Pornography...glorious pleasures or evil lusts?

  • Thread starter Delirious

Pornography...good or evil?

  • Pornography is okay within current legal limitations

    Votes: 46 61.3%
  • Pornography is nothing but evil desires

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Added: Pornography laws should be less restrictive

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters
First of all I was just trying to get a reaction out of any American here by saying that, but it IS true though. I never said the other 40% are ugly, but 60% are too fat... which is sick. In Europe we start to follow that same trend as well, which is crapy.

About Pako's daughter, I'm sure she doesn't need brothers named smith & wesson with a dad having arms the size of tree trunks already. :D Just a frown would be enough to scare anyone off. :D
First of all I was just trying to get a reaction out of any American here by saying that, but it IS true though. I never said the other 40% are ugly, but 60% are too fat... which is sick. In Europe we start to follow that same trend as well, which is crapy.

Yeah Aussies are getting chubbier too, its quite noticeable unfortunately. Damn American fast food chains coupled with our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Every Aussie should have to wrestle at least 3 crocodiles a day to keep in shape, to get the adrenaline flowing a bit! In the lunch hour of every big office block in the city, a few crocodiles should be let loose on each floor. I bet you we would have a far more in-shape workforce. If you can't run, you get eaten. Some good old fashioned Darwinism :sly:

BTW Smellysocks, don't ever say anything vaguely bad (even if true, and just well known statistics) about America, they just can't handle it. We certainly don't need to promote any MORE heart-attacks in the US of A! :) :lol:
BTW Smellysocks, don't ever say anything vaguely bad (even if true, and just well known statistics) about America, they just can't handle it. We certainly don't need to promote any MORE heart-attacks in the US of A! :) :lol:
We're big boys and girls. We can handle criticism. What we can't handle is endless parroting of unconsidered and at best semi-true stereotypes...

...just like anybody else in the world. It's just that when we get upset, we're considered babies, whereas everybody else is considered as righteously indignant when they get upset.
First of all I was just trying to get a reaction out of any American here by saying that, but it IS true though. I never said the other 40% are ugly, but 60% are too fat... which is sick. In Europe we start to follow that same trend as well, which is crapy.

About Pako's daughter, I'm sure she doesn't need brothers named smith & wesson with a dad having arms the size of tree trunks already. :D Just a frown would be enough to scare anyone off. :D


To be quite honest, I hope that I am in a position where I can fully trust my daughters judgment when it comes to those affairs. She's not even a year old yet, so I know that I have to do quite a bit of learning to prepare myself for her teenage years of dating. I know I don't want to be over-protective as I have seen first had what that can do, but on the other hand, I don't want to give her free reign without input from her mom and I. A balance is what I hope as parents we can achieve. Just wanted to clear up that off topic response. My original sarcastic response is my standard reaction to people when I talk about my daughter dating. I'm sure I'll be consulting Duke and ///M-Spec as those years draw closer. ;)
Not sure if you can trust this because I heard it on the radio but they said if you let girls go out with guys then they will get bored of them and brake up as for if you ristrict them from going out with guys they will fill like defying you and will stay as a couple longer behind your back, I think this is true, though for some cases. Still, I heard it on the radio. But just to give you parents a little tip. :)

Not sure if you can trust this because I heard it on the radio but they said if you let girls go out with guys then they will get bored of them and brake up as for if you ristrict them from going out with guys they will fill like defying you and will stay as a couple longer behind your back, I think this is true, though for some cases. Still, I heard it on the radio. But just to give you parents a little tip. :)


There are far too many variables involved to make a blanket statement about girls dating like that. Not ragging on you, but whoever said that wasn't taking all things into account.

We're big boys and girls. We can handle criticism. What we can't handle is endless parroting of unconsidered and at best semi-true stereotypes...

...just like anybody else in the world. It's just that when we get upset, we're considered babies, whereas everybody else is considered as righteously indignant when they get upset.

That's the part I'm trying to figure out. You talk bad about any other nation, Japan, china, Spain, even Iraq and you're a hater. Talk bad about America, "Join the club! We've got jackets!" 👎
That's the part I'm trying to figure out. You talk bad about any other nation, Japan, china, Spain, even Iraq and you're a hater. Talk bad about America, "Join the club! We've got jackets!" 👎

We are drifting of topic a little, there are plenty of anti America threads here at GT Planet already, but when you are top of the heap, you should expect it ;) In a way it is a compliment.
It is wrong for the big guy to bully the little guy, but throughout history the strong are always ridiculed.

In Great Britain when we ruled for a few decades, we had our haters..oh yes...including the USA ;) Although you weren't called the USA then, just one of our colonies :lol:

I wasn't directing my fat comments towards Americans in particular, here in the UK, childhood obesity is well on the rise. However, there are fans of all types of body shapes, and the porn industry caters for all.

Chubby chasers or whatever they call themselves will tell you that there is nothing quite like the feel of ample flesh. Large wobbly bottoms are certainly in vogue at the moment when wiggled the right way :lol:

The truth is, the naked body is a beautiful thing, no matter what the shape. (taste aside)
So what do you guys think? Is pornography, with its vast amounts of availability to anyone who wishes to see it, okay to look at?


Is it evil?


When is it evil and when is it okay?

If anyone depicted in the pornographic material is under the age of 18, then it is evil -- with or without consent. As long as they are 18 or older, it is okay -- in my opinion.

Where do you draw the line?

18 years of age.

I don't like the idea that anyone can just go to google, type in a few words and instantly find pornography.

Turn safe search on.

It's that easy to find it and since it is "illegal" for minors to view it in the USA...

To hell with them... they know they're suppose to wait.

I also do not at all like the idea of child pornography. (I would be very worried if anyone on this board would object to that)

EXTREMELY WORRIED. In fact, I would be quite disturbed...

But you guys know my stance on what's yours? Explain why you stand on where you stand, and where you draw the line as to when it is okay and when it is not okay.

Explained... :sly: