Pornography...glorious pleasures or evil lusts?

  • Thread starter Delirious

Pornography...good or evil?

  • Pornography is okay within current legal limitations

    Votes: 46 61.3%
  • Pornography is nothing but evil desires

    Votes: 8 10.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Added: Pornography laws should be less restrictive

    Votes: 16 21.3%

  • Total voters
Well my curiosity got the best of me and i had to go check out "tubgirl." I suppose im lucky the link didnt work. Now for the subject at hand. I dont find anything wrong with minors looking at porn. Hell if i was a dad i would probably buy my kids Playboy. Most people dont consider Playboy porn, but its a tasteful kind. I would not like my kid watching the extremely indecent porn with anal, face shots, objects, orgy's, gangbangs, etc. But good classic porn with just a naked woman posing or even just the simple thing of two people having sex is not bad. I dont make it a habit of looking at porn myself, (yea most people will say thats BS) but i really dont see the need in it if you have a gf or are really good at finding people to have one night stands with, but i see no problem in porn at all. Think about it, if kids were busy whacking off to porn, they would'nt be out causing crime or doing drugs.
Ah, I've always wondered why the Japanese have such a preoccupation with cartoon sex. Makes sense now.

Plus, they don't even seem to be that good at it. Japanese cartoon sex is really lame compared to what's out there.
Not any more. Go see "Romance", "Baise moi", or "9 songs". All have stiffies, all have penetration and 9 songs even has an ejaculation, or so I've heard.

And they're not hardcore pornos (which is probably why all the above have been allowed). All have had general cinema releases and the first 2 are available on DVD.
So the french are good for something after all.
I have a question for y'all... how old is old enough to watch porn?

We learned sex ed in 5th grade at my school, the basics pretty much. We had a refresher in 8th grade that opened up to STDs and safe sex- use of condoms and whatnot. It's not like I (15 years old) am a stranger to sex. I've a virgin, yes, but my girlfriend and I have talked about *******s and sex etc before. Yeah, we're very open and close (I know that doesn't make sense, but I mean we're open with each other and close together) and we talk about that kind of stuff.

So I'm familiar with sex and I know how it goes, etc etc, but should I be allowed to watch porn? And on a lighter note, I could just watch porn to help my virgin self survive my first time... ;)
I have a question for y'all... how old is old enough to watch porn?

This is the kind of question where the right answer is "it depends on the person".

I would say that at pretty much any age you're old enough to see the X-rated playboy stuff. Hardcore porn should be reserved until you're 14 or so and can really appreciate it. :)

(ehem, I mean you shouldn't watch any of it until you're legally allowed to do so)

And on a lighter note, I could just watch porn to help my virgin self survive my first time...

You can do that, but I wouldn't recommend using it as a guide. Most hardcore porn should have a label on it that says "don't try this at home".
You can do that, but I wouldn't recommend using it as a guide. Most hardcore porn should have a label on it that says "don't try this at home".

Indeed. Hollywood sex doesn't work either. Underwear can rarely be removed by ripping them off - and if you don't get it right first time you've just given your partner a wedgie.
Porn is fine for kids that have hit puberty - before then, no way. Kids are really curious and you shouldn't be grumpy if you find them looking up porn on the net (intentionally). If websites come up randomly with dodgy stuff unintentionally then I would say thats really offensive and I don't agree with that at all.
I mean I don't think we should go around openly endorsing porn and saying, "hey kids, look at this, pretty hot eh!", but if kids are curious want to look it up to find out more about the opposite sex and about themselves thats fine with me, so long as it remains kinda taboo to talk about it too much. Just let them look it up privately- it shouldn't be dinner table talk if you know what I mean!

Porn is fine with me so long as it is reasonably moral, ie it doesn't intend to cheapen the concept of sex or love. So long as kids don't grow up thinking less of the opposite sex, or thinking that hardcore porn is a good guide to how to love a woman (definately not!), I'm fine with it.
Indeed. Hollywood sex doesn't work either. Underwear can rarely be removed by ripping them off - and if you don't get it right first time you've just given your partner a wedgie.

Another thing I wondered about.... boobs... breasts... tits... whatever you want to call em. WHY do so many (especially conservative Americans) think that boobs on tv are shocking to kids, and believe only 18 year olds and older are supposed to see them? I mean, when Janet Jackson showed her nipple on world wide television especially the Christian conservatives were going completely nuts about the fact that children might get traumas for seeing that one nipple.

This is so ridiculous. It's the same with playboy pictures, which hardly show anything else than boobs anyway. Just take this in consideration... WHY do women have breasts?? To give milk, right? To... children. That's almost like knocking an infant off his mother's knockers saying "HEY, you're not 18 yet". Really, you have to be adult to even see anything sexual with breasts. Kids won't get traumas from them, when they're like 12 they might just think it's funny, but that's all.
This is so ridiculous. It's the same with playboy pictures, which hardly show anything else than boobs anyway. Just take this in consideration... WHY do women have breasts?? To give milk, right? To... children. That's almost like knocking an infant off his mother's knockers saying "HEY, you're not 18 yet". Really, you have to be adult to even see anything sexual with breasts. Kids won't get traumas from them, when they're like 12 they might just think it's funny, but that's all.

Do you remember anything from your infancy at all? If you can, then your statement about infants is valid. If not.....
Do you remember anything from your infancy at all? If you can, then your statement about infants is valid. If not.....

If you want to go that route, why is it that mothers can often give milk up to the age of five if they just keep doing it, but our society frowns upon that perfectly natural thing? Unnatural prudism? Practical reasons? It does still happen though. More likely to happen, however, is that a mother or father will bathe with his or her child, and no, not wearing a bathing suit. Is that all a bad thing? The really bad thing is that these things are extensively sexualised. Socks is right.
If you want to go that route, why is it that mothers can often give milk up to the age of five if they just keep doing it, but our society frowns upon that perfectly natural thing? Unnatural prudism? Practical reasons? It does still happen though. More likely to happen, however, is that a mother or father will bathe with his or her child, and no, not wearing a bathing suit. Is that all a bad thing? The really bad thing is that these things are extensively sexualised. Socks is right.

Hmm....well, you're not really supposed to eat milk after infancy anyway. We're the only "animal" on the planet to do that.

As far as the rest of those things you were saying, hey, I'm not against them. I think people are so worried about scaring the minds of their children that the dampen and hinder the minds of their children. It is very possible to have a good healthy knowledge of the human body and it's general anatomy and NOT become sexually perverted at a later age.

I'm just so sick of people in this commitees that assume that all forms of nudity and any expression of sexuality will turn young people into monsters. But we can watch extreme violence on TV all day and the children are fine? Come on!
Do you remember anything from your infancy at all? If you can, then your statement about infants is valid. If not.....

I can't remember anything from back then, but that wasn't my point. Even if I would have remembered it, there still wouldn't have been any sexual thoughts about it. Why would it be awful to see a female nipple on tv anyway? You see male nipples every 2 minutes on a channel like MTV. The only optical difference is the size and a little extra fat underneath a female one. How shocking. This isn't even the case with all women. My boobs are probably bigger than Paris Hilton's and nobody would be shocked seeing me on tv without a shirt. :dunce: :ouch:
My personal opinion? I think it's OK, I mean, it's just a naked person and we get pleasure from that. There's nothing wrong with that I don't think? The only thing I think is evil is child pornography, that's just pure evil.
Nude bodies are fine for kids to see, its just natural after all... there's definately nothing sexual about seeing people from your own family nude... I think the problem lies with society's over sexualisation of the body in advertising etc etc... They use sex to sell just about anything these days. Many societies in the past had boobs hanging out all over the place and no one really cared too much, no one stared at them, they were just boobs (Australian Aboriginal society pre white settlement etc).

Nudes are fine, its the context that the nudity is occuring in thats the problem.
Hmm....well, you're not really supposed to eat milk after infancy anyway. We're the only "animal" on the planet to do that.

As far as the rest of those things you were saying, hey, I'm not against them. I think people are so worried about scaring the minds of their children that the dampen and hinder the minds of their children. It is very possible to have a good healthy knowledge of the human body and it's general anatomy and NOT become sexually perverted at a later age.

I'm just so sick of people in this commitees that assume that all forms of nudity and any expression of sexuality will turn young people into monsters. But we can watch extreme violence on TV all day and the children are fine? Come on!

I really agree that if anything violence has a worse influence on children than sex. If anything a playboy / playgirl might even be educational to children, they will probably think "Hey, why don't I have that?" instead of "Wow, I'd really like to *****". I actually think waiting too long with confronting children with sexuality will have a worse effect on them. It's better to make sure they know all the ins and outs about it before they actually consider doing it. I am not saying that they should show "jimmy goes hardcore vol. 42" in elementary school, but I don't see the danger in showing nudity.
Two seemingly disparate ideals guide my take on pornography:

-Legal acts betwee two consenting adults in the privacy of their own home/car/backyard/secluded beach/airplane lavatory are no business of mine

-Sex is not a legal matter for the government to involve itself with

As for how old a person should be before they "old enough" to view porn, I'd say what ever the age of consent is in your juristiction or whatever the parents deem fit.

And if you don't want your kids clicking around the internet hitting get off your lazy butt and do some parenting. (I say that as a parent)

As for the issue of repression of sexual acts, I have a theory. Nothing concrete, mind you --I'm no behavioral psychologist or anything, but it makes plenty of sense to me. Bear with me because this does get a little long winded.

I once saw a nature documentary on TV about the mating habits of various pack animals. I think it was wolves at first, and then wild dogs, then lions. I don't remember exactly.

In these packs, the basic running theme was that the alpha male and female in the group got to have all the sex. The rest of the group didn't. If you were not the alpha and tried to get busy with another non-alpha, you pretty much got your sweetcheeks beat by the pair in charge.

The narrator explained that this was nature's way of ensuring only the strongest of the breed would procreate, and that the weaker lines would just die off. More important, the sexual act was one of the alphas' way of asserting dominance over the rest of the pack. It was about power and control just as much as anything.

It really didn't take much time for me to put two and two together. Humans are animals too. Since sex is deeply tied with the human ego, the impulse to assert control over someone's sexual habits probably run deep. It would certainly explain why people developed ideas about sex being "dirty" or "sinful", in order to assert domination over their peers.

This is by no means a watertight case. I freely admit it's more of a theory than anything else. But it would certainly explain a few things.

Porn today is okay in the real world, but on the internet it is really starting to show up everywhere. Just type a number and you will come up with something although this also depends on what search engine you use like Google to Alltheweb. As for the boobs thing this is completely stupid why can Males go out on the beach and not wear anything and Women have to. This is completely stupid in my OPINION. ODD: A Male can give milk to a baby also.:crazy:

Listen to Tom Leykis on the radio on America, don't think his show is world wide, but this guy seriouly know what wemen are like.:)

I really agree that if anything violence has a worse influence on children than sex. If anything a playboy / playgirl might even be educational to children, they will probably think "Hey, why don't I have that?" instead of "Wow, I'd really like to *****". I actually think waiting too long with confronting children with sexuality will have a worse effect on them. It's better to make sure they know all the ins and outs about it before they actually consider doing it. I am not saying that they should show "jimmy goes hardcore vol. 42" in elementary school, but I don't see the danger in showing nudity.
Agreed, this really is what they should be doing get them to start early in life. Are there any wemen in this thread?

I am not saying that they should show "jimmy goes hardcore vol. 42" in elementary school, but I don't see the danger in showing nudity.

Of course, you do see the problem with showing nudity in a PUBLIC elementary school right? It's up to each parent to decide how sheltered their children will be, not the population at large - which is the inherent flaw in public schools, it allows the masses to dictate who educates children and how they are educated.

Anyway I see a big problem with showing other people's children nudity, but I don't see a problem with parents allowing their kids to see nudity.
I have nothign against porn. I look at porn (sometimes) and I'm only 14.
My mom is OK with that so is my step-father. They know about it. They don't go mad.
Beat that! :D
What do y'all define as child pornography? Minors? Because, well, if I look at porn with teenagers in it... that's normal. If I get older (say... 16-18 years old) and decide to have sex with a girl, she's going to be under 18. I'm not going to have sex with a girl y'all's age (let's say between 25-35).

So it's natural, and even makes more sense (kinda :P) in a way for me to look at porn with teenagers in it. But for guys aged, say, 35+, they should stay away... now I'm not going to look at porn with kids in it (kids being younger than 14) but if I do look at porn with girls aged 16-18 then that's normal for me, because if I have sex as I age in high school then that's who it's going to be with. So the viewpoint of 'child pornography' actually varies on the person as well. For me, 16-18 year old girls aren't children at all, but to the older guys in here they certainly are.
So the viewpoint of 'child pornography' actually varies on the person as well. For me, 16-18 year old girls aren't children at all, but to the older guys in here they certainly are.

Tell it to the judge. What is defined as child pornography has nothing to do with what you should or should not find attractive. I think every guy here will tell you that there are some pretty hot 16 year olds out there. Nature has made it certain that you SHOULD find that attractive. The laws about child pornography are all about the age of consent of the person being filmed/photographed. You shouldn't be looking at a picture of a naked 16 year old because he/she is supposedly not old enough to make an informed decision about whether he/she should be photographed naked.

I have nothign against porn.

Translation: I like porn

I look at porn (sometimes) and I'm only 14.

Translation: I look at porn constantly, in fact, I'm doing it right now!
Anyway I see a big problem with showing other people's children nudity, but I don't see a problem with parents allowing their kids to see nudity.

And that it is right there. When someone else deems it OK to show my child playboy for educational reasons, that's when I'm going to get mad.
I have nothign against porn.

Translation: I like porn

I look at porn (sometimes) and I'm only 14.

Translation: I look at porn constantly, in fact, I'm doing it right now!
But is nudity the problem? Or the act?

I look at pornography, I know a few mates that don't, but they are very few. It's basically normal for a 14/15yr old. Especially one that isn't sexually active.
OK say everybody around you didn't wear clothes they just walked naked then would showing nudity to your kids be a problem?


If everyone walked around naked I don't see how you could prevent kids from seing nudity.

... but if I do look at porn with girls aged 16-18 then that's normal for me, ...

Since 18 is the legal minimum age pretty much everywhere, I'm wondering how you're finding this stuff. Or are you just saying hypothetically?
How or why would you want to stop someone from seeing nudity ? How do they bathe or elimnate waste ?