Pornography...glorious pleasures or evil lusts?

  • Thread starter Delirious

Pornography...good or evil?

  • Pornography is okay within current legal limitations

    Votes: 46 61.3%
  • Pornography is nothing but evil desires

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Added: Pornography laws should be less restrictive

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters


So what do you guys think? Is pornography, with its vast amounts of availability to anyone who wishes to see it, okay to look at? Is it evil? When is it evil and when is it okay? Where do you draw the line?

I don't like the idea that anyone can just go to google, type in a few words and instantly find pornography. It's that easy to find it and since it is "illegal" for minors to view it in the USA...

I also do not at all like the idea of child pornography. (I would be very worried if anyone on this board would object to that)

But you guys know my stance on what's yours? Explain why you stand on where you stand, and where you draw the line as to when it is okay and when it is not okay.
I'm sorry to go off-topic, but as you posted this, we were just talking about women in the Convo. Forum.

Sorry.... :)
I'm fine with pretty much any of the regular porn, i.e. hetero-, homo-, oral-, anal- and even some S/M. And if some like to watch people drinking piss I have no objections to that.

Only problem for me is when there is some sorf of actual abuse involved in the act. And that's the difficult greyzone of pretty much all porn. What is mutual and what's not? Of course there is no easy answer, so when it comes to how I consume porn I have to rely on my own feelings from it, sorting out what I like from how it effects me emotionally. Yes, I know, That's not a very good argument for what's good and what's not but that's all I got.

And about the availability issue I think it is good it is so easy to get it. I'd be a very happy pre-teenager if I grew up today. :)
Anyone who thinks a naked body is EVIL needs to see a shrink . Anyone who thinks sex between consenting adults is evil also needs to see a shrink . Your insane and should have to wear a sign to warn the public.
I have to say I don't have any objection to pornography, with the exception of child pornography, which is in fact evil.

That being said, I find a lot of it unappealing, but taste is taste and that's what makes the world go 'round. We don't all like the same things in our real sex lives, either.

I think the current affadavit system works fine, in partnership with available parental controls. It's my job to monitor what my kids are doing on the internet (they're both girls so I don't expect porn to figure heavily into the equation, but there are other offensive and inappropriate things around).

As GTJugend says, you have to make a judgement call on what's consensual. I figure the odds of actual forced sex occurring under the circumstances of a photo shoot (with all the required setup, etc) are pretty slim. If somebody's participating, it's pretty clear they are willing to, even if it is just for money. Now, I don't find that kind of role-playing very interesting, so I tend to look elsewhere, but I don't assume it's real.

Of course, if you don't like pornography you've always got the option to look at something else. Again, to each his own.
I think there's nothing wrong with porn. I'm also not so sure it matters much whether kids see porn or not - they're as likely to spot someone's parents or some other real life situation or even animals having sex. Sexual education is much more important. If you take care of that properly, you'll avoid most problems.

I do, however, feel it is important that you have the option to avoid it. So it shouldn't be in any commercial break before a certain hour, for instance, and I wouldn't mind if you got a warning signal beforehand if a commercial break contains sexually explicit material.
I don't like porn because of its addictive properties. I konw that not every person that watches porn is going to get addicted to it. But many are and do. And that can have a profound effect on your life. Especially with relationships and finances.

Also, like #17 said, it is far to easily accesible.
I don't like porn because of its addictive properties. I konw that not every person that watches porn is going to get addicted to it. But many are and do. And that can have a profound effect on your life. Especially with relationships and finances.

But you could say the same of GT4 then ... ?
But you could say the same of GT4 then ... ?

You could say the same about anything. My point is that these type of addictions have very destructive properties to them. I'm speaking from experience here. Porn can get a hold on you and just drain you.

There is nothing wrong with a naked body or with sex. I'm just not a fan of parading it around like it should be glorified. It should be resigned to private lives of married couples. But that's my thoughts on it.
Porn isn't bad because of its 'addictive' qualities - you can be chemically addicted to drugs, fags and alcohol, but i don't think porn has any of these chemical qualities?

Porn is only addictive in the same way as Pokemon or GT4 are addictive.

Porn is bad because it is exploiting women (its mostly women isn't it) and it turns them into objects, which is somewhat unhealthy. Not everyone who uses porn is a rapist or potential rapist - but it's well documented that almost every single man who is convicted of rape is a heavy porn user.

The porn industry is also closely linked to drug and sex slave trafficing
Porn isn't bad because of its 'addictive' qualities - you can be chemically addicted to drugs, fags and alcohol, but i don't think porn has any of these chemical qualities?

Porn is only addictive in the same way as Pokemon or GT4 are addictive.

Porn is bad because it is exploiting women (its mostly women isn't it) and it turns them into objects, which is somewhat unhealthy. Not everyone who uses porn is a rapist or potential rapist - but it's well documented that almost every single man who is convicted of rape is a heavy porn user.

The porn industry is also closely linked to drug and sex slave trafficing

Yes, it's called a psychological addiction. And it's still very much an addiction just like drugs, alcohol or certain types of food.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't certain chemicals released in the body at the point of orgasm? Would that not constitute at least part of a chemical addiction?
Yes, it's called a psychological addiction. And it's still very much an addiction just like drugs, alcohol or certain types of food.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't certain chemicals released in the body at the point of orgasm? Would that not constitute at least part of a chemical addiction?

Yup, your right - but what i'm pointing out is that its only as addictive as anything else - no more, no less.

You can be psychologically addicted to porn but not physically addicted, like you can with drugs etc. A physical addiction is much, much stronger.
Yup, your right - but what i'm pointing out is that its only as addictive as anything else - no more, no less.

You can be psychologically addicted to porn but not physically addicted, like you can with drugs etc. A physical addiction is much, much stronger.

But the addict doesn't know the difference. That's what I'm saying. I understand that there IS a difference, but most addicts can't make that distinction. Fortunately for me, I was able to. After far too much money and time. :guilty:
Wow - i can't believe that i'm disagreeing with Arwin and Agreeing with Swift?

I said it before and I'll say it again. When two intelligent people talk in a respectful manner, they will find something they agree on sooner or later.

Even Famine and I have been none to agree on occassion. Of course that's only on a leap year, on the last day of February, during a solar eclipse. But hey, it does happen! :dopey:
Swift, I have to ask, Why must you turn everything into a debate?

Well it is an 'opinions' forum!

...must stop siding with Swift, must stop siding with Swift...
Well it is an 'opinions' forum!

...must stop siding with Swift, must stop siding with Swift...

Yeah, I mean. Sheesh, if this keeps happening we might have to start acting civil to each other. :yuck: :dopey: :D

Swift, I have to ask, Why must you turn everything into a debate?

BTW, I didn't turn it into a debate. I put up my opinion, Arwin commented on it and it went from there. So, what's the problem?
I'll prefix EVERYTHING I'm about to say with "Not that I want to, mind."

In the UK it is illegal to see/show/print/publish an erect penis. 49.8% of the population can look in their pants and, body abilities willing, see one whenever they want yet it cannot appear in movies or pictures. This is baffling.

In the UK it is illegal to (all of the above) a vaginal/anal penetration by anything. This is equally baffling.

In the UK it is illegal to (ditto) any bodily fluid secreted from that whole area (semen, urine, poo) or the act of its secretion (as part of the above).

We are apparently not allowed to see these things, because it will corrupt us. I know when I wake up every morning with a boner and accidentally see it I'm Captain Corrupt, raping and pillaging my way to work.

This was decided by a "Moral Majority" (one woman called "Mary Whitehouse") who viewed it for themselves and decided that, although they obviously weren't corrupted by it, everyone else would be because no-one else was as good as them.

I'm not making any of this up either.
Yeah, I mean. Sheesh, if this keeps happening we might have to start acting civil to each other. :yuck: :dopey: :D
We don't want that to happen, now do we? :nervous: :D

BTW, I didn't turn it into a debate. I put up my opinion, Arwin commented on it and it went from there. So, what's the problem?

Nothing, really. It's just that I've been noticing a pattern. Whenever a new thread has been created, a debate hasn't been sparked yet. but when you post your opinion, everyone starts to debate with you. But maybe it's just me..... :indiff:

This was decided by a "Moral Majority" (one woman called "Mary Whitehouse") who viewed it for themselves and decided that, although they obviously weren't corrupted by it, everyone else would be because no-one else was as good as them.

That Mary Whitehouse must have spent so much of her life time watching porn - dirty old women!

The lady doth protest too much, methinks...

Nothing, really. It's just that I've been noticing a pattern. Whenever a new thread has been created, a debate hasn't been sparked yet. but when you post your opinion, everyone starts to debate with you. But maybe it's just me.....

but the debate only happens because Swift's opinions are so, so wrong

..that should reset the balance..
Nothing, really. It's just that I've been noticing a pattern. Whenever a new thread has been created, a debate hasn't been sparked yet. but when you post your opinion, everyone starts to debate with you. But maybe it's just me..... :indiff:

It's probably just you. Say something that's easy to argue with and you get disagreements.
I'll prefix EVERYTHING I'm about to say with "Not that I want to, mind."

In the UK it is illegal to see/show/print/publish an erect penis. 49.8% of the population can look in their pants and, body abilities willing, see one whenever they want yet it cannot appear in movies or pictures. This is baffling.

In the UK it is illegal to (all of the above) a vaginal/anal penetration by anything. This is equally baffling.

In the UK it is illegal to (ditto) any bodily fluid secreted from that whole area (semen, urine, poo) or the act of its secretion (as part of the above).

We are apparently not allowed to see these things, because it will corrupt us. I know when I wake up every morning with a boner and accidentally see it I'm Captain Corrupt, raping and pillaging my way to work.

This was decided by a "Moral Majority" (one woman called "Mary Whitehouse") who viewed it for themselves and decided that, although they obviously weren't corrupted by it, everyone else would be because no-one else was as good as them.

I'm not making any of this up either.

It's illegal because the court system and the parents doesn't want kid's to see any sexual organ ahead of the appropriate age, they think that it'll "damage there minds".

EDIT: I'll post opinion on the matter at hand before someone accuses me of blogging.
I think the laws and parental controls associated with porn is OK. As a matter of fact, the V-Chip is one of my favorite inventions.
But when we're talking about porn having addictive qualities, let's not count out murder, abuse, and other crimes that can be addictive. Any illegal activity can be addictive, but only if you let that hobby or act spin out of control.
EDIT: I'll post opinion on the matter at hand before someone accuses me of blogging.
I think the laws and parental controls associated with porn is OK. As a matter of fact, the V-Chip is one of my favorite inventions.
But when we're talking about porn having addictive qualities, let's not count out murder, abuse, and other crimes that can be addictive. Any illegal activity can be addictive, but only if you let that hobby or act spin out of control.

Actually any activity is addictive. Eating, drinking, driving, whatever. They all do. The difference is are you controlling the activity or is the activity controlling you.

Some would argue that I'm addicted to church because I go three times a week, maybe more. But I can simply say that others are addicted to work because they go five times a week and maybe more.

It's a gray area, but when you crossover into the addiction/obsession zone, it's usually pretty obvious.
It's illegal because the court system and the parents doesn't want kid's to see any sexual organ ahead of the appropriate age, they think that it'll "damage there minds".

You misunderstand.

Anything pornographic in the UK is 18-rated. I'm talking about what ADULTS aren't allowed to see.

No, it isn't a bad joke.
Swift, I have to ask, Why must you turn everything into a debate?
Because this is the Opinions Forum, Einstein. What would be the point if we all just voted "yeah, I like it" or "no, I don't" without discussing the thinking behind the vote?
See what I mean. Absolutely crazy.

It gets better too. The vagueries of the law would allow two consenting 16 year olds to have it off in as many different ways as they can think of. If, on the other hand, one of them records it then they are guilty of the offence of "Making indecent images of a minor". If they video it and catch a penetration, a stiffy or some bodily fluids then they are guilty of offences under the Obscene Publications Act. If the pair then watch it then one is guilty of "Viewing indecent images of minors" and the one who set the camera up is guilty of "Distributing indecent images of minors". This means that they can do it legally, but if they watch themselves do it on video they are child sex offenders.

The age of consent is 16, but for all materials (printed/filmed) of sex acts any participants must be over 18. However, this is likely common to the US as well.

But seriously, adults in the UK cannot see penetration of either orifice, urine, faeces or semen secretion OR the secretions themselves or an erect penis. An erect penis! For crying out loud!
I don't mind pornography myself, I'm not a big fan of it either but sometimes it can be *cough* entertaining. I don't like the industry and the situation the women in though. Most women there are dumber than a pig's behind and just ended up in that world because of a bad situation, or at least financial problems. I wouldn't mind it if anyone would participate in it out of complete free will, but "just for the money" is wrong in my opinion. Of course there's no way to check it so I checked the first option.

90% of the porn is plain disgusting though, but that's just my personal taste.

By the way, how can you have a discussion about pornography without sexual references? :crazy: