In fairness to Simon, Kaz wanted to add more too.
He did.....As I suggested I doubt any artist is every truly finished with anything they create. There is always more that can be added. It doesn't mean the game is "incomplete" as released.
Yes, it has already been shown that they started on them around that time. You just chose to ignore it.
No it has not been shown at all.
You have provided no start date for GT5 you just use an arbitrary date of your own by claiming that they must have started work on GT5 as soon as they finished GT4. Considering that they were working on other games between the release of GT4 and GT5 that proves nothing.
You have stated that GT

SP went into production in 2004 based only on it being talked about at E3 that year.....but you provide no proof what so ever of when they actually started work on the project, how much time and resources they spent on it or if they ever stopped work on it to work on other projects.
You have provided next to nothing.
Also, yes I can make claims. Here, let me break it down for you.
Point A in time, a Video game developer starts working on a game.
6 years after point A in time, the video game developer releases said game.
In that time it's safe to assume that video game developer was developing the video game in that time. It's their job. I don't have to show you what they were doing.
If your talking 6 years I assume you are refering to GT5.
So again......"Point A in time" have provided no proof what so ever when "Point A in time" actually simply state that GT5 must have gone into production when GT4 was have proved nothing.
"6 years after point A in time the game is released"......since you have provided no proof what so ever of when point A is then you have also failed to proove that the game came out 6 years later.....
"It is safe to assume the video game developer was developing the video game in that time" it is safe to assume no such thing.....they could have been working on any number of projects.....just as in my anaolgy with James Cameron he was not working only on Avatar between 1994 and 2009.....and without being able to show what projects PD had how many resources working on you can make no claim about their efficiency.
If the final result isn't finished (Even by admission of the person that created it) then it's perfectly fair for me to say that in those 6 years they were inefficient in building a videogame. If that's because they did'nt work in an efficient way or if it's because they got pre occupied doing other non video game things it's the same thing, an inefficient use of 6 years.
Wrong would need to show how long they were working on the project and how many resources they were using to make any claim about inefficency. You have provided none of that. You are simply stating that GT5 took 6 years to have offered no proof.
The original press releases from Sony in 2004 stated that GT4

ortable was going to be an exact replica of the PS2 game so it therefore was going to have a career mode. So yes, it was meant to have one to start with.
Pretty much every game ever made goes through changes during it's development. Especially a game being released on a new peice of hardware. If PD attempted to make GT4 run on the PSP and discovered that it was simply not powerfull enough to do that then of course they would have to make changes. Again that answers nothing to their efficency or lack of.
Really, it's like trying to talk to a brick wall. I'm not going to repeat myself again why I'm not talking about release date inefficiency. Also I've been focusing this whole time on the last two games, not the earlier games. I've had no real problem with those games.
Of course this point is the one that you wish to drop since it is the only facts presented in the debate and directly contradicts the point you have been trying to make.
If PD were an inefficient company they would not be able to release titles at the rate that they have been the same rate as their direct competitiors who you dont claim are inneficient even though they have more resources and yet only release games at the same rate.
Do YOU want to go down that route? GT PSP took most of it's cars from GT4, as did GT5. Tracks other games are on a level par but tracks and cars, believe it or not, are not the only content in a racing game. Just like GT1-4 you need a career mode and other features, GT PSP and GT5 were both lacking in that crucial department.
Plus they were wasting their time with things like paint chips, suits, horns and helmets. Again, an ineffient use of time in my opinion.
Just as every other producer of a game series re-uses content from past games. That is in no way an indication of is the industry standard.
As for them "wasting their time" on features that you personally do not I said previously this entire mini attack on PD can be summed up as simply as you being upset that they didn't make the game specific to you. You are free to feel that you wanted something different from GT5 or GT

SP but your personal disapointment in either game is irrelevant to a claim that they were inefficient in making the game. The only thing it shows is that they didn't tailor the game you your and your alone requirments. Can you name me a game developer that does make a game to the specific requirments of one player?
Again you're not getting the point. Releasing games at the same rate is irrelevant to how efficient they are in making those games.
How is it irrelevant at all? The efficiency of a game developer can be measured in no other way than the number of games they produce.
If PD were releasing a game every 5 years I would completely agree with you that they are less efficient than other companies who can produce the same type of game in 2 years (taking other factors into account like size of workforce etc).
But they dont.....they seem to be doing a perfectly good job of maintaining the industry standard for number of games released.
It blows your argument out of the water....which is the reason you dislike the point so much.
Well duh, of course it's my opinion, just as it's your opinion that they are efficient, and of course that opinion is based on my opinion of the final products.
No. You are expressing an opinion that they are inefficient that you are unable to back up.
I am presenting facts on the number of games they release and how often they release them to back up my claim that they are not inefficient.