is a very finely tuned title,” Yamauchi-san explained. “There are not many platforms which could run the game in 4K/60p natively, so one way we make that possible is to narrow down the platform. It’s not a very easy subject, but of course, we are looking into it and considering it.”

I nearly spit out a full mouth of Cola reading that. LOL
Right :lol: Just running ACC, rF2, AMS2 at 120hz at 4k but sure, whatever. And that's without track and car LODs popping out right in front of your face like in GT7. Give me a break.

Yeah but those games don't look NOWHERE NEAR as good as gt7.....BIG difference......
Hopefully on Steam, so Linux play is possible. Along with plenty of controller support and VR.
Bad move would be to make it Windows 11 only........
Hopefully on Steam, so Linux play is possible. Along with plenty of controller support and VR.
Bad move would be to make it Windows 11 only........
Whatever was the case with the other exclusives ported to PC will likely apply here.
I think maintaining any semblance of fair play would be out of the window, as mentioned earlier you would have scripts boosting performance and handling available in days of release, interestingly would possibly bring cheating back to the PS platforms, there are scripts for the Cronus zen for a number of PC racers - they would potentially all work on the PLayStation - now PD don’t care as we know about having a fair racing environment but I think which platform would lead development of the overall game - I suspect it would become very much a PC developed game with ports to PlayStation… until it happens we won’t know.

the one thing Polyphony would have to do is engage with their PC players else I suspect the abuse they suffered from PS lobbies will multiply 1 billion percent - so I hope they get a community team in and start to engage with their players as they do a pathetic job with their PS players
Yes, we're getting these buggy drip feed updates (on top of the parts of the game that have been broken since release) when PD only has to develop on, in effect, one singular platform. I have zero confidence that PD is capable of supporting a PC release alongside. And if they have to outsource the PC port to a thirdparty, I can only imagine the communication nightmare that would entail.

I don't know about anyone else but I personally don't want more 30 hour maintenances.
The upside being that if it's on PC and it's really as open to modding/cheats/whatever as everyone fears, then the community will probably just fix the problems.
Also it took me years to get used to a controller, but now i don't want to change back to sitting at a desk instead of the couch.
You can play on PC with a controller. Every game I played on PC this weekend, I played with a controller.
80m,300m? They make on average 25b a year… that’s a huge risk for barely 1% gain lol. They’ve already made 300m in 1 week of GoW Ragnarok sales, so I don’t see why 300m from 10 PC ports is supposed to be impressive. More proof that there’s massive overlap. I know the ports won’t stop, it’s just wishful thinking, but it’d objectively be better for everyone if they stuck to one platform and drop ps4 and pc.
Lol, what risk? Free money is free money. "$300 million isn't impressive"? Rofl all the way to the bank.

The idea that it'd be objectively better for everyone if games were on only one platform is ridiculous. You're just fine with it because your platform of choice is PS5 and you don't care if other people can't play.
Yeah but those games don't look NOWHERE NEAR as good as gt7.....BIG difference......
Not as good (mostly), but on a decent PC the disparity is far less than you'd think. It's not like they're unpleasant to look at (rF2 excepted, because it really is pretty awful). And on PC there's always the option of going 4k/120+fps/Ultra if you have more money than sense, and most sims look amazing then. You can watch Youtube videos of ACC on a 3090ti and it looks amazing even through the compression, I can only imagine what it looks like in person.

Once upon a time GT was head and shoulders above any PC sim graphically. That's not the case now.
“Gran Turismo is a very finely tuned title,” Yamauchi-san explained. “There are not many platforms which could run the game in 4K/60p natively, so one way we make that possible is to narrow down the platform. It’s not a very easy subject, but of course, we are looking into it and considering it.”

I nearly spit out a full mouth of Cola reading that. LOL
Right :lol: Just running ACC, rF2, AMS2 at 120hz at 4k but sure, whatever. And that's without track and car LODs popping out right in front of your face like in GT7. Give me a break.
GT7 is the best looking racing game out there on a PS5 ACC doesn't perform very well on my 4090 so I am giving you a break
I hope it will feature the proper hardcore Sim Racing driving model!

Edit: I also want the Forza Motorsport series to include the hardcore Sim Racing driving model as well.
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They'll be up against Forza and other games on PC, jumping into the shark tank so to speak, good luck with that.

The only good thing for me personally could be having more graphic options: I'd gladly swap native 4k rendering for any kind of shadow/object LoD adjustments, my eyes are bleeding from the permanent shadow/object pop-in/out and stuttering flood lights on Spa at nights. GT7 looks very nice overall, but worse than 10 year old racing games on PC in some regards.

I don't really play online, but the challenges they'll face in getting it to work at all (let alone cross platform) and races being fair are not to be underestimated.
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They'll be up against Forza and other games on PC, jumping into the shark tank so to speak, good luck with that.

The only good thing for me personally could be having more graphic options: I'd gladly swap native 4k rendering for any kind of shadow/object LoD adjustments, my eyes are bleeding from the permanent shadow/object pop-in/out and stuttering flood lights on Spa at nights. GT7 looks very nice overall, but worse than 10 year old racing games on PC in some regards.

I don't really play online, but the challenges they'll face in getting it to work at all (let alone cross platform) and races being fair are not to be underestimated.
GT7 already beats out the competition by having drop-in online lobbies, something that's only available in iRacing and I believe ACC (haven't played either) on PC at the moment. Everything else you need to join a simracing league. Forza is great for casual gamers but really it's just a car gacha and not a real racing game.
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I dont think it's a good idea if they want to sell PS5... However, doing a PC version in theory would be easy for them if PC have the same architecture as PS5. And it would mean a hell of a lot more sales, that's for sure.
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Maybe I will finally be able to focus on one platform, which is the PC, and the costs I incur in connection with the console will be able to invest more in the PC.
Forza is great for casual gamers but really it's just a car gacha and not a real racing game.
Next you'll try and tell me that GT7 is a "real driving simulator"?

It's my understanding that Turn10 sees the next Forza as a reboot of the franchise (hence "Forza Motorsport" and not "Forza 8"), and I'm sure they'll use that "blank slate" and take clues from GT7 regarding online lobby ratings/pairings (they'd be stupid not to).

I don't really care about online playing, so if Forza delivers a better, more polished single player experience than GT7 in the long run, I'm a happy camper.
Next you'll try and tell me that GT7 is a "real driving simulator"?

It's my understanding that Turn10 sees the next Forza as a reboot of the franchise (hence "Forza Motorsport" and not "Forza 8"), and I'm sure they'll use that "blank slate" and take clues from GT7 regarding online lobby ratings/pairings (they'd be stupid not to).

I don't really care about online playing, so if Forza delivers a better, more polished single player experience than GT7 in the long run, I'm a happy camper.
I never claimed that. GT isn't the most realistic game but Forza, at least the Horizon games, are simply not fun. If I wanted to drive around aimlessly for hours honking meme horns at people in a stupid little meme car I'd play Forza. It's a game that gets boring after 10 minutes.
Sure if you got enough money PC building right now is very expensive and good luck finding parts too , so consoles will be always a cheaper option for most people
Lol, currently it is more easier to build a decent PC to play any game than to find a PS5 (which is only sold in packs of several games and with 2 controllers that is quite expensive like that PC)
I never claimed that. GT isn't the most realistic game but Forza, at least the Horizon games, are simply not fun. If I wanted to drive around aimlessly for hours honking meme horns at people in a stupid little meme car I'd play Forza. It's a game that gets boring after 10 minutes.
What year is it.
Apart from, I believe, Tomb Raider Anniversary, the GeForce NOW leak has yet to be wrong.

Even if it's wrong about this and a few others, the moment this releases on PC is the same moment every economy-based complaint goes up in the wind. Please release it on PC. :lol:
Some thoughts.

GT sells a lot of Playstations. I only have a PS4 and PS5 because of GT games. If there is not going to be a PS6, then makes sense, otherwise potentially not selling as many new consoles in the future. The money may still be there from PC sales, but could see a reduction in new console sales. How significant that could be, only Sony know. I would at least probably not need to get a PS6, when an upgrade to my PC could make make the game accessible, and would benefit the other things I use my PC for.

They can barely get an update out every month without creating bugs on a system with three machines to cater for, PS4, PS4 Pro and PS5, add in the multitude of potential PC configurations, and I don't think they are up to it.

As some have mentioned, having a PC game potentially opens up the game to hackers and cheaters. Can't say it bothers me, but PD seemingly takes measures to stop cheating, and that could be much harder on PC.

They would be opening themselves up to whole new level and number of potential criticisers in PC cameras. 😲 :lol: Would many PC gamers quietly go along with the way PD supports and updates their game? PC gamers would at least be used to having a game released that was seemingly unfinished, and with promised features missing. ;):lol:
The upside being that if it's on PC and it's really as open to modding/cheats/whatever as everyone fears, then the community will probably just fix the problems.

You can play on PC with a controller. Every game I played on PC this weekend, I played with a controller.

Lol, what risk? Free money is free money. "$300 million isn't impressive"? Rofl all the way to the bank.

The idea that it'd be objectively better for everyone if games were on only one platform is ridiculous. You're just fine with it because your platform of choice is PS5 and you don't care if other people can't play.

Not as good (mostly), but on a decent PC the disparity is far less than you'd think. It's not like they're unpleasant to look at (rF2 excepted, because it really is pretty awful). And on PC there's always the option of going 4k/120+fps/Ultra if you have more money than sense, and most sims look amazing then. You can watch Youtube videos of ACC on a 3090ti and it looks amazing even through the compression, I can only imagine what it looks like in person.

Once upon a time GT was head and shoulders above any PC sim graphically. That's not the case now.
The risk of diminishing game quality? We already see it happening. PS definitely isn't my main platform, but you're right, I don't care about more people getting to play if it means we all get a worse experience in the end. Sometimes less is more and that definitely applies to game development.