So you would agree that they don't need to bother with us?
Your poll is not currently indicating that.
GT5 has been in development for how long? Since 2006? How bored would you be of a monthly newsletter that explained every tedious detail of modeling a Skyline, when the next months was all about modeling a slightly different Skyline?
I'm quite happy not knowing how and what they are doing. If they were explaining via newsletters and blogs what they were doing they would be building up hype and excitement, only to let us down with delays that would (have) inevitably happen(ed). I'm quite happy not knowing any release date as it will be out when it's ready.
I agree that 98% will still by the game even though we receive little information from PD. I think that PD should bother with us.
My poll indicates at this stage that more people would rather have regular information from PD.
Who said the monthly newsletter would contain "every tedious detail of modeling a Skyline, when the next months was all about modeling a slightly different Skyline?" I agree that would be boring, and only a boring fart would produce such a newsletter I guess, but what if the monthly newsletter contained the following;
Interviews with people who work at PD and what they do - with some questions supplied by us.
Features where they follow the crew when they map tracks\record engine sounds and the challenges they face.
Interesting facts and figures from the forthcoming and previous versions of the game.
Stories about life at PD.
They could be made really interesting for fans of the series and as you say build up hype and excitement and they can do this without giving release dates which pass by - and who mentioned release dates anyway?
If somebody asked me if I could have regular information about PD and Gran Turismo I'd snap there hand off and say YES PLEASE!
For the 22 (current) polled people who'd rather stick to the current level of information from PD instead - well, I'm just really surprised to be honest.
Especially when one of the most 'replied to' post on this site is Amars "Tthe winds have started to sing..."
Funny that.